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(Octavia Pov)

I finally caught up to him. "bellamy, what are you doing?" I yelled as I ran up to him. "Go back to camp it's not safe," he said, still walking forward. "You lied to everyone, you lied to me, you just want whatever it is in that pode," I said as I stopped walking when he stopped. He turns around and walks up to me. "JUST GO HOME!" he yelled while pushing me. I stumbled back a little, catching myself from falling back. I walked forward. "You always wanted to play the big brother huh, well guess what, jokes on me or you, just a selfish dick?"I hiss out as I glared at him.

"I did this for you, I did it to protect you," he said angrily. "I don't need your protection Im fine," I replied. "If the ark comes down, I'm dead," he said as he waved his left hand around. "What did you do?" I asked, "I shot him," he said as he looked down for a second.

"What?" I asked in confusion on what he had just told me. "He deserves it, he floated mom," he said. That's when I realized what he was talking about. "I never wanted this," I said in disbelief as I walked away. I didn't want to see his face at the moment. My walk turned into a run, I was running back to the drop ship, but when I was going down a hill, I tripped on something. I started to roll down, and before I knew it, everything went dark.

(Y/N Pov)

I'm sitting here, not able to help Octavia. I have to go out there, I shouldn't have let her leave. I quickly got up and walked out the drop ship. I saw that Monty was talking to Jasper and some other people. I quietly made my way to the gate, and I slipped out without anyone noticing. I started to run towards where bellamy went. I didn't know where I was going. All I knew was that I needed to go find Octavia. I stopped for a second to catch my breath and to see where I was, then out of nowhere, something hit me in the back of my head, and that's when everything went black.

*A few hours later*

I woke up with a sharp pain, and I held the back of my head. I looked around to see where I was. It looks like I was in a room but with a jail cell door. I slowly got up, and I noticed that there were chains around my right ankle. I walked towards the door to see if I could open it. It didn't want to open, so I looked around to see if there's another way out. But there is no other way out.

"Well, that's just great," I thought as I sat down against the wall. I heard people coming from outside. "Y/N kom Skaikru Yu'll na pay gon chit Yu don dula (Y/N from sky crue you'll will pay for what you did)" a girl said as she popped out from a corner.

I quickly got up, trying to ignore the pain that just rushed through my body. "I dont understand what your saying" I spoke out. The girl and some other people came in the cell. She made her way to me slowly, as she was getting closer to me. I was moving backward until my back hit the wall. She came closer until she was right in front of me. "You're trespassing, and you burnt down one of my villages," the girl says angrily. "Look, I didn't do anything, and with the whole trespassing thing, we didn't know that there people down here," I say as I try to get away from her.

"LIER!!" she yelled as she moved away from me. She walks to the door before turning around to look at me. "Dula op whatever Yu souda dula op gon make em chichplei. Jos make sure Yu get information Ai gaf (Do whatever you have to do to make her talk. Just make sure you get the information I need)," she let out before leaving. Two other people went with her as the rest of them stayed. They started walking towards me.

"Wait," I say as I back away, but I couldn't move far enough because of the chain that was around my ankle. One of the guys grabbed the chain and yanked at it, causing me to fall on my back. He started pulling me to him "No please I didn't do anything," I cried out as I was trying to get away from him, but it was no use.

(Octavia pov)

I slowly woke up, and I groaned out in pain. All I could remember was I tripped over something, and I was rolling down a hill, and that's the last thing I remember. I slowly sat up, I looked at my leg, and I could see a bone sticking out of my leg. That's when I started feeling all of the pain. So I tried to distract myself by looking around to see random stuff around me, but it was hard to because it was dark.

I couldn't tell if there was anyone here, so I did something that I might regret. "Hello, is anyone there... hello, " I say out loud. But it was silent, I tried to get up, but all I did was fall back down in a lot of pain.

I held onto my leg, hoping that the pain would end soon. I then heard a noise, I tried to get up again, but I fell back down. Pain rushing up my body once again. I look up to see a man coming towards me with a knife. The top of the knife was red from the heat of the fire.

I tried to get away from him, but he grabbed my leg. He pulled me towards him. "No, please let me go," I cried out. I tried to pull away again, but he just pulled me back. He put the blade on my leg, but before I could react, I passed out once again.

(Y/N pov)

"Dula'm op again(Do it again)," the girl said. One of her guys cuts me in the stomach again. I cried out in pain. "How many people do you have?" the girl asked. I shook my head, no. I held on to the rope that they used to tie my hands with. The girl grabbed the knife from the guy and walked towards me. "Im not gonna ask again how many people do you have," she asked.

I took a deep breath and shook my head no again. She stabbed me in the left leg, I let out a shaky breath, trying not to cry out in pain. The girl groans out in frustration "Taim na bants, Oso souda attend a meeting, den Oso kom op bakon (lets go, we have to attend a meeting, then we come back)," she told the guy. They left the room after they chained me back up. I fell to the ground when they let me go. I couldn't feel my left leg, I took off my sweater and ripped off one of the sleeves and then tied it around my leg to keep it from bleeding out.

(Octavia pov)

I woke back up once again, and I quickly sat up. I looked at my leg. The pain wasn't as bad as it was before, but it did still hurt. "he fixed it," I asked myself, I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. I slowly got up, I almost fell back down because of the pain, but I held on to the wall and took deep breaths before standing up fully. I tried to find a way out, and I looked everywhere. That's when I noticed a crack, and so I started to dig around it.

The hole leads outside, it wasn't big, but it was big enough to climb through it. I slowly made my way through it, and when I got outside, the sunlight blind me for a second or two. I slowly got up again and started running, trying to ignore the growing pain that was coming from my leg. I heard a scream, it sounds like a female, I immediately started ran in that direction. I stopped in my tracks when I saw that it was one of my people.

Out of nowhere, a hand was covering my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me down to the ground. I tried to get out of the grip, but it was no use. I saw a girl keep on running, then suddenly she flew back and hit a tree a spear in her chest.

The person pulled me away, and we started walking back. It was the same guy that fixed my leg. I was in so much pain that I couldn't walk anymore. I leaned on a tree for support to keep me up. "I can't walk any more, my leg hurts," I said as I winced in pain.

The guy walks up to me and picks me up Bridal Style. We got to the cave I was in earlier. He set me down at the same spot I was in. "You have to help my friends, please," I say. He didn't say anything, but he grabbed some chains. "No, please don't do this, no." I cried out. He grabbed my leg and wrapped the chain around my legs. He then pulled me to a wall so he could hook the chain to the wall.

I watched him leave the cave again, I tried to get out of the chain, but I couldn't. I looked around to see if I could find something to help me get out. But I couldn't, so I grabbed a big rock and faced the wall, I waited for him to come back. I waited for him to show up for maybe about twenty to thirty minutes.

I heard someone come in and walk close to me. I looked over my shoulder to see the guy kneel down behind me. He was about to touch me when I hit him as hard as I could with the rock. He looked at me, and that's when I hit him again. I think he's knocked out this time and that's when my brother, finn, and Jasper came walking in.

"Bellamy," I let out in shock. He ran up to me and then looked over at the guy. He grabbed a key from him. He then unlocked the chain that was wrapped around my leg.

I hugged my brother for a second. "How did you fine me?" I asked as I let go of him. Bellamy helped me up off the ground. "Followed him," he said, pointing at the guy. I went to go hug jasper for a couple of seconds. I saw Bellamy grab a spear. "Wait, we should just go," I said as I tried to pull Bellamy away for the guy.

Finn kneeled down to look at something that the guy had on him. The guy stabs Finn on the side, I ran up to Finn as everyone else dealt with the guy. Once they knocked him out, Bellamy picked Finn up. Then we all made our way back to the camp as fast as we could.

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