A Man walked up and took out a slip of paper.
Naruto: Hey where's the Computer?
Man: That's old News.
Everybody looks at each other then back at the Man
Man: All the fights were planned already so the first one is Naruto vs Neji.
Naruto: Here we go.
Everybody walks up to the stand and watch from there
Naruto begins his match with Neji Hyuga, who Naruto promised to defeat a month earlier during the preliminaries.
Since taijutsu proves ineffective, Naruto creates a large number of shadow clones.
Though Neji is able to destroy them all, Naruto creates more
Shino: Y/n isn't here?
Sakura: Your right that's weird.
Choji: Looks like he fails.
Naruto creates more shadow clones, and this time manages to sneak up on Neji.
Sakura: Nice one Naruto!
Shikamaru: It's not over.
Before he can land a blow, Neji uses a powerful defensive technique, then follows up with blocking Naruto's chakra path.
Shikamaru: Hey have you seen Y/n anywhere?
Ino: No, why?
Shikamaru: His not here.
Even though he can no longer fight, Naruto refuses to give up, and berates Neji over how he treated Hinata.
Naruto: And For that I'll never give in
Neji: Pathetic the Death of my Father Hizashi Hyuga was arranged to protect the Hyuga clans Head Hinata's Father Hiashi Hyuga
He then reaffirms his belief in the unchanging nature of one's destiny.
Determined to prove Neji wrong, Naruto draws on the demon fox's strength, surprising many of the older ninja present with his ability to use the fox's chakra. Following an explosive clash between the two,
Naruto manages to defeat Neji through the use of a shadow clone as a decoy.
After telling Neji to stop putting so much faith in fate, Naruto is declared the win....
Man: Okay then the Next match is Sasuke Uchiha and Gaara from the sand
Kakashi: Sasuke isn't here yet.
Man: That means he forfeits.
Kakashi: At least give him time he'll be here.
Man: Fine the Next Match Is Kankuro vs Y/n!
Ino: His not even here.
Shikamaru: He just lost him first match without even doing anything.
Naruto: His not here?
Kankuro: He's not here.
Man: What?
Kankoru: Y/n isn't here that technically means he loses right?
Man: Yes.
Kankoru: I forfeit as well.
Man: In any case I would ask your opponent how he feels about this but his not here so by the rules of the Chunin exams you both forfeit.
Ino: He actually failed.
Kankoru: (Gaara' gonna win this entire thing anyway there's really no point of me fighting)
Kankoru walked back to the stands and Y/n still hasn't arrived yet.
Kankuro walks back to the stand smiling.
Naruto: Where is he?
Shino: He failed.
Ino: His gonna be really disappointed.
Kurenai: Should he?
Sakura: What?
Kurenai: Slept late or whatever it was his responsibility to make it here on time and since he didn't it's his own fault.
Man: Shikamaru and Temari please come up to the stand.
Shikamaru: Ugh this is gonna be such a drag
Shino: Goodluck
Shikamaru: Thanks.
Though initially unwilling, Shikamaru fights Temari because he refuses to lose to a girl.
Shikamaru quickly studies the arena and its elements and comes up with a plan.
Shino: His so good.
Ino: Yes, Shikamaru has always been smart and tactical.
Despite this, Temari has seen Shikamaru's primary attack in action and knows how it works. Shikamaru relies on strategy to defeat his opponent, but it becomes evident that Temari is a keen strategist too.
Sakura: It Seems like both of them are putting their Faith's in strategy's
The battle Continues and it's shown both Temari have strategies but Shikamaru's strategies are superior and enable him to capture Temari with his jutsu,
Temari: Crap it's Over
Shikamaru: I Give up.
Temari: What... Aren't you gonna fight on you had me on the ropes.
Shikamaru: I Have no chakra left a real ninja knows when to give up.
Man: What.... Anyway by Forfeit Temari wins.
Naruto: There a lot of forfeits here.
Shikamaru: That was such a drag.
Ino: You know you didn't have to forfeit
Shikamaru: Technically had to, the result would have been the same anyway.
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