It was morning now. My eyes were being hit by the light. I opened my eyes slowly and got out of my bed, but I noticed something was different. I was all big and tall before, but now, I feel smaller and softer. I went to the bathroom to check the mirror, and I saw my reflection. I couldn't believe about what I just saw.
I was a Faunus!
Y/N: (Oh my Oum, how did this happen?)
I began to think about what people are gonna say.
Y/N: (Great. Now people are gonna mock about the way I look. What do I do? Punch them? Kill 'em? Maybe the first option, yeah, because I definitely don't wanna be a wanted criminal.)
I grabbed my jacket, wallet, and keys, then left. By the time I got to the lobby, it was the same man from last night. I went up to the counter to see him.
Man: Good morning, good sir. I hoped you slept well.
I gave him the keys.
Man: Oh, right. Thank you!
As I gave him the keys, he noticed that my appearance changed.
Man: Umm, sir? You look different the last time I saw you. Did something happen?
I grabbed the pen and paper that was on the counter. I wrote something down for him to see, and then showed it to him.
Y/N: "I have no clue what happened. I woke up like this, and I can't really explain it."
Man: It's all good. Not everyone knows about what happened. I'm fine with it if you're can't explain.
???: Ralph, is everything alright?
Ralph: Crap, it's my boss. Dude, you should probably go before he catches you. We'll see each other soon!
I nodded. I grabbed the pen and paper, and left quickly. When I got outside, I quickly put on my hoodie, and walked away, being unnoticed.
3rd Person POV
What Y/N didn't know was that there was a camera near the hotel. Somewhere in Vale, a man with white hair was looking at the screen in his office. Next to him was a blonde woman.
White-haired Man: This young man caught my interest. Glynda...
The blonde was named Glynda.
Glynda: Yes, Ozpin?
The man was named Ozpin.
Ozpin: Send in Team RWBY to my office. I have something to give them.
Glynda: Yes, sir.
Glynda leaves his office. She went to the elevator and left.
Ozpin: (Maybe I should ask him if he wants to join Beacon Academy.)
This was Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. He wants to see what Y/N could do.
*Timeskip* A few moments later...
Ozpin waited in his office for Team RWBY to come. When the elevator arrived, out came Team RWBY.
Ruby: Yang! Did you do get in trouble again?
Yang: No, sis! I didn't do anything!
Weiss: Yeah, I don't know about that.
Blake: I wonder why Ozpin wanted us to come here.
The four looked at Ozpin, who's sitting in his chair that's near his desk.
Ruby: Ozpin, are we in trouble?
Ozpin: No, girls. None of you did anything bad.
Yang: See, sis? I told you I did nothing wrong.
Weiss: So why did you call us, Ozpin?
Ozpin: I'm assigning you all your first mission.
Ruby: (Excited) Ooh~ a mission already?!
Ozpin: Indeed.
Blake: Don't you think it's a little too early after the initiation?
Ozpin: This mission isn't so hard. All you girls have to do is find a certain someone.
Yang: Well, who is it?
Ozpin showed them a picture of Y/N.
Ozpin: I want you to find this person. He is some sort of deer Faunus.
Blake: A Faunus?
Ozpin: Yep. He's somewhere in the City of Vale. Bring him to me if any of you see him.
Ruby: We're on it, sir!
The team went to the elevator and left.
Ozpin: (This should be interesting.)
I'm now in a cafe and got myself a coffee. When I first got there, the employees refused to give me one, since I'm a Faunus, but when I forced them to, they did it. So here I am, sitting on a table and reading newspaper articles.
Y/N: (Is this what's gonna happen every time I go to a public place?)
The cafe's doors opened. I didn't care about it. A voice said something to me.
???: Excuse me.
I put down the newspaper to see four girls standing in front of me. I took out my pen and paper to ask them a question. I then showed it to them.
Y/N: "Can I help you?"
???2: Uh, yeah. You have to come with us.
Y/N: "Why?"
???3: Because Ozpin needs to see you at Beacon Academy.
Y/N: "Oh, that place?"
???4: Yeah, the headmaster wants to see you for some reason. I don't know why.
Y/N: "Okay, I'll go. Just don't make fun of the way I look, okay?"
???3: Why would we?
Y/N: "Cause when I got here, the employees refused to give me a coffee when they saw me as a Faunus. So I forced them to give me one by being close to punching them. Now they're scared of me."
???: At least they learned their lesson of mocking Faunus'.
???2: We should probably go. Ozpin needs us to bring this Faunus to the Academy.
???4: Okay, Weiss, or should I call you ice queen?
Weiss: I told you I don't want to be called that!
I let out a snicker.
Y/N: (Ice queen.)
???: Now let's go to Beacon Academy! Ozpin's waiting!
I drank the last bit of the coffee. I threw it at the trash can and got up.
Y/N: "Alrighty then, let's go."
The girls walked out of the cafe. Before I left, though, I looked at the employees one last time, who were still afraid about what I did to them earlier. I put a v-shaped fingers that pointed to my eyes, and pointed it at them, telling them I'll be watching. I left the cafe. My goodness, some people never have the respect for Faunus', do they? However, they don't know I'm Grimm, yet. While the five of us were walking down the sidewalk, I wanted to ask the girls a question. I tapped one of the girl's shoulders, and they turned around to face me. I was a little taller than them. The rest stopped to look at me. I still wore my hoodie.
???: Yes?
Y/N: "What is your name? That includes the rest of you."
???: I'm Ruby Rose!
???2: I'm Weiss Schnee, please to meet you.
???3: Blake Belladonna.
???4: And I'm Yang Xiao Long! What's yours, cutie?
I blushed from Yang calling me a cutie.
Y/N: "Y/N."
Weiss: May I ask, why are you wearing a hoodie?
Y/N: "Because I don't want people to make fun of me, or else they'll end up getting punched."
Yang: Don't worry, it'll be fine! We'll help you out. Besides, if anyone messes with you, then I'll beat them up.
Ruby: Are you gonna kill them, Yang?
Yang: I won't, sis, but I'll break their bones.
Blake: I mean, being a Faunus isn't that bad. I've seen some of them accepted the way they are.
Weiss: You did?
Blake: Yes, I have.
Y/N: "Sorry if we're getting off topic, I was just curious."
Ruby: It's no problem at all!
Yang: Not a problem, cutie.
They continued their walk, as I followed them.
*Time Skip* An hour later....
We finally arrived at Beacon Academy.
We stopped in front of the school. I looked at it for a moment.
Ruby: Welcome to our school! As the team captain, we will show you around it, and we will take you to Ozpin!
I wasn't paying attention to what Ruby was saying. I only kept staring at the school.
Yang: Sis, I don't think Y/N's paying attention.
Blake: Is he okay?
I thought to myself again.
Y/N: (So, we meet again..... old friend.)
To be continued....
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