Chapter 1 Bakugan The Battle Begins

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Dan: "I know this is gonna sound weird, but one day, my whole world changed. You see, cards started dropping from the sky, coming down like rain. At first we didn't know where they were coming from or who sent them. We only knew they were more than just ordinary playing cards. And it was happening all around the world: in the north; and the south. They landed everywhere. Together with my new online friends from around the world, we invented a wicked new game we called 'Bakugan'. That's when the power of the cards was revealed: Each one held its own battling beast which came to life when you threw it down. The battles were intense, and if you chose the wrong card, you lost it AND the beast inside. But that's only half the story: another even bigger battle was taking place in a parallel universe called Vestroia. My name is Dan, and together with my friends Y/N, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Mr. Hotshot himself Shun, and Alice, we are the Bakugan Battle Brawlers!"



Y/N: (Thoughts As I return home from School I immediately head to my room to grab my Bakugan deck as I was challenged to a Bakugan battle due to my pride as a Bakugan brawler I accepted)

Y/N: Ok which Bakugan should I Grab I got it I'll grab Robotallion Griffon and Serpenoid that should do.

Y/N then runs out of his House for his Bakugan Battle.

Timeskip Brought To You By Chibi Dan And Chibi Runo Arguing

Y/N: Sorry to keep you waiting so ready for your thrashing.

?: It's Alright I have patience my name is Jin and we will see about that.

Jin: All right then let's go.

Both: Bakugan Field Open.

As both of their cards glow Red and Purple respectively you both are in a different plane.

Both: Gate Card Set.

Y/N: I think I'll go first Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand Pyrus Serpenoid.

Pyrus Serpenoid 270 Gs.

Jin: Hm so thats your move Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Stinglash.

Darkus Stinglash 300 Gs.

Y/N: You think your clever but your not Gate Card Open Ring Of Fire.

Serpenoid 270-350 Gs.

Serpenoid Attacks And Destroys Stinglash.

Y/N: That all you've got.

Jin: *Smirk* Hardly I'm just getting warmed up.

Y/N: Ok then Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Pyrus Griffon .

Pyrus Griffon 290 Gs.

Y/N: Your move  unless your too chicken.

Jin: Heh very well Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Terrorclaw.

Darkus Terrorclaw 270 Gs.

Jin: Gate Card Open Dark Field.

Terrorclaw 270-350 Gs.

Y/N: Nice try Ability Card Activate Pyrus And Darkus Diagonal Relation.

Griffon 290-390 Gs.

Griffon attacks and defeats Terrorclaw with it's claw.

Y/N: Well looks like your only down to 1 Bakugan left and if if I'm thinking right 1 more battle should wrap this up Gate Card Set Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Pyrus Robotallion.

Pyrus Robotallion 320 Gs.

Jin: All right Let's go Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Siege.

Darkus Siege 340 Gs.

Y/N: Gate Card Open Overpower this Gate Card gives 100 Gs to the Bakugan of the Player with the most Bakugan left.

Pyrus Robotallion 320-420 Gs.

Jin: Tch Ability Card Activate Dark Sword.

Darkus Siege 340-420 Gs.

Y/N: Not bad but not good enough either Ability Card Activate Robotallion Enforcement.

Pyrus Robotallion 420-470 Gs.

Jin: Try countering this Negative Wave.

Pyrus Robotallion 470-420 Gs.

Jin: Heh Time for the curtain call Ability Card Activate Dark Growth.

Darkus Siege 420-500 Gs.

Jin: Looks like you were too arrogant.

Y/N: You speak too soon.

Jin: *Surprised* Huh what are you talking about.

Y/N: *Smirk* Let me show you Ability Card Activate Blast Burn.

Darkus Siege 500-450.

Pyrus Robotallion 420-470 Gs.

Jin: *Gasp* No way you've got to be kidding me.

Y/N: (Finger Snap) Ok time to end it get him Robotallion.

Robotallion blasts Siege with it's chest laser defeating it.

Jin: it seems I lost.

he then chuckles.

Y/N: Good Brawl Jin.

The 2 then shakes hands.

Jin: If you do not mind let's brawl again sometime.

Y/N: I'd love to.

Me and Jin then part ways.


Y/N: Stick Around There's More Bakugan Right After These.

Y/N: Now Back To Bakugan.


Y/N: (Thoughts) As I return home I'm greeted by my Mother M/N L/N.

M/N: *Smile* Welcome back Y/N how was your day.

Y/N: *Yawn* Fun and tiring is Supper ready

M/N: Mhm it's on the table

Y/N: *Smile* Thanks Mom

Timeskip Brought To You By Chibi Y/N And Chibi Jin Brawling

3rd POV Brawlers Chat Room

Dan: And then I let him have it with my secret weapon Frame Fire man you should've seen it I was like totally wicked then again what would you expect from the greatest Bakugan Brawler.

Y/n: *Smirk* And yet you're not ranked number 1 huh Dan.

Dan: *Anger* Be Quiet L/N

Y/N: Whatever doesn't matter I guess.

Runo:Whatever I just checked the world rankings and you're sitting at 121.

Dan: That's impossible Runo I gotta check this out Runo scroll up Ha! 117.

Runo: Oh please give me a break you should save your breath until you reach the top 10.

Dan: Yeah right like you are one to talk you are not even ranked.

He says before sticking his tongue out.

Runo: Ohhh like that's real mature.

Y/N: (Sighs) Not this again.

Marucho: Well I suggest you set your sights on Shun he is ranked number 1 and maybe in a few years you or Y/N might surpass him.

After Marucho said that Dan showed a face of disappointment

Alice: In a few years? There has to be a way you can challenge him or something isn't there?

Dan: Heh I bet I could take that jerk I don't mean to brag you know but no one has even come close to challenging me better look out shun because I'm gonna take you down.

Y/N: you'll have to defeat me first if you can't beat me you can't beat Shun.

Dan: That a challenge Y/N: because if it is I accept.

Y/N: *Laughs* guess it is I'll  eagerly await the day you and I Brawl.

POV Change Shun.

We then see Shun outside of his House.

Shun: (Thoughts Defending my rank is a joke when battling these amateurs what I need is a serious challenger someone that understands the power that lies in the Vestroia Dimension perhaps Y/N is it maybe.

A/N This Part Onwards Takes Place Around Episode 2

As Y/N is walking home he is stopped by a mysterious person.

Y/N: Huh who are you?

?: My name is Varis and I've come to challenge you.

Y/N: Alright then let's get this going.

Both: Bakugan Field Open.

As both of their cards glow Red and Purple Y/N and Varis are in a different plane.

Varis: Doom Card Set.

Y/N: What the? (Thoughts I don't know what that Card does so I'll play it safe for now.)

Both: Gate Card Set.

Y/N: Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Pyrus Juggernoid

Pyrus juggernoid 290 Gs

Varis: Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Gargonoid

Darkus Gargonoid 310 Gs

Y/N: (Thoughts What is he planning I'll risk I'll take him head on) Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Pyrus Stinglash

Pyrus Stinglash 330 Gs

Varis: Gate Card Open Nightmare.

Gargonoid 310-410 Gs

Y/N: I Don't think so Ability Card Activate Stinger

Stinglash 330-430 Gs

Y/N: Now go

Stinglash attacks and stabs Gargonoid with it's stinger defeating it.

Y/N: I win

Varis: That round Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Warius

Darkus Warius 350 Gs

Y/N: Gate Card Open Aura Merge.

Juggernoid 290-340 Gs

Warius 350-300 Gs.

Varis: Hmph Ability Card Activate Malice Wave

Juggernoid 340-290 Gs

Warius 300-350 Gs

Varis: Now attack

Warius Attacks Juggernoid and attacks with it's club as it's defeated a giant hole opens up and is sucked into it.

Y/N: *Shocked* What the hey where'd it go.

Varis: *Smirk* The Doom Dimension the afterlife for all Bakugan there is no return.

Y/N: *Angry* Why are you doing this.

Varis: *Chuckles* Don't be mad at me I was hired to do this by a man that hates you and he gave me that Card.

Y/N: This isn't over I can still fight.

Varis: Hmph Gate Card Set.

3rd POV Doom Dimension

We then see the Doom Dimension and multiple spheres of energy form and a giant Dragon appears and flies out of the Doom Dimension.


Y/N: Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Pyrus Stinglash

Pyrus Stinglash 330 Gs

Varis: Gate Card Set Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Warius

Darkus Warius 350 Gs

Y/N: Gate Card Open Standing Ground Flame Volcano

Stinglash 330-400 Gs

Varis: Ability Card Activate Chaotic Madness

Warius 350-450 Gs

Y/N: Not Yet Ability Card Activate Fire Breath

Stinglash 350-450 Gs

Y/N: Alright Go

Stinglash Attacks Warius By Stabbing It Defeating It.

Y/N: The Effect Of The Gate Card Standing Ground Flame Volcano All Players Get All Used Ability Cards Back And Can Use Them

Y/N: Alright Come On Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Pyrus Stinglash

Pyrus Stinglash 330 Gs

Varis: Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Reaper 370 Gs

Darkus Reaper 370 Gs

Y/N: Ability Card Activate Fire Breath

Stinglash 330-430 Gs

Varis: Gate Card Open Wall Lock Your Ability Is Now Negated

Stinglash 430-330 Gs

Y/N: Tch Ability Card Activate Stinger

Stinglash 330-430 Gs

Varis: Ability Card Activate Chaotic Madness

Reaper 370-470 Gs

Varis: Now Attack Reaper

Reaper Attacks And Slashes Stinglash With It's Scythe It Then Sends It To The Doom Dimension

Y/N: (Thoughts I only have one chance and shot I hope this works) Gate Card Set Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Pyrus Ravenoid

Pyrus Ravenoid 340 Gs

Varis: *Laughs* It's Over Now Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand Darkus Reaper

Darkus Reaper 370 Gs

Y/N: Ability Card Activate Infernal Flames

Ravenoid 340-440 Gs

Varis: Ability Card Activate Malice Wave

Ravenoid 440-390 Gs

Reaper 370-420 Gs

Y/N: Damn (Thoughts I have to do it but not yet wait?! Maybe it I play some mind games I might be able to pull it off ) is that all you've got

Varis: What?

Y/N: You know I can't win so why not give me no hope right.

Varis: fine then I'll grant you your wish Ability Card Activate Death Blaster

Reaper 420-520 Gs

Y/N: (Thoughts He fell for it) it's over

Varis: *Shocked* Huh? Wait what (Thoughts He tricked me.)

Y/N: Gate Card Open Character Card

Ravenoid 390-780 Gs

Varis: *Shaken* No way I'm gonna lose

Y/N: Alright attack

Ravenoid attacks Reaper defeating him

Y/N: *Breathing* I Win.

They then return to the real world

Varis: I lost

Y/N: Who hired you

Varis: I wasn't told his name but he called himself Specter I won't bother you anymore Y/N L/N but he may send others after you along with his ally a man named Masquerade

Y/N: Thanks for the warning.

Varis then leaves

Y/N: What's going on I've got to get to the bottom of this perhaps Bakugan isn't a game like we thought.

A bright light then appears

Y/N: Huh what's going on whoa.

A Red Bakugan then appears

Y/N: A Bakugan but I've never seen one like this before.

?: Where am I

Y/N: Um Planet Earth

?: Not in Vestroia then.

Y/N: Who who are you

?: My name is Leonidas

Y/N: so Leonidas do you remember anything about how you got here?

Leonidas: all I know is that I escaped a mysterious place and found myself here.

Y/N: would you like to be my partner I'll help you remember some things

Leonidas: Hmm very well I will partner with you

Y/N: ok my name is Y/N great to meet you partner:

? POV.

?: Looks like he failed

?2: of course he did as you told me this Y/N is nothing to mess with.

?: Indeed I did but before I brawl him I need to gauge his strength once again wouldn't you agree Vladitor

Vladitor : Indeed Specter or should I say Marduk

Marduk: *Smirk* Let's see how you survive Old Friend.

End Of Chapter 

Appearing Characters For the Chapter






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