Chapter 1 - the crying child

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Hi guys, ShortAngryBlonde here. After reviewing this chapter I found a ton of outdated lore that is reconciled in chapter 3. So, to save later confusion, this chapter has been completely re-written

Another thing before the story starts - a quick timeline. I'll explain if asked , but for now I'll keep it short

Fnaf 4 ---> fnaf 2 ---> fnaf 1 ---> Fnaf sl ---> Fnaf 3 ---> Pizzeria sim ---> Fnaf HW ---> Fnaf SB


Evan rushed downstairs. Of course he was late – it was the first full meeting of the kids since his "happiest day". Everyone was going to be there. Gabriel, Susy, Fritz, Jeremy, Charlie...


No. He couldn't think about that right now. Surely Cassidy wasn't still holding a grudge, right?

Pfft, that's funny. Cassidy's whole shtick was holding grudges – just ask William Afton.

As Evan barrelled down the hall, he skidded to a halt upon reaching the kitchen. Was someone making... pancakes? The sickly sweet smell of berry coulis (for those less sophisticated in our audience, pretty much thick berry juice), penetrated Evan's nose and filled his head with memories. He had had this for breakfast that day. His unhappiest day.

"Good morning Evan! I noticed you weren't up yet, so I took the liberty of making breakfast for you!"

He turned towards the counter and saw Kelsey at the stove-top. Evan was hardly surprised that Kelsey knew how to make pancakes - he seemed to be able to do everything! Telekinesis, age manipulation, phasing, all things that only extremely powerful and experienced souls could do. Evan had learned everything he knew, including teleportation and text-alteration, from Kelsey.

"Morning Kelly! The pancakes smell so nice!"

As Evan plopped down on his seat he put on his little-brother attitude. This family was much better than his last. He didn't remember much, but from what he did, this was much better. He remembered his father and brother, and that alone was enough to convince him that this family of souls was miles better than anything the Afton's could have ever offered. Kelsey was the perfect substitute for William - he excelled at everything that man had chosen to neglect. Evelyn was very kind and considerate so, although he didn't remember his real mother, he was sure Evelyn was a perfect fit. And Sammy was far and away the best improvement in this impromptu family. He was funny, mischievous, and sunny. A far better brother than Michael ever was. 

Kelsey turned. Evan was always taken aback by hold old he looked, despite usually choosing to appear as his 13 year old self, the age he was when he died. He was gruffly handsome – Evan hoped he looked like Kelsey when he was older. 

"Thanks, Evan! Special request from Ev. And you know what happens if I misbehave around her."

A protesting "Hey!" came from upstairs, belonging to none other than Evelyn herself. She and Kelsey were a perfect match. They made each other so happy, it made Evan's heart throb. In all honesty, they made Evan wonder where he and her had gone wrong.

Evan snapped back to the present and Kelsey let out a low chuckle. "Only kidding, love!"

A barely distinguishable "Hmph".

Kelsey turned his attention back towards the pancakes before continuing. "So, Evan, have any plans for today? I find it odd that you're awake before Sammy. It's usually impossible to wake you up until you decide you want to. What gives?"

Evan fidgeted in his seat before responding. Kelsey wasn't exactly exaggerating. Since they were incorporeal, without a body or any physical form, it was actually physically impossible for them to wake him up with physical means. And Evan was naturally a heavy sleeper, so short of shouting in his ear there wasn't much they could do.

"Cmon, Kell. You know why I sleep so much. If it wasn't for back then, maybe I'd wake up with the rest of you more often. However, I think I deserve to catch up on a little bit of missed sleep."

Kelsey didn't answer at first. He was one of three people Evan had told about his "Nightmares" - monstrous incarnations of the original Freddy's crew that had haunted him throughout his last nights alive. He was also one of the only two that had believed him. Although, Evan was pretty sure that nowadays it was only Kelsey who believed him anyway.

Kelsey took a breath before continuing. "Sorry I asked. I didn't mean to remind you."

"It's alright. As it stands, I do actually have a plan today."

Kelsey turned with a look a bafflement on his face. "You do? With who?"

"The others."



Evan let out a huff of frustration. "Come on, Kell. You know I wouldn't go if I didn't have to. Cassidy's going to make life hell for me."

"What's the deal with that. Didn't you and Cassidy use to be best friends?"

"Yeah, but we disagreed on his punishment. She got all personal about it, saying I was being too soft for wanting him dead instead of eternal suffering. I just wanted to make sure he couldn't do it ever again."

"I doubt he'll be moving any time soon."

"True. It's kind of hard when you're trapped in a robot suit and sealed behind a cement wall in an abandoned pizza place."

This got a chuckle from Kelsey. "I guess it's true that death would have been too good for him, but if there's a chance he could escape, it was a bad move."

"I know, right! It was nearly unanimous, too!"

"Did anyone else vote against it?"

"Charlie, and now Cassidy isn't talking to her either."

Kelsey absently flipped his pancake, going silent. Charlie had been a childhood friend, apparently. If so, she may have voted to kill him out of nostalgia and wanting to spare him his fate. That wasn't good, but she was technically only 4, so only Cassidy gave her grief about this.

Kelsey flipped the pancake again. "Well, you better get going. Tell Cassidy I said hi."

Evan smiled. Kelsey only pretended to like Cassidy since he had once possessed Golden Freddy with her. Evan appreciated Kelsey's effort to disguise the fact that he hated all of the missing kids.

"Alright, seeya tomorrow."

"Don't kill anyone tonight, alright?"

"Cassidy won't even let me back in G Freddy, so I wouldn't be able to if I tried."

"Good. Now piss off." Kelsey said with a grin. Evan smiled.

"Alright. And Kelsey?"


"Thanks for having my back."

And just like that, Evan closed his eyes and disappeared.


Surely he couldn't be coming, right? He would have to know what she would do to him if he showed his face. Evan might be an idiot, but he wasn't an idiot. That made sense, right? Eh, didn't matter. Words weren't her thing, that was always Evans job. The dramatic speeches, the declarations of revenge, the establishment of leadership, all him. But hey, he was gone and Cassidy was still here, profiting off it, so it couldn't be all terrible.

Cassidy looked around. No one else was here yet. No one worth talking to anyway. Charlie sat sadly in a corner, playing with the string attached to her wrists like a puppet. Would those be equivalent to Cassidy's golden bear ear on the side of her head like a headband? That's a weird thought. Having a humanoid animatronic would be weirder though.

Just then, a pop sounded in the kitchen. Susie, possessor of the animatronic Chica, and the second victim of William Afton after Charlie herself. Technically Evan was first, predating Charlie by a year, but William hadn't directly killed him. Instead, Evan's brother Michael had shoved him into the mouth of an early version of Golden Freddy built by William Afton. It had just been a "harmless prank" until the mouth unexpectedly closed around Evan's frontal lobe... there was no love lost between Evan and Cassidy, but she still shuddered to think about it.

Another pop shocked Cassidy out of her line of thought as Fritz, possessor of Foxy, stepped out of Pirate's Cove, shortly followed by 2 more pops from the stage, Jeremey, possessor of Bonnie, and Cassidy's brother Gabriel, who possessed classic Freddy. Finally, the gang was all here.

Cassidy stepped out of Golden Freddy. Stepped was maybe not the most accurate word, more like floated or teleported. In truth, it was a weird mix of all three. Maybe phasing? Phasing worked. She cleared her throat. causing Charlie, Gabriel and Susie to pause the conversation.

"Excuse me, but I don't think we were here to talk about the difference between a T-rex and a chicken."

Gabriel crossed his arms. "Actually Cass, we were talking about how T-rex's evolved from Chickens."

Susie slapped him over the head. "No, dumbass, we were talking about how chicken's evolved from T-Rexs."

T-Rexs? T-rexs? T-rex's?

Who cares.

Oh wait, T-rexxes!


Bah! Moving on!

Cassidy waved to get Jeremy and Fritz's attention, and they appeared next to the rest of them in a flash. Perk of being dead, she supposed.

"Alright. No point beating around the bush-"

"What does that mean?" From Susie.

"Shut up"

"ok" :(

"Anyway, we finally finished William Afton. What do we do from here? We are free of our animatronics due to his own mistake. We have nothing binding us here. We can move on."

"But where do we go?"

Cassidy looked at her little brother, fear in his eyes. Perfectly reasonable. If there was an afterlife, there was no one in this room except for Charlie who could make it to heaven. It was hell for all. Valhalla? Asphodel, Elysium or Tartarus? The goddamn Duat? Maybe there was nothing at all. An infinite nothingness of no conscience. All thoughts were terrifying.

Except Elysium. That would be nice.

"To heaven, of course." Cassidy lied. "None of us have done any wrong, since it was all justified. Not like Afton. When we let him die, he goes straight to hell. The only question is, do you guys want to stay here in the land of the living? Continue being animatronics by day, deadly machines by night? We can choose where to go from here, no longer trapped by the animatronics. The choice is ours."

Ok, maybe Cassidy could do words. She hadn't tried in a long time.

It was Jeremy who spoke first. 

"I'd like to stay here for now. I... I'm not ready to move on yet. I need to say goodbye to Evan, Elizabeth, Andrew, and the others first. Loose ends, y'know?"

Cassidy ignored the comments about Evan and Elizabeth, but Andrew was fair enough. He still popped around to see Cassidy and Kelsey, their other friend, from time to time.

"Same," Fritz said. "I haven't seen Mike since, well, you know. I want to apologise."

Cassidy scoffed. People like Michael weren't worth apologising to. "Fine. 2 vote to stay. Gabriel?"

"Stay. I've grown too attached to this stupid place to just up and leave without a few more shows. Like a last hurrah."

Cassidy thought this was a fitting response. Gabriel did possess the animatronic that lead the band, after all. It was a very showperson thing to say.


"Leave. I wanna see my dog :("

Cassidy sighed. Again with the damn dog. She didn't see why Afton would go out of his way to kill a dog, but then again, Afton was one fucked up person.

"Alrighty then. Anyone wanna ask Charlie or can we just ignore her-"

"Cassidy, she's right there."

"You ask her then, Gabriel."

"Fine, I will. Charlie, stay or leave?"

Charlie looked annoyingly unfazed by Cassidy's comment. "I vote to leave. We've suffered enough, and deserve rest. We won't get that here."

Deep comment for a 4-year old, but then again she wasn't really 4 - more like 5 or 6. Even then, dying had increased her mental age by at least 10 years, making her mentally the oldest here, beating Cassidy by a year.

"Alright, it's 3 for stay and 3 for go. Since it's a draw, we'll flip a coin or something. Anyone got a coin?"

"Its not a draw."

Cassidy went rigid. That couldn't possibly be...

She turned around, a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Evan Afton?!" 


Heya guys, Shortangryblonde here. So, a FNaF one is a bit of a change of pace from my last story, right? Well, this one's going to be just as good as the last, with hopefully a better upload schedule. I'll see you all in the next one!


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