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Top : Joshua

Type : Soft

Side ship
DongChan of DKB and ChanCheol


Jisoo and Jeonghan are sitting in their living room, watching TV, Jeonghan head rest on Jisoo's shoulder and two of their hands are linked, their son for his part plays on the carpet. The little boy doesn't bother either of the parents, and they find this really strange because Dongil is usually a pain, he's very playful and likes to push his parents to the limit of their patience.

The children plays quietly, and Jeonghan and Jisoo think it's going to last all day, much to their delight. However, the parents' hopes are soon dashed as when the little boy raises his head towards the blond and black-haired man, he abandons his toys and climbs onto the sofa before settling on Jisoo's legs.

The American smiles softly and strokes his son's hair, Jeonghan strokes the child's back and the little boy turns to his parents before asking them what he wants.

" Mommy, Daddy ! I want to play domino. Please can we do that."

" Domino ? That's new, I'm not even sure we have that here."

" Daddy ~ please" The little boy makes a sulky pout and crosses his arms over his chest.

" Dongil ah, sweetie, we've already told you several times not to act like a spoiled child. We taught you better than that, though." Say Jeonghan, he give a little flick on his boy forehead and smile, Dongil put his little hand on his forehead afterwards and make a pout again, feeling sorry.

" Um, sorry Mommy and sorry Daddy. I wouldn't act like that anymore, but I really wanted to play domino with you two."

" Where did that come from, really, sweetie Hm ? "

" When I went to Uncle Seungcheol's and Uncle Chan's last time, we played at this and I really liked it, so I wanted to play again. "

" So it's their fault. Hannie-ya, call Chan or Seungcheol. Ask them if we can come over at their house and play a game of domino."

Jeonghan turns his head towards his boyfriend and the latter does the same, Jisoo raises his eyebrows and then in a single glance the two lovers seem to understand each other. The American shrugs his shoulders and approaches his lover's ear to tell him what's on his mind.

" If we give in afterwards, he'll leave us alone. You know how he is, we'll play domino and back home we're going to put him in bed so we can spend our evening together. As lovers. It's been a while hm ? "

Jeonghan giggles and Jisoo places a quick kiss on his cheek, the elder starts blushing without even meaning to and to hide his embarrassment he calls Seungcheol and asks if they can come over. Of course, the elder says they can come to his place, so Dongil can play with Changmin like that and it'll be really nice.

While the kids play together, they can chat like they used to and reminisce about all their high school days. Jeonghan is happy and at the end of the call he tells Jisoo that they can go and invite themselves to Seungcheol and Chan's house.

After a few minutes getting ready, the three young boys can finally go to the older and younger boy's house so that their son can play with Changmin.

-> Arriving at Seungcheol and Chan's house

Jisoo knocks on the door and it opens to reveal Changmin, Chan's and Seungcheol's children. The little boy jumps into Dongil arms and the two boys run off to the little one's room.

Jeonghan is stunned by the energy of his son and his best friend's son, but he's happy that his child is going to draw all his energy from here, so that Jisoo's plan can work.

Dongil is bound to be tired after an afternoon of running around with Changmin, so he'll sleep easily and the two parents can enjoy a lovely evening together.

" Hey, Han, Shua ! Are you all right ? " Ask Chan seeing the tiredness on their friends face.

" I'm perfectly fine thank you Chan ah." Say Jisoo.

" I'm a little exhausted because of Dongil, but I'm fine." Jeonghan says with a yawn

Jisoo chuckles lightly and strokes his boyfriend's back gently.

" Do you want to rest Han ? " Ask Seungcheol a little bit worried for his best friend.

" I'm not going to sleep at your place." Say the blond.

" What Cheollie-hyung means is that we can keep Dongil with us and you can go rest at your home with Shua." Chan said with a gentle smile.

Jeonghan and Jisoo thank their friends from the bottom of their hearts and shout to their son that they'll pick him up tomorrow. Of course, Dongil shouts back that he'll be a good kid and quiet.

Both parents laughed at this and patiently thanked their friends once again.

As they now have some time to themselves, they decide to go straight home, once back at home, Jeonghan settling down on the sofa and Jisoo preparing dinner for the evening. Of course, after a few minutes alone, the blond gets bored, so he comes over to the black-haired boy and, when he sees that his boyfriend has nothing dangerous in his hand, gives him a hug from the side.

" What are you doing Hannie-ya ? "

" Just needing to feel your body heat against mine, because I love you Shuji-ya. "

The American chuckled softly, gently letting go of the plate in his hand and turning to Jeonghan, without hesitating for a second he placed both hands on his lover's cheeks and kissed him with infinite gentleness.

The blond put his hands on his younger back, and the younger put his hands in his lover's hair. At first it was a soft, tender kiss, but Jeonghan quickly deepened the exchange, opening his mouth and letting Jisoo do as he pleased.

The American gets the message so he slides his pink muscle into his elder's oral cavity and explores it without hesitation this makes Jeonghan moan silently and Jisoo pulls back at this point.

" We can do more than that Shuji-ya ? "

" Hm ? I thought you were tired ? "

" As far as you're concerned, I'm never tired, and Dongil not here to bother us with his domino."

" I'm sorry Hannie-ya, but I don't want to do it tonight, I just want to relax and being in peace. "

" Okay, I'm actually pretty tired, I feel like after dinner we're both going to fall asleep extremely quickly. "

Jisoo giggles and the older let go of his boyfriend's, the two boys go straight into their living room and their settle down on their chairs, their start to eat together, the room are filled with happiness, laughs, and sweet worlds, nothing can be better than that. When the meal are finished, Jisoo go to put the plate in the kitchen, he's going to washed it tomorrow morning, because...

Jeonghan was right to think that after their meal their going to sleep, because right after to have eat the two lovers changed together in their night clothes, their washed their faces and teeth and immediately went to bed. After a few kisses, caresses and tender words, they rejoined the arms of Morpheus, soothed by having had a quiet evening together after a long time, they love their child obviously but sometimes a night without him, just the two of them are the more incredible perfect things ever.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

~ All my favorite ships ~

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