Chapter Special: Secret Date (Part 2)

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After some walking, they made it to which looks like a theme park, which MK looked at it in amazement and excitement in her eyes. Monkey King lightly chuckled when he saw her expression and spoke "Shall we go in?" MK excitedly nodded as they entered the entrance of the theme park.

They saw lots of stalls and some tents that includes games, food and much more "Whoa..." MK whispered but was loud enough for Monkey King to hear, he chuckled as they went to one of the stalls that includes plushies in stall.

Meanwhile, Pigsy, Tang and Sandy were in disguises as they wore a brown trench coat with matching hats including black sunglasses even though it was night. Sandy sweat dropped at the disguises Pigsy and Tang made and asked "Uh, are you sure about this guys? You know... spying on MK's date and much." Then Tang answered "Of course it's worth it, plus why would we be in disguises right now?" Sandy sweat dropped once more until he heard Pigsy whispered"SHH!! They're coming!"

Pigsy, Tang and Sandy managed to hide behind one of the stalls as they saw MK with her date, going to play a shooting game "He doesn't look that bad." Sandy whispered as Pigsy spoke up while whispering "Careful Sandy! We still don't know what kind of things that guy will do to MK!" They remained hidden as they continued watching them.

Back to MK and Monkey King, MK as nearly jumping in excitement when she saw the cute plushie for her mentor and wanted to get it, when Monkey King saw her reaction and the plushie, he smirked and led her to the stand and payed for the game to get the plushie.

The owner gave Monkey King a toy gun and he focused the 3 bottles and shoot them down to get the prize for MK. As MK watched, Monkey King manage shoot all the three bottles in a minute, the owner congratulated him and gave MK the Monkey King plushie, whiched she squealed and hugged it tightly.

Monkey King looks at MK and smiled as he spoke up "Shall we get going now?" MK nodded once more as they head somewhere into the theme park. Unknown to them, Pigsy, Tang and Sandy secretly followed them behind so that way they wouldn't lose them.

Both MK and Monkey King both got themselves something to eat until Monkey King stopped and smelled something, making MK looked at her mentor in concern "Monkey King? What's wrong?" She asked until Monkey King answered "I smelled something, and it's real good." He then finished his candy apple quickly as he grabbed MK's arm and dragged her with him.

When they got there, they saw a stand that sell peach buns, which made Monkey King's eyes sparkle and his mouth water making MK softly chuckled at her mentor's love for peaches and watched him bought a bag of warm peach buns, however when he was about to get over to MK, a disguised bull clone grabbed the bag and left as fast as they could "Hey! Give those back!!" Monkey King shouted and ran after the bull clone "Wait!" MK tried to call out for her mentor but was already left already, leaving her alone in the amusement park 'Oh what?' MK thought, a complicated look on her face, unknown that someone walked over to her and spoke.

"Well hello there, Noddle Girl." MK yelped and whipped her head to the side only to see Red Son, who was in different clothes instead of his usual attire.

He wore a red jacket with a black shirt in the middle was a symbol of the Demon Bull Family isignia with dark blue jean pants with some holes as a design and finally wearing purple sneakers as his shoe choice.

"Red Son...! I wasn't expecting to see you here..." MK trailer off, not knowing what to say next just to see her enemy in the amusement park since she thought amusement parks isn't his type of fun.

"Well...I had a reason to be here, Noodle Girl! But, what are you doing here?" Red Son asked as MK sighed and answered "Well, my date and I were supposed to hang out tonight, but someone took the bag he had and pretty much left me here to chase after them." After MK finished explaining, Red Son huffed and spoke "Well he's not a gentleman to leave a lady like yourself here alone." They stood in silent for a minute until Red Son cleared his throat and spoke "Well, if it's okay with you, I'll be with you until your date comes back." MK looked at him surprised, but smiled and spoke "Of course!" She then grabbed his hand, making Red Son blushed and let MK dragged him to one of the tents "Let's go watch this show I've heard recently!"

After the show ended with a 2 games to play, MK told Red Son she'll need had to use the restroom, which Red Son nodded as MK left while Red Son stayed on their table with the Monkey King plushie to wait for MK, he then looked around to see if anyone was looking before opening his watch with a small screen which was connected with the disguised bull clone he sent to distract Monkey King and sighed irritatedly to see him still chasing him.

"How much stanima does this guy have?!" Red Son exclaimed to himself, as he hadn't noticed the shadow behind him shift only to reveal a pair of purple glowing eyes "Sorry bud, I have to do this." Before Red Son could turn to see who the person spoke, he was then knocked out until his vision went black.


When MK came back, she was confused when she saw Red Son wasn't in their table anymore. She knew Red Son wouldn't leave her without an explanation, so something must've happened. She sat down as she pulled her plushie closer and pulled her phone out if she can try calling her mentor.

She hadn't noticed someone was coming over to her until they spoke up "Hello there." MK jumped at the sudden voice as she turned to see a man with a scar on his face.

(PS, the pic doesn't belong to me, this belong to it's original owner, also pretend he has a scar there, I tried)

"You look a little lonely, do you perhaps need some company?" The man asked as MK started thinking, she didn't knew who this person was and was afraid what he's gonna do to her but on the other hand, she does needed company since she doesn't know how long Monkey King will be back and Red Son was nowhere to be seen. So with no other choice, she nodded as the man sat beside her.

"So, what's a young lady like yourself doing alone?" The man asked as MK took a deep breath and answered "Well, I'm supposed to be on a date with someone, but someone took my one of my date's stuff and chased after them. Well, I also have a companion with me but he left without telling me, which is something he wouldn't do without telling me." The man looked at her and spoke once more "Hmm, they don't sound like gentleman themselves for leaving a beautiful lady like yourself here." MK blushed once she heard the 'beautiful lady' part as he spoke up once more "Anyways, I got something for you. Just a small gift."

She turned just to see a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers.

This made MK flushed as she shyly spoke "O-Oh, yo-your too kind." She took the bouquet from the man's hands as he chuckled "It's no problem, but-" He was then cut off when he heard familiar footsteps coming their way not too far. He gritted his teeth and and silently growled 'Dang it! I thought I could have more time with her!!' With no other choice, he heavily sighed and stood up, making MK looked up to him "Sorry miss, but I should get going now. I have other things to attend to." MK understood his situation and spoke "Oh it's alright, go ahead." The man then left as MK was alone again.

She tried calling her mentor again but came back with nothing from the call. She then heard footsteps from behind, she turned to see a familiar face as she smiled "Ao Bing!" She got up and gave her unknown water dragon friend a hug, he smiled as he hugged back "Hey MK, I was out for a walk tonight until I saw you. Thought you could use a bit more company." This made MK surprised but smiled nonetheless "Sure, I don't mind!" Then, she saw another person walking towards, when they got closer MK recognized them immediately.

"Nezha?" She thought out loud as Ao Bing turned around to see Nezha in his human disguise as well "Oh, Nezha, it been a while..." Ao Bing spoke as he tried to hide his annoyance in his voice, same with Nezha "You too..." MK raised her brow in confusion when she sees this " two know each other?" This made Ao Bing sighed as he stood up "Yes...we met each other a long time ago..." However, this made MK smiled as she shot out of her seat in excitement and spoke "That's perfect! While you two catch up ahead, I'll go get some snacks for the 3 of us!" This made both Ao Bing and Nezha concerned as the lotus prince spoke up "Are you sure it's alright with you?" Finally MK answered "Ppsshhh, it'll be fine, besides, I don't think my date will be back for a while but it's still fine. I'll catch you guys soon!" And with that, MK left the boys alone to find snacks as they smiled at her with adoration.

However, when MK was fully gone, they gave each other a glare as the atmosphere started to get tense around them "So, what are you doing here, Lotus Prince...?" Ao Bing spoke with a dark look on his face along with Nezha "I could ask you the same thing, Ao Bing..."

"Well, mister, I was gonna watch over her making sure she wasn't get kidnapped or eaten by a demon." Ao Bing explained as Nezha scoffed and spoke "Funny, I have the same idea as well." They felt sparks starting to form from the glare as they stood silent for a moment until they made a truce. That both of them would watch over MK for the time being.

After that, MK came back with snacks in her arms as they started moving towards the night market "Wow, I didn't know this existed. I should probably tell Pigsy when I have the time." MK thought out loud, amazed at the night market. However, both Nezha and Ao Bing stopped for a moment as they pulled out their phones, they sighed the moment to what they saw in their screen "Sorry MK, but it looks like I'll be going now. There's some things I have to attend to." Nezha spoke as Ao Bing followed "Same here."

MK looked at the two concerned, but nodded "Oh it's alright. Well I hope to see you two soon." They waved at each other goodbye as she watched the two walked away until they were out of sight. She then pulled her phone to dial Pigsy's number. When she did, she heard a ringing sound from a distance "Oh shoot!" She turned to see Pigsy, Tang and Sandy fell from a...tree?

Whatever. As they harshly landed on the ground "Wha...? Guys, what are you doing here?" MK asked in confusion until Mei came out of the bushes "Guys, I can't believe you were spying on her!" This startled them a bit as they everyone but MK questioned how Mei was spying on MK as well without them noticing.

Just then, Monkey King ran towards MK until he was infront of her "MK! I got the peach buns back!" He then noticed MK's friends as she looked at her in confusion "Um...what's going on here?"


It took a lot of explaining for Pigsy, Tang and Mei, minus Sandy who told her that he only tagged with Pigsy and Tang so that they wouldn't get in to trouble.

Right now, Pigsy, Tang and Mei were sweating nervously while MK looked at them with a menacing look on her face along with a dangerous aura in her presence.

Monkey King and Sandy were in the sidelines as they held MK's stuff she was carrying as sweatdropped at the situation Pigsy, Tang and Mei were in but scared at how angry MK was.

"After everything I explained to you 3, you still had to 'watch' me from the shadows, do you? I told you guys I'll be alright and I still am." MK explained as Pigsy spoke up "We know kid, but sometimes there are some things you can't handle alone, we were just worried." MK sighed as her dangerous aura faded away along with her anger.

"*Sigh* Fine, I guess I'll let this go for now. But...! If this happens again, I'm gonna have give you all a hard time, got that?!" They quickly nodded. Finally, they decided to explore and hang out in the night market for the time being. Monkey King said it was alright since it would make up for the time when he left to chase that disguised bull clone.

This isn't how MK's first date  would have started as she thought, but she had a good time with the people who cared about her and that's good enough for her.

• • • • • • • • • •
Hey guys, I am so, so, so sorry I didn't published this sooner. I had so much things to do that happened since last year. But either way, I was finally glad I'm able to finish part 2 of the secret date.

However, I would start making this part in 2.0 as how the date would go differently. If you're all interested.

Anyways, see ya all next time!

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