3 - Duplication Madness

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The sign of the noodle shop lit up and inside, Pigsy rang the bell as he called out for MK "Order up! Come on, get the let out." As MK appeared the moment the bell was rang "On it!" MK responded as she placed the bag of noodles in the cooler as she got her phone out to get towards the place of the person who ordered it. MK then puts on het headphones and drives around in the tuk-tuk. When she arrived, the person of the home opened the door as the brunette greeted them sweetly "Pigsy's Noodles!"

She then started delivering the noodles to all over the places who had ordered them "Pigsy's Noodles! Pigsy's Noodles! Pigsy's Noodles! Pigsy's Noodles!" She runs into Sandy at the harbor on her way back "MK! Well little lady, did you arrive at the right time." Sandy then shows a paint brush "Scoop up the brush! We're giving the old girl a fresh coat of paint!" MK smiled as she got out of the tuk-tuk with a paint brush and paint bucket in her hands and cheered "Yeah! Painting boats is my middle name!" She and Sandy painted the boat, showing off the fresh blue coat as they fist bump in the end.


The day is over as the sign of the noodle shop went off while MK was done showering as she left the bathroom while wearing her nightgown and wiping her hair off as she was getting ready to sleep "Now for eight to twelve hours of uninterrupted-Ah! Mei!" The brunette yelped as Mei was pulling clothes out of her drawer as one of her shirts landed on her face "Get up, get up, get up! We are going out!"

Fast-forward, both the girls spend all night at the arcade as MK wore her night-out outfit.

(This is MK's outfit, but in her color. Also, pic doesn't belong to me)

Mei cheered as she took selfies of themselves "Woohoo! Anti-Gravity Arcade, yo!" As MK cheered as well "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

The next day, the sign of the noodle shop lit up as Pigsy rang the bell again as he called out "Order up!" MK then appread to get the bag as she spoke "Okay, Pigsy!" The girl yawned as she started making her way towards the place "Pigsy's Noodles. Pigsy's Noodles." "How about a nice sunset orange?" Sandy suggested as the brunette helped Sandy paint. That following night, MK was briefly seen at the arcade snoring, while Mei cheers on. The cycle continues as MK attends 24/7 to whatever tasks her friends need help with.

"Order up! Order up! Order up!" Pigsy called out as he rang the bell "What if we try blue again?" Sandy asked as MK had an agitated look on her face "Pigsy's Noodles. Pigsy's Noodles." She greeted them tiredly as she delivered the messy blue bag of noodles as she had a very tired look on het face along with the bags under her eyes.

Mei - "MK!"

Sandy - "MK!"

Pigsy - "MK!"

One day, MK flops over the counter in exhaustion, Tang looked concerned at the brunette as he spoke "Wow, MK. You look like hot garbage. Tired?" MK lifted her head up as she answered "I mean, maybe? No, I just need to close my eyes for a couple of seconds..." She then collapses into her bowl of noodles.

Tang then gently picked out MK's face with his hands and spoke "You're pushing yourself too hard, MK. Working all day, partying all night, painting boats? It's not good for a growing girl. You need to have time to relax." As soon as he finished, he then drank the soup of his noodles as MK spoke "I just-I don't want to let my friends down, you know. Besides, I think keep going. It's fine, it's fine..." She then got off as she started to wobble while she walked "It's fine, it's..." However, the girl trailed off as her whole body fell into the ground, making a large 'THUD!!' sound, scaring the scholar as he nearly jumped on his chair. He then looked towards the brunette's body as he got up and slowly walked towards her "MK?" He called out as she didn't answer "MK??" He called out again as he poked her head with his chopsticks, when she didn't react, the scholar panicked as he screamed in fear, as the whole restaurant could hear his scream "MK!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Her body is very sore and all her energy is been drained out of her since for the past few weeks. Small fever and is lacking proper rest." The doctor spoke as she sat on a stool near the brunette's bed as MK was laying in her bed, dressed in her nightgown as her blanket covered her entire body with a wet washcloth on her forehead.

As MK's friends were in the same room with them, concerned and worried look on their faces. They came as fast as they could when they informed that MK had passed out on the floor while Pigsy called the doctor "I see, is there something we could do?" Pigsy asked as the doctor answered "No, but what's best you can do is to let her rest for the whole day until she gets better without any interruption." She finished as her glasses gleamed at the group, as everyone but Tang chuckled nervously as they nodded.

Soon, the doctor left as they were the only people left in MK's room with the sleeping brunette "Maybe we've been pushing her too far." Sandy spoke as guilt filled everyone but Tang as Mei spoke "So, now what? Like the doctor said, we can't disturbed MK for the whole day." After that Pigsy spoke up "Well, since MK's out for the day, I still need someone to help me in my shop, So..." Pigsy then pointed his wooden spoon towards the scholar as he finished "Maybe you can finally pay off your bills by working for the day, ya freeloader!"

Tang got nervous as he stuttered "Well hey now, hold on a second..." Then a lightbulb lit up as he spoke "I got an idea." This made the trio looked at him in confusion as he pulled out a pair of scissors from MK's drawer and spoke "Sorry MK." He then cut a handful of MK's hair as the others looked at him in horror "Tang, what are you doing?!" Pigsy yelled in shock, but not loud enough for MK to hear "Okay, hear me out but I know a part where Monkey King has 72 transformation, so what if we used MK's clones to handle the rest of the day for us." The trio looked at him as Pigsy spoke up "Oh yeah? Then how are we gonna make a clone while MK's asleep?"

Tang then got one strand of hair as he let it drop in front of MK as she blew the hair as it landed on the floor, the others looked at it for a moment until the hair glowed and finally a clone that looked like MK popped out. Mei and Sandy ooh-ed at the clone while Pigsy had a look that says 'I cannot believe it' as Tang smirked at them and spoke "Eh? Eh~?" Pigsy then rubbed his forehead as he spoke "Tang, I don't think this was such a good idea. With the clone running around, I don't think things will end well." Finally, Tang begged the pig demon, trying to reason with him "Oh c'mon Pigsy, we know well we can't wake MK up until she's better plus some of us needed her for some personal stuff." Pigsy tiredly sighed as he finally agreed "Fine, but if this doesn't end well, your doing MK's job for the whole week!" "Deal!" Tang spoke as he started making a few clones with MK's hair.


As each of the group got their own MK clone and told them each of them what they're gonna do, Pigsy rang the bell as he yelled "Order up!" Then, Delivery Clone MK then grabbed the bag so fast as she went outside and spoke "On it, boss!" Then, 3 buckets of paint was then placed down, the first one orange, the other green and the final one yellow as Artist Clone MK finished painting the boat as it was painted like gold while Sandy and Mo looked at the boat in awe. Meanwhile Party Clone MK was having a blast in the arcade with Mei as she cheered "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" "Please, help?" Tang asked to the clone as he carried a lot of stuff. New tasks come up so Tang makes more clones with MK's hair he had cut as old tasks pile up.

Sandy - "Artist Clone MK!"

Mei - "Party Clone MK!"

Pigsy - "Delivery Clone MK! C'mon hustle!

"Yeah!" Mei cheered as she floated around with everyone in the arcade as she noticed Party Clone MK wasn't with her, she tried to look for it as Party Clone MK spoke "Party people, make some noise!" She then spotted the clone in the DJ area as she wore a tiger print jacket, teal headphones, and pink shutter glasses.

Meanwhile, the real MK was just in her room as she sat on her bed, eating a bowl of noodles Pigsy would give her since she still needed some time to rest, she finished her bowl as she placed in on her bedside table as she sighed 'I wonder how the others are doing while I'm still here.' She thought, not knowing about her hair being cut terribly and her friends using her own clones. She yawned as she lay in her bed and went back to sleep.

Everything was going well.

However, one morning in Pigsy's kitchen...

Pigsy was in the kitchen making more noodles as he spoke up loud "Order up!" Just then his phone rings as he picks it up and answered the call "Hello, thanks for calling Pigsy's! Home of the world's longest-" He was then cut off when the called from the other side spoke as Pigsy face went concerned "It didn't arrive? Hold on, I've got another call." He then answered the other call as it looked like the same problem happened as well "She didn't deliver it? What do you mean she didn't deliver it?!" Just then Delivery Clone MK spoke up "Any more orders?" Pigsy spoke as he turned around "Delivery Clone MK, you mind explaining-" He was cut off once again as he shrieks in horror as he backed away in the counter at the sight of the clone who was very fat "Uh, everything okay, boss?" The clone burps.

Meanwhile down at the harbor, Sandy watched as Artist Clone MK is painting very precisely "It needs to be better. It needs to be better!" She has painted a mural of MK clones as Sandy spoke up "I think it's pretty good, Artist Clone MK." This didn't satisfy the Art Clone as she yelled "Pretty good? Pretty good?! That's not good enough! You asked me to help paint your boat!" This made Sandy cowered as the clone spoke once more "And that's what I'm going to do. I won't stop until it's perfect!" This made both Sandy and Mo looked at each other in fear as Mo meowed.

Lastly at the Anti-Gravity Arcade, everyone who was in there are so exhausted, they can barely move their bodies. The music through the speakers kept playing as Party Clone MK grabbed the microphone and cheered "Yeah, yo! Everybody move your feet!"

Even Mei was hardly moving her body as she went towards the clone "Hey! Um, I'm getting pretty sleepy. Want to hit it?" Mei tried to reason with the clone, but she scoffed and spoke "What are you talking about, Mei? Ain't no one leaving this party!" She turned the volume up as Mei floated upwards while covering her ears "Yeah, but this party's been going on for 15 hours!" Mei tried to reason with the clone again but she mockingly imitates her " 'It's been 15 hours, I'm so sleepy!' That's what you sound like." She snaps as the guards show up "I said: Ain't. No one. Leaving. This party."

Meanwhile, the real MK sat up from her bed as she stretched herself and yawned, she rubbed her eyes as she spoke to herself "I haven't got a good night's sleep for weeks. I think it's about to get back to work." She then got off from her bed as she headed towards the bathroom to change "But for some reason, I feel like something happened." When she passed through the mirror, something caught her eye as she went to the mirror again, seeing the half part of her hair terribly cut as her eyes widen.

She then let out a shrieking loud scream that could be heard from the outside. Back at Pigsy, who didn't heard MK screamed, is having a fight with the clone who won't stop eating, the phone ringing as Tang wasn't helping as he still ate the bowl of noodles as he watched the commotion "Delivery Clone MK, stop eating! I'm hemorrhaging money by the bowl! Stop! Noodle! Tang, help me!!!" Finally, Tang calmy spoke "Oh relax Pigsy, it won't be that hard, besides MK didn't find out about this yet." However after he finished, the golden staff came out of nowhere and hit the clone so hard that it turned to hair immediately.

Both Pigsy and Tang froze as their heads slowly turned towards the entrance as the real MK appeared, dressed in her regular clothes with a red skirt and black long socks to match up her style as her bandana was wrapped around her head, her face darkend as a eerie aura surrounded the brunette as she held the staff that was slowly extended back to it's original form, this made Pigsy and Tang nervous until MK angrily spoke up "Which one of you cut my hair?!!!!" Pigsy pointed at Tang immediately as the scholar nervously smiled and chuckled while sweat started to form.

Meanwhile at Harbor, everywhere in Sandy's ship was a mess of paint as Artist Clone MK was cackles maniacally "Yes, yes, the art is seeping into my pores! Filling my very soul." She turns to face Sandy who's been tied up as the clone started slowly started walking towards him "Just needs... One. More. Coat." Before the brush could land on Sandy a familiar voice spoke up "You missed a spot." The clone turned as exclaimed " What?! Where?!" Artist Clone MK was then punched hard, straight in the stomach as it turned into hair. She then helped Sandy get untied as she greeted the water demon "Hey Sandy." Sandy greeted the girl back "Hey MK." He rubbed his muscles as MK asked "So, how many clones did Mr. Tang made?"

Sandy shook his head, since he never knew how many clones the scholar made as MK looked around in confusion "Wait? Where's Mei?" Fast forward to the arcade as MK managed to break in "Alright, Party Clone! Where is she?" In front of her, was the Party Clone as she spoke "Oh ho ho! OG MK in the house, y'all!" This made MK looked at the clone in confusion as she let out a small "What?" but quickly shook it off as she spoke again "Agh! Forget it, where's Mei?!" Behind the Party Clone, the doors behind her opened as it revealed a huge dragon head on top of the huge claw machine where Mei trapped in the claw "Hey MK." Mei yawned as she was tied up.

MK was shocked as she angrily growled and yelled "Hand her over, you! Me! We?" This made Party Clone MK spoke "Cool your jets, OG. You want to get to me? You gotta go through my girls!" She then pressed the button making MK float up as she held her skirt down, then reveals the rest of the MK clones that Tang made. This made MK even more mad as she angrily let out a very, very loud yell that could be heard outside of the arcade "MR. TAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!"

"Why did Tang even bothered making so many MKs anyway?!" Mei yelled "Oops, my finger slipped." She pressed a button as a hole opened to reveal lava as Mei screamed.

"Mei!" MK yelled as she was mad at the person who created a claw machine with lava on it, I mean...who does that?! Party Clone MK laughs menancingly as she spoke "Get 'im, girls!" While Party Clone MK parties, the rest of the clones chase MK as she fought them while Mei is being lowered at the lava "MK!" Mei yelled as she screamed in fear while she was starting to get closer to the lava.

"I'm coming, Mei! Hang on!" MK then spears the staff and breaks open the arcade machine and saved Mei. She then got towards her best friends and quickly unties her, the girls hugged each other before looking fearfully towards the swarm of clones who are coming towards them "Here comes Monkie Kid!" Party Clone laughed but then a wall of ice shielded MK and Mei then knocked off the clones as it turned back to water.

As if time went slowly as droplets of water showed MK's view, she looked for her and Mei's savior and saw a guy with light blue hair, as he wore blue and white clothes.

As both the mysterious stranger and MK made eye contact, the stranger softly smiled as he used his powers to turned the droplets of water into ice spikes and dissipates them all as the clones turned back into hair.

Both MK and Mei landed safely "One to go!" Mei spoke as she pointed towards Party Clone MK as MK panicked and spoke "No, no, no, wait! Mei, how do you know I'm not the real MK? There's two of us at this party!" She looks down at her clothes, realizing the obvious "Ah shoot, I played myself." MK then let out her battle call "Here comes Monkie Kid!" She proceeds to dissipate the last clone as Party Clone MK then sheds a tear "Never forget...the music." That was her last sentence as she then turned back into hair.

Mei looked at her best friend and complemented her "Nice work, girl." MK sighed tiredly as she rubbed her forehead and sighed "What was Mr. Tang even thinking anyway, and using my powers while I was asleep though." Mei rubbed her back and spoke "Don't worry." She pulls out tufts of hair "I got you, buddy!" She puts some on her hair, which didn't suit well "Is it noticeable?" Mei then put tons of his hair on herself as a beard, imitating an old man "Not at all, my boy." She stiffled a laugh as she lightly slapped her arm "Gross! Don't stroke it!" Mei laughs in her old man's voice as MK laughed as well, she then remembered something.

"Wait, that stranger, where is he?" MK then noticed a rolled up paper with a ribbon on it as she went towards it. When she did, MK picked it up and examined the scroll before removing the soft, silky, blue ribbon as she opened the paper as it red:

Well meet again soon.

-Ao Bing

"Who is it from?" Mei asked as MK answered her question "It says it was from 'Ao Bing'."

Ao Bing?

Mei somehow heard that name before.



MK tiredly sighed as lay on her bed after she got back from the arcade as scolded Tang for using her powers without her permission and had to pay for her haircut to get her hair fixed up as her hair became quiet short, but it'll grow back soon. On top of that, Tang now had to work for the whole week doing MK's job since Pigsy agreed if something happened using the clones, he had to do it for the whole week to pay off the noodles he ate and the chaos he created with the clones.

She sat up from her bed as got the note out from earlier and red the words in it again. After a moment, she hugged the note gently as a soft smile appeared on her face. Not to far from MK's apartment, Ao Bing was watching MK through the window as she softly smiled when he saw the note he left for MK. He then turned and disappeared out of sight like nothing ever happened.

Today was a chaotic day with those clones, huh?

Duplication end

Coming up next, Coming Home...

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The part where Ao Bing appeared was inspired by bflens's Female MK story, check it out!

Anyways, see ya all next time!

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