One and only [ Smut ]

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Type : Cute with a smut

Top : Jeonghan

( kikolumious your request I hope your going to like it ! )


Two lovers are quietly asleep in the bed of the couple's eldest room, both eyes closed until Jeonghan's rather aggressive alarm clock sounds, indeed his wand twitches and the shutters open, the two lovers grunt slightly and sit up together, slowly Jeonghan wraps his arms around his boyfriend's waist and places a kiss on his cheek, Joshua turns his head towards his eldest's and the two lovers let their lips discover each other gently.

After this sweet moment, Joshua steps back and makes Jeonghan let go of him so that he can wash and change in the bathroom. Jeonghan also gets up from the bed, dresses and goes to join his boyfriend in the bathroom, Once he's beside the one he loves, he embraces his boyfriend from behind, places a few kisses on the back of his loved one's neck and slips his hands under Joshua's shirt, but the American grunts, snaps his fingers and his wand arrives in his hand.

" I'm going to hurt you, if you don't let go of me Jeonghan ah.."

" Baby bambi you know very well I'm more powerful than you, you're too adorable to hurt me."

" Just because you're a Slytherin and I'm a Griffindor doesn't mean you're more powerful than me, stop thinking I'm incapable of hurting you just because my house is less superior than yours."

Jeonghan starts giggling, then suddenly noises start echoing, the older boy understands that there are his friends at the door and instead of knocking he casts spells against his door, so Joshua makes Jeonghan let go of him once more, places a chaste kiss on the corner of his lover's lips and whistles, his pet serving as a means of transport, he was going to leave but Jeonghan holds him and prevents him from leaving.

" What's the matter? "

" Shall we meet at lunch break ? "

" Um, same place as usual, it pisses me off that we have to hide.."

" Me too, but we have no choice, nevertheless, never forget that you're my one and only, nothing is more important than you."

" You're the one and only in my eyes too, see you later ~"

Jeonghan chuckles again and this time lets his lover go.

-> At the break

Joshua met Jeonghan at their usual spot, the older man took his wand and locked the door, casting a spell on the curtains to make them close, now that he and his boyfriend were alone in half-darkness, the atmosphere was warmer than before, and the fact that Jeonghan took off his clothes the further he went only increased the warmth of the room, When he arrives at his lover's side, all he's left with is his underwear, and using his gaze he asks his boyfriend to remove this last bit of fabric, which of course Joshua does, and Jeonghan then removes his lover's clothes and asks him to put his hands against the table in the room.

Obviously Joshua does and he feels two things, Jeonghan's tongue sliding over his body and he also feels his boyfriend's fingers titillating his entrance, he grunts in pleasure and asks his elder if he has any protection, Jeonghan says no he forgot so Joshua snaps his fingers and then a protection arrives in his hand, he hands it to his elder and the latter smiles, he withdraws his fingers from Joshua's entrance and he puts the protection around his crotch then he enters Joshua.

The younger one arches his back in pleasure then calms down when he feels Jeonghan start to move, Joshua starts to moan and he snaps his fingers to make the walls become soundproof, and he lets himself go, of course Jeonghan moans too and he continues to move gently inside his boyfriend, he quickly touches Joshua's soft spot, he taps into it several times and the two lovers end up coming together in a long moan of happiness.

Jeonghan then gently pulls away from Joshua and throws the protection in the garbage can, he hears Joshua snap his fingers and sees the place being cleaned, he's still amazed by this, he approaches his boyfriend and takes his clothes and gets dressed, Joshua gets dressed too, and snaps his fingers again, the shutters open and the door opens too, the walls become sound again and the two lovers approach the door when they open it, Jeonghan's friend are behind it, He was just passing by, and he's not even surprised to see Jeonghan with someone because he knew he had a secret lover nevertheless he would never have believed that the lover in question came from a house other than their own.

" Han, he doesn't need to hide behind your back, I don't care. "

" Cheol I knew for a fact you'd support me."

" Of course I support you ! You should know that my boyfriend comes from the same house as him."

" Your secret boyfriend is not imaginary and he'sa a Griffindor ? "

" He's not imaginary, and yes he is your best friend Joshua."

" You're in a relationship with Chan ?! Are you his secret boyfriend ?! " Asks the young stroller.

" Totally, in fact I was going to join him but telling you that you were louder than the spell Joshua cast made me laugh a lot so I say it."

Joshua begins to frown, wondering how this is possible, he snaps his fingers again and what he's been thinking about happens. Seungcheol starts to laugh softly and the younger man realizes he's been had, so he hides behind Jeonghan and starts to sulk, which only makes Seungcheol laugh even harder. Jeonghan doesn't like what his best friend has just done at all, so he snaps his fingers and his wand arrives in his hands.

" You don't want a fight to break out between us Cheol ah.."

" You'll calm down, I was just kidding, sorry Shua if you took it the wrong way it wasn't my aim for you to take it the wrong way."

" Leave my one and only alone, please go join your boyfriend and leave us alone thank you."

" That nickname is way too cute, I'll leave you and join my one and only as well. "

" I'm going to cast a spell on you and sew your mouth shut you little prick ! I wonder how Chan can love you."

Seungcheol shakes his head gently and places one of his hands on Jeonghan's shoulder, asking Joshua's forgiveness once again. The young man finally accepts the Slytherin's apology and even asks for a hug, Seungcheol isn't even surprised by this as his boyfriend, who is from the same house, is similar: he likes physical contact and is always looking for hugs.

" I feel like I don't exist anymore..."

Seungcheol laughs and brings Jeonghan into the embrace, the three young men stay like that for a moment and when the older one sees other students arriving he silently tells Jeonghan and Joshua to go and hide, nevertheless the blond refuses to do so because he's tired of hiding nevertheless Joshua wants to hide so he positions himself better between Seungcheol's arms and he asks his lover to hide him on the other side. Since he loves his boyfriend, he listens and protects him, then a voice rings out.

" Cheollie-hyung ~ "

At the sound of Chan's voice, Joshua blinks and finally agrees to be seen, he asks his elders to let him go, Jeonghan puts one of his arms around Joshua's shoulders and places a kiss on his forehead, Seungcheol's boyfriend Chan comes straight into his elder's arms and some people look at the two couples nastily, Jeonghan and Seungcheol growl, clutching their wands, and the other students swallow hard as the two Slytherins are reputed to be extremely powerful, so the students get scared and leave.

The four young men, on the other hand, decide to stay together because they know their group is going to be solid: friendship and love, trust and support, gentleness and tranquility are what will radiate from the little group.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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