Chapter - 2

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The stone has been half. More equivalent to it's one half." Contrary to Ichiro, Kei seemed astonished and confused.

Halved? Does that mean that I have----
Colour leaves Aiko's face as she discreetly brings her hand up to her neck and tries to feel her stone beneath her robes. It's there... So now I need to check how it looks like. It couldn't have possibly changed... Right?

"So is this like the 'repenting soul partner prophecy'?" Jirou says after some thought.

"It does not make sense. Prophecies are baseless, anyways. Just some mere presumptions.", Mitsuki rolls her eyes at him.

"Why you-- why do you always have to object everything I say?"

"Because the words you choose to speak often make no sense. Also, I don't objectify everything you say. I choose to ignore most of it." She pushes her visual aid up the bridge of her nose with a challenging look in her eyes.

"Enough, you two. I don't want another round of this bickering." Chikao chose to interrupt as the voices started fading in her background because Aiko's mind was caught up into thinking after the mention of the prophecy.

The repenting soul partners prophecy.

The infamous repenting soul partners prophecy.
A decision made by the Goddess herself which stated that two souls would bonded forever for their next eight lives. Though, in one of their lives, if someone does not sacrifice themselves for the two souls' sake, one of the bonded soul might die and the other would suffer a huge loss.

But I'm a royal by blood, a warrior by heart, a care provider for the state and a server to the Goddess.
A person from a different state, a random person like Kei could not possibly be my bonded soul partner for another seven lives, right?


Um--- yeah- here's the second one.

If you find anything confusing, dumb, offensive or illogical, please let me know.

I'd he happy to accept criticism.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also, what do you guys think of the repenting soul partners prophecy? It was such an impulsive idea °^°

I attached a picture of Kei's and Aiko's gems. I couldn't find a good design for the fused gem ;-; I'll upload if I find it anytime later... Sorry :(

Anywho, happy reading!! <3

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