The New patient

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The next morning, Wonwoo entered the hospital, feeling the remnants of irritation from the previous day still lingering. He wasn't sure if he was ready to face another day with Mingyu's antics. However, duty called, and he had a job to do.

As he walked through the halls, he saw Mingyu already at the nurses' station, chatting animatedly with one of the nurses. He was gesturing wildly, a broad grin on his face, and the nurse was laughing.

"Good morning, Dr. Jeon!" Mingyu called out as soon as he spotted Wonwoo.

"Morning, Dr. Kim," Wonwoo replied curtly. He was determined to keep things professional.

Mingyu's smile widened. "You look chipper today. Ready for another day of fun?"

"Fun? If by fun, you mean dealing with your chaos, then sure," Wonwoo retorted, trying to suppress a smirk.

"Come on, admit it. You love it," Mingyu teased.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "What's on the agenda today?"

"We have a new patient," Mingyu said, his tone turning serious. "Mr. Park Jisoo, 35 years old, presenting with chest pain and shortness of breath. Preliminary tests suggest a rare congenital heart condition."

Wonwoo's interest was piqued. "Alright, let's go see him."

They walked to Mr. Park's room together. The man looked nervous, his hands fidgeting with the blanket.

"Good morning, Mr. Park," Wonwoo said, stepping inside. "I'm Dr. Jeon, and this is Dr. Kim. We'll be taking care of you."

"Good morning, doctors," Mr. Park replied, his voice shaky. "I hope you can figure out what's wrong with me."

"We'll do our best," Mingyu said reassuringly. "We need to run a few more tests to confirm our initial diagnosis."

Mr. Park nodded, looking a bit more at ease.

As they left the room, Mingyu turned to Wonwoo. "So, what do you think?"

"I think we need to be thorough," Wonwoo replied. "We can't afford to miss anything."

"Agreed," Mingyu said. "But let's not scare him with too much medical jargon."

Wonwoo smirked. "And let's not give him a heart attack with your overenthusiasm."

Mingyu laughed. "Fair point."

They spent the morning running tests and reviewing Mr. Park's case. Despite their differences, they managed to work together efficiently.

During their lunch break, they found themselves at the hospital café. Mingyu, as usual, couldn't resist teasing Wonwoo.

"You know, Jeon," Mingyu began, "you should try smiling more. It might make you more approachable."

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. "And you should try being less annoying. It might make you more tolerable."

Mingyu grinned. "Touché. But seriously, why so serious all the time?"

"Someone has to be," Wonwoo replied, taking a sip of his coffee. "If we both acted like you, this place would be a disaster."

Mingyu pretended to be offended. "I bring a sense of excitement and innovation to this hospital."

"Innovation?" Wonwoo echoed. "Is that what you call it?"

"Absolutely," Mingyu said with a confident nod. "And you bring stability and precision. We balance each other out."

Their conversation was interrupted by a nurse who approached their table. "Doctors, the test results for Mr. Park are in."

"Thank you," Wonwoo said, standing up. "Let's go."

They returned to Mr. Park's room to deliver the news and discuss the treatment plan. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Mingyu managed to keep the atmosphere light with his humor, putting Mr. Park at ease.

As they left the room, Mingyu turned to Wonwoo. "You know, we do make a pretty good team."

Wonwoo nodded. "I suppose we do. As long as you keep your 'innovative' methods in check."

"Deal," Mingyu agreed, smiling.

Their partnership, though unconventional, was beginning to show its strengths. They balanced each other out, creating a dynamic that was both effective and, surprisingly, enjoyable.

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