Welcome To The Team |2|

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The following morning, Uno and Denise walked towards the school's football field, a place boasting expansive, lush grounds and state-of-the-art buildings. As they approached, they saw a group of students in bright blue and lime uniforms, adorned with the school's lightning bolt logo.

"Oi, everybody!" Uno called out to the group. "Morning, Captain!" they replied in unison.

"Everyone, meet Denise Star. She's our new number 11," Uno announced, gesturing towards Denise.

"Hi," Denise said shyly, feeling a bit out of place. Just then, Uno placed an arm around her shoulder.

"There's nothing to be scared of, they won't bite your head off," Uno said, trying to ease her nerves. Denise chuckled, and the girls started to giggle, teasing Uno with comments like, "Denise got a boyfriend!" This made Uno and Denise blush furiously.

"Girls, take good care of Denise. Make her feel at home," Uno said sternly, giving the girls a stern look. "Sir, yes, Sir!" they replied, not wanting to incur Uno's wrath.

"Excellent, Denise, you'll be wearing this. It has your name and number on it already. By the way, we start practice in 20 minutes, so you better start stretching," Uno said. Denise, still feeling intimidated, clung to Uno.

"Only if you stick by me. I don't want to be alone," she said shyly.

"That's very understandable!" Uno replied before being interrupted by Jada May Johnson, who swung Uno around to face her. Jada, with her jet black hair and amethyst eyes, was known for her bluntness.

"Uno, you like Denise so much. Do you have a crush on her?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Uno ignored her question, turning away and walking towards the locker room with Denise, who had wrapped her arm around Uno and rested her head on his shoulder. The others watched, stunned at the sight of their captain acting so calmly.

"Okay, first off, how did Uno get someone to like him, and secondly, why her?" Lance asked, puzzled.

"I don't know, man. Uno's always had a way with the ladies," Angelo replied.

"Still, how the hell?" Matt chimed in.

Jada spoke up, "Well, for one, he's polite."

"And he has a knack for finding the right person," Avva added.

"If you boys don't mind, we need to get to training," Jea said bluntly.

"I'm tagging along with them. I can't stand sitting idle and talking about the captain's love life," Maury said, heading to the pitch.

"Same," Lorenzo agreed, following him.

"Well, we're off now. See ya!" Zoey said, walking with the others.

"Oi, wait up!" Lance, Angelo, and Matt shouted in unison.

As they reached the field, Uno and Denise practiced shots together.

"Denise, watch this," Uno said, demonstrating his 'Frozen Arrow' move, where he kicked the ball with such force that it seemed to be encased in ice, transforming into an arrow before hitting the goal. Denise was amazed.

"Uno, that was incredible! How did you do that?" she exclaimed. Uno scratched the bridge of his nose.

"Magic," he said sarcastically.

"Can you teach me how to do it? Please?" Denise asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I don't see why not, but on one condition!" Uno said.

"What condition?" Denise asked, curious.

"If I teach you and you master it, will you go hang out with me?" Uno replied. Denise's heart raced at the thought.

"Hmmmm, deal. But only if you call it a date," Denise said, and Uno, after a brief pause, agreed.

"Deal!" he said, shaking her hand.

The two of them didn't realize it, but this was the beginning of their journey together.

As they continued practicing Denise's move, the others arrived from the locker room.

"Uno! Quit screwing with your girlfriend!" Lance yelled. The boys laughed, while the girls giggled, and Uno and Denise didn't hear Lance's comment.

During training, the teams were divided, with Uno and Denise on the same side. Denise decided to try her Hissatsu move.

"Denise, give it your all!" Uno shouted. Denise charged towards the goal, twirling like a comet before shouting, "Comet Strike!" The ball flew past Lorenzo's "Master's Wall" move, hitting the net.

"I-I did it... I DID IT! YES!" Denise screamed, overwhelmed with joy. Uno applauded her performance.

"Congratulations, Denise. I'm very proud," he said, causing Denise to blush. The others were stunned.

"H-how did she do that?" Avva asked, her expression blank.

"I-I don't know?" Jea replied, equally shocked.

"Maybe because Uno was with her," Jada suggested. The boys scoffed.

"Listen, Jada, do you know why Denise pulled off Comet Strike?" Angelo asked. "Because she and Uno, our captain, were training together. They're practically on a date." Lance added.

"So, if you want it blunt, they're going on a date after he teaches her," Maury finished, while Lorenzo asked the girls, "Do you understand now?"

The girls were silent for a moment before Jada spoke up. "What are we waiting for? The captain's waiting for us. We need to get back to practice!" Everyone agreed and returned to training.

Later, in the locker room, Jada asked, "So, Denise, can you tell us about yourself? Despite being classmates, we never really knew you."

Denise, startled, replied, "Oh, well, I never really introduced myself properly, did I?"

The girls nodded.

"I'm Denise Hailey Star. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I love football and dream of playing in the Champions Academy League and then moving to the pros," Denise said proudly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jada Johnson," Jada introduced herself.

"Addie Patrick, but call me Avva," Avva said.

"Lewis, Jea Lewis," Jea added bluntly.

"And I'm Zoey Belfort. Welcome to the team, Denise. We look forward to playing with Uno's girlfriend," Zoey finished, making Denise blush.

"W-what? N-no, we aren't dating, we are just friends," Denise stammered.

"Come on, spill it. You know you like him. We've seen you eyeing him in class," Jada pressed. Denise, now blushing, couldn't deny her feelings any longer.

"Okay, fine, I have a small crush on our captain," Denise admitted. The girls squealed like excited high school girls.

"Please keep it a secret!" Denise begged. Jada gave her a knowing look and placed a hand on Denise's shoulder.

"Don't worry, we're silent as the grave," Jada assured her.

"Thanks," Denise smiled.

"Hey, what are friends for?" Jada said.

Meanwhile, with the boys, Matt asked, "Do you like Denise Star, Captain?"

Uno, playing along, decided to tease his friends. "Yep."

"Damn," Lance and Angelo exclaimed.

"Make sure to treat her well on your date," Lorenzo advised as he finished packing his stuff.

"I will," Uno replied.

"And don't mess it up," Maury added.

"I won't mess it up, dude!" Uno yelled.

"But in all seriousness, is she your girlfriend, Captain?" Angelo asked. Uno pondered how to continue his act.

"No, not yet at least. I need her to get closer to me, then maybe I'll ask her during a match," Uno replied.

"Good luck, boy," Lance said, giving Uno a knowing look.

"Danke," Uno replied.

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