Ninja ball run

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Echo: We've got company, boys.

(Lizaru looks down to the driver, shocked to see who it was.)

Lizaru: Skales?!

Skales: Get off the windshield! I'm trying to win a race! (He turns on the wiper blades, knocking him off.)

(Snike and Fang-Suei soon jump off and land on the Ultra Sonic Raider.)

Jay: Ninja, go! (He performs Spinjitzu, knocking them off) Need some help, guys.

Zane: (He and Cole are on top.) We've got your back. Ninja, go! (He does Spinjitzu, knocking a Constrictai off.)

Cole: (noticing a Fangpyre near the fuel hose) Ninja, go! (He does Spinjitzu, knocking it off. A Venomari lands on the jalopy.)

Jay: Ninja, go! (He uses Spinjitzu, knocking it off.)

(Rattla lands onto the Ultra Sonic Raider and confronts Zane.)

Rattla: Look into my eyes, ninja. (He uses his hypnotic powers, but Zane, being a nindroid, turns his head around to avoid the waves.) Ugh! That is so gross!

Cole: (he and Jay make snowballs) Hey, down here! (They throw them at Rattla, blinding him.)

Echo: Now, Zane!

Zane: (turning his head back around) Ninja, go! (He does Spinjitzu, knocking Rattla off.)

(Rattla falls along to Ed's vehicle, grabbing hold of the wheel and turns it. This causes the jalopy and the Ultrasonic Raider to spin out of control. Skales screams at the sudden vehicles' stopping, Brad quickly turns the bus to avoid it, but the snowman on the Mailman's bike land on the windshield, scaring him.)

(The crowd gasp as all the vehicles are spinning out of control.)

Nya: Not again!

Dareth: I can't take this anymore. (He covers his eyes.)

(Back at the Glacier Barrens, the Ultra Sonic Raider stops as Jay looks at the massive pile up in front of him as Cole and Zane are about to get back in.)

Jay: Wait! Stop! (He comes up to his parents as they get out of their wrecked vehicle.) Oh, thank goodness you're okay.

Ed: Oh, we're fine, son. Just wish I could say the same for the old jalopy.

Edna: Yeah. Shame she didn't get to the finish line.

(Jay sees a loose headlamp and takes it.)

Jay: I'll make sure a part of it will.

(He gets back to the Ultra Sonic Raider as the engines starts and he places it in the middle.)

Jay: Let's go. We've got a dojo to save.

(The Ultra Sonic Raider takes off as Ed places a hand on Edna's shoulder.)

Ed: Go make us proud, son.

(The Ultra Sonic Raider makes it to the Badlands as the Black Bounty is in the sky, close to the city.)

Cole: Looks like it's just us and Garmadon.

Echo: This time let's make sure the good guys don't finish last. (She moves a gear forward.)

(The Ultra Sonic Raider soon passes the Black Bounty.)

Garmadon: (sees the Ultra Sonic Raider pass by) No! I hate those ninja! It's time. You think you can beat me, ninja?! This race is mine! Hear me, Mega Weapon: I wish to rip open Ninjago and make an insurmountable obstacle that they can never surpass!

(The Mega Weapon glows. The Badlands start cracking and breaks apart as the Ultra Sonic Raider comes up to the hole.)

Kai: Echo, stop!

(Echo immediately stops the Ultra Sonic Raider before it goes into the hole and the Black Bounty passes them.)

Jay: Oh, that's totally cheating!

Zane: Guys, it's impossible to cross that divide.

(On the Black Bounty, Garmadon, laughs as he is kneeling, drained from using the Mega Weapon.)

Garmadon: I did it. Did you see that? I win! The dojo is doomed! (He cackles.)

(Echo straightens the Ultra Sonic Raider.)

Jay: Oh, we're not gonna win now!

Echo: Wait a minute. This ain't over. (Echo grips the lever) Everybody, hang on! (accelerates to the hole.)

Jay: Uh, you do know we're heading straight for that cliff, right? You're sure that's a good idea?

Echo: I haven't had time to think it through.

Kai: Oh, what was it that Sensei said? You gotta have trust.

Cole: Yeah, in each other, not in miracles!

Kai: Echo, Nya pull the lever!

Echo: Oh, Nya, don't fail us now. Alright, NOW! (She pulls the lever.)

(The Ultra Sonic Raider soon turns into a jet, abandoning the bottom part as Jay, Zane, Kai  and Cole use Spinjitzu to reach Echo)

All but Echo: Ninja, go!

(The jet makes it past the hole, catching up to the Black Bounty as they reach the city.)

Garmadon: (laughs as he is near the city before looking to see the Ultra Sonic Raider in jet mode, causing him to stop) No. No! NOOO!!!

(The crowd cheers as the two remaining racers are nearly in the city.)

Nya: They pulled the lever!

Crowd, Wu, Nya, Dareth, Jeff, Amethyst, and Phil: (chanting) Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!

(On the Ultra Sonic Raider jet, the headlamp rattles as it and the Black Bounty are near the finish line.)

Announcer #1: It looks like it's going to be a photo finish.

(The Black Bounty and Ultra Sonic Raider pass the finish line. The jet lands on the ground as the ninja get off and the crowd come up to them as the Black Bounty also lands.)

Crowd: Ninja! Ninja! (They lift them onto their shoulders.) Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!

Garmadon: (getting off) I won. I won! Clearly I passed the finish line first!

Announcer #1: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! (Everyone looks at the screen to see the overall winner. The headlamp on the Ultra Sonic Raider jet has crossed the finish line first.) The ninja! The ninja have won!

(The crowd cheers as Jay removes the headlamp.)

Jay: Yeah! I knew it would bring us luck!

Garmadon: No! That's not fair! That wasn't even part of the vehicle in the first place! It's not even street legal! My ship was—

Lloyd: Your ship? (Garmadon looks up to see his son and the Ultra Dragon on the deck of the Black Bounty.) I believe this belongs to us.

Amara: Take that sucker!

Garmadon: No! No! No! (He begins to cry in anguish as sirens are heard. )

Officer: (coming up to him) Alright, Garmadon, you're coming with us.

(The Fangpyre bus soon shows up, blocking the officers' way as Skales opens the door.)

Skales: Look who needs who now.

(Garmadon quickly gets on before the bus drives off.)

Nya: Somehow, Sensei, I don't think that will be the last we're gonna see of him.

Dareth: (looking at the trophy, full of money) We did it! We did it! Ooh-hoo! We saved the dojo! Oh, look what I can do. CANNONBALL!!!!!!! (He jumps into the trophy, and some money falls out as everyone soon laughs.)

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