Hehehe... hey, it's been a while yall how yall doing
Anyways yes updates are coming after 3 more character catchups I have 3 mire new characters being added but I'm posting 2 now so I can even it out and think about the other two characters longer please hang it there babies.
Best boy. Lucian is a Transgender Male and don't get enough recognition so I'm adding this he's been in the drafts FOREVER and I'm finnaly finished this up so I hope you all enjoy.
He's from the Maginage Matches mod 💗
But before we start have some Lucian Birthday fanart made by the creator
How you met:
You met at the store. He had a bad day and was pissed off so he was buying snacks to cheer himself up when he passed by you in the store you both made slight eye contact and continued shopping. Then you ran into each other again in the cereal. You looked at each other even longer before slightly waving and quickly walking off. He quickly walked away and got some Pocky and got in line when he felt someone's presence behind him. He turned around to see you. When you and him made eye contact for what felt Like the 100th time you chuckled and started talking to him.
"Hehe, looks like we keep running into each other in this store huh?" You said. "Yeah it's kinda weird actually, it was like you were following me." He said with a slightly annoyed look." "Well even I was who wouldn't wanna look for a cute boy like you?" You said flirtisously (I think i made a new word XD)
He looked at you like you were stupid and looked away. Until you opened you mouth yet again. "Sooo, what's your name cutie." You asked. "Well it's definitely not that." He said. "Well hello definitely not that, I'm (Male name)." "Pleased to meet you." You say jokingly. "What? That's not my name, my names Lucian dumbass." He said. "Okay then Lucian how are ya!" You asked cheerfully. "I'm good why are you asking." "Just beacuse." "Okaaaay..."
You two created small talk in the line until you both walked out the store together. You said goodbye and parted ways hoping to see him again soon.
Meeting again:
Heheheee. You met again at thr store. Funny right. Yeah this time he said hello and asked how you were. You noticed he was in a better mood than the first time so you immediately got excited. You talked for a while before leaving again bit on better terms
Your first thoughts on him:
He's cuuuteeee! I wonder if I can talk to him and get his number.
His first thoughts on you:
Oh my gosh another annoying person!
Becoming Friends:
WELL WHAT DO YA KNOW. He played the game very well. He somehow slipped his number into your shopping bag and you found it when you got home. He wrote a note near his number
"I enjoyed talking to you dumbass you made my day do thanks or whatever."
You smiled and immediately texted him
Lmao He planned on it but you ended up telling him first. He was kinda pissed you did it first since he wanted to but he was just glad you liked him back. A small smile appeared on his face and he hugged you and you hugged back ofc.
When he blushes:
Blushes when you compliment him by telling him he looks good or saying small things like "lookin cute/got today!" It gives him a confidence booster and makes him smile.
Holding Hands:
Pinky holder. He perfers to hold your pinky to not show too much affection but just enough for him for verification.
First date:
Baseball game. He plays baseball so why not. You enjoyed watching the game and cheering on your favorite team out of the two playing. You even threw pop corn at some kids then left because the game got boring. You hung out at the mall after that and did other activities. It was rather a first date to remember
First kiss:
He was not gonna make the first move and you knew it. So you had no choice. No matter how much he wanted to he just couldn't. You kissed him after your 3rd date and drove off leaving him there shook and happy at the same time. You looked in your rear view mirror to see him standing there with his hand on his mouth trying to cover up his smile before going inside.
When he cries:
He'll only cry if he gets overwhelmed or if someone says something transphobic which sadly he's pretty good at ignoring because it happens to him often but somedays it just stays with him and makes him upset. When he's overwhelmed you do something stupid to make him laugh, giggle ir smile but if it's serious you'll make sure he's okay and comfort him telling him sweet things about how wonderful he is to make him feel better about himself.
Yours for him:
His for you
Your Couple song:
TW- Khalid. 6lack, Ty Dolla Sign
How y'all hug:
lways ALWAYS face in each others neck. It's comforting for the both of you.
Him: Baby boy, pinky (dont call him that unless you wanna get hit with his bat) Cutie, pretty boy
You: babe, dummy, stupid ass
When they curse:
He was just mad and it slipped out man it happens
"Yeah shut the fuck up, beat it"
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