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them. He waved them forward after realizing Makkari wasn't following.

I'm going to wait here in case he wakes up. She said, hoping her smile looked normal.

Kingo nodded, "Okay, then I'm waiting with you."

You don't have to. You can go with the others, get some rest.

"Nah," He wrinkled his nose, pressing his back against the wall across from the door to the infirmary, sliding down it until he was sitting, "I want to wait, too."

She sat next to him, the skirts of her dress pooling around her. She eyed something dark on the front of it, brushing her hand to smooth the fabric so she could see it better. A sob left her chest before she could silence it, and she knew it probably sounded strangled, but she didn't care.

Druig's blood stained her dress, the very one she'd worn just for him.

Covering her face, she allowed herself to cry even while Kingo sat next to her. Even though it had only been a matter of minutes since the whole ordeal, the amount of anxiety knotting in her stomach caused tears to steadily flow from her eyes.

It had to have been a mix up. It had to have been. Why would someone have poisoned Druig of all people? He barely showed himself in public, and when he did, it was a miracle if he said two words other than to her. But he was never disrespectful, he never bore any ill-will toward the humans, never spoke on matters discussed at Arthur's table. He simply came to make an appearance, and then disappeared back to wherever he felt comfortable.

So Makkari just couldn't wrap her head around everything that had happened.

The image of Druig's body jerking as he coughed up blood, his eyes boring into Thena's as he struggled to speak to her, came to the forefront of her memory. It made her sick with worry, made her want to cry more, but mostly it made her so unbelievably frightened. Druig wasn't fragile by any means, but could his body really withstand something that made him react that way? It had to, didn't it?

Didn't it?

"Hey." Kingo rubbed her shoulders, his voice soft, "Don't worry, okay? Ajak said she thought the poison's effects won't hurt him anymore, and that he avoided permanent damage. He probably just needs his beauty sleep now."

Despite the circumstances, Makkari sputtered out a small laugh, wiping her eyes so she could look at her friend. He smiled back, but she could still see the worry lining his face.

Nodding, she said, Yeah, beauty sleep.

"Druig's strong." He said it as if he was convincing himself, "He won't let a little poison take him out. He'd be so pissed if that's how he died."

The thing was, Makkari knew that was true. Druig would be very upset if he died so unspectacularly. His death will be the way he wants it, under his own terms. It would be a death fit for a king, not one that struck from the shadows.

They sat for hours, the sun starting to filter in through the window at the end of the hallway. They should have been in bed by now, satisfied by all the food and drink, all of the dancing they had done. Makkari would have been lying wide awake, still thrumming with excitement about the dance she'd shared with Druig.

She'd been trying to think of a good way to trick him into dancing with her ever since she'd found out about the ball, but he'd come right out and asked. It had been so surprising to her that she'd been speechless for the most part. The thought of him dancing had almost made her laugh, but he'd been quite splendid. She didn't know he could even dance that well.

She'd also be lying if she said she hadn't been flustered when she'd seen him from across the ballroom, cutting through the crowd toward her as soon as he'd seen her. The outfit he'd worn was so far from what she expected, but in the best way possible. She didn't even know she needed to see him so fancy until she did.

Her heart belonged to Druig so much, she didn't even know if it was rightfully hers anymore.

So seeing him writhing on the floor, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose, eyes rolling back, and blue creeping through the veins in his neck, had made her feel the most fear she'd ever experienced. Death had never crossed Makkari's mind before. It had seemed impossible despite fighting the Deviants. They were Eternals. They couldn't die.

But they could. They could.

The door to the infirmary opening caused Makkari to stir, and she realized she must have fallen asleep leaning against Kingo's shoulder. He, too, blinked and sat up straighter, both of them looking up at Ajak, who looked completely exhausted.

She smiled at them though, saying, "He's fine."

Makkari breathed out a sigh of relief, feeling new tears brimming. Next to her, Kingo also audibly sighed, saying something under his breath.

"He's awake, but Merlin gave him a remedy for the pain that made him a little incoherent." Ajak tilted her head, "He did ask for you, Makkari."

Her eyes widened, and she was on her feet and to the door faster than the sound of her doing so could catch up with her. She glanced back at Kingo, but he motioned for her to go. Ajak also smiled, reaching out for him. He let her lean on him as they made their way down the hall, leaving Makkari to herself.

Druig was propped up in the same bed they'd laid him in. It was underneath a window, the overcast morning filtering through. His smile when he saw her was tired, but he still made the effort. She sat in the chair Ajak must have used next to his bed, taking his hand in hers. It was freezing, as though his blood had completely drained out of it.

"So it turns out, drinking poison isn't much fun."

She shot him a look, not at all surprised he was making a joke out of the situation. Druig always had been sarcastic. Remind me to cross it off my bucket list.

He chuckled, but then winced and coughed, his hand coming away from his mouth with the barest bit of blood. He saw her look at it, and tucked it under the blankets, "Residual effects, Ajak said."

She said you're alright. Makkari met his gaze, Are you?

"Honestly, the only thing I feel right now is extremely drunk." His head lolled to the side as he turned it toward her, "Who knows what Merlin gave me, but it feels pretty good. I don't feel anything."

Good, She said, I was afraid you would.

"You were worried about me?" He smiled like someone who'd been told a secret.

Of course, idiot. You were shaking and blood was coming out of your mouth, you were turning blue. It scared all of us. We still don't know who did it, or why.

Druig hummed, "I tried telling Thena, but I don't know if it came out or not. The poison was meant for Arthur."

What do you mean 'meant for Arthur'? Makkari asked, frowning, He never got sick even after drinking the wine.

"I took his cup, he got mine. I've been compelling the servants to switch them since we got here." He explained, making her chest tighten with every word, "Just in case his was laced with poison. Turns out it's a good thing I did."

Why would you do that? She asked angrily, Why would you put yourself at risk like that?

"Because I thought someone might try to kill him that way?"

But you know we're not supposed to interfere! Arthur is a decent king, but why put his life over yours? I don't understand.

His expression grew serious, "You love him, don't you?"

Makkari knew her face contorted into shock and, just slightly, disgust, What?

"Arthur. You love him."

Where did you get a ridiculous idea like that?

"You spend a lot of time with him." Druig said, not meeting her eyes, "And you look at him different than others."

She shook her head as if it would make it make sense, Arthur's interests are in Thena. He asked me to tell him about her and how he could approach her. She intimidates him. So I've been spending time helping him find things she'd like and prepare him for asking her to dine with him. I'm not in love with him!

"That would have been nice to know a couple hours ago." Druig said, "Would have saved me a lot of trouble."

Still, why would you be willing to die for him just because I love him?

He made a noise in his throat, a sound between a laugh and a groan. His smile was lazy, and when he focused his eyes on her, his pupils were blown. He hadn't been lying, whatever Merlin had given him for pain had made him extremely intoxicated.

"Because I would do anything for you." He said simply, "Even if it meant dying so the person you cared for lived."

Why? She knew she must sound like a parrot, asking the same word over and over again, but it was the only question she could seem to come up with.

"Oh, Makkari." He closed his eyes, letting his head fall back against the pillow, "I am soin love with you that it's pitiful. You will forever be my undoing."

She could only sit and stare at him, letting his words sift in and out of her thoughts, trying to make sure she'd heard him correctly. He...loved her? Druig?

You love me? She asked.

He nodded, "Incomprehensibly so."

Why haven't you ever told me?

"I didn't want to risk losing our friendship." His light eyes found hers once again, "You're my best friend, how could I risk that?"

She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head, So you were willing to die for Arthur, because you thought I loved him, and you'd rather do that than find out if I loved you back?

"Yes." He said easily, "I want you in every sense Makkari, but the thought of losing your friendship far outweighs the possibility of earning your love."

You are unbelievable. She felt tears welling up in her eyes again, sliding down her cheeks, Absolutely unbelievable.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." He reached up to gently brush away her tears.

Too late, I've been a mess for the past couple hours.

"You're still in your dress."

I waited in the hall with Kingo the whole time.

"You really are beautiful." The look he was giving her was the same she'd seen a thousand times, intimate and intense. It all made so much sense now, all the times he'd looked at her in that way were the times she'd wanted to lose herself in him. "Mess and all."

You really love me? This isn't you being a drunk idiot?

"I may currently be a drunk idiot, but I'm not lying. I love you more than myself, more than any purpose I have in this world." He stiffly shifted to a more comfortable position so that he could better gaze at her, "You alone are my purpose."

She reached forward to cup his face in her hands. He closed his eyes, their foreheads touching, until she sat back and said, Ask me.

"Ask you what?"

If I love you.

He shook his head, "I can't. I can't, Makkari."

Ask me. She insisted.

Druig swallowed, hesitating before slowly asking, "Do you love me, Makkari?"

Since before stepping foot on this planet, I have loved you, Druig. If I am your purpose, you are mine.

He stared at her in awe, his blue eyes illuminated by the light from the windows, "I don't deserve you."

You deserve everything. She said, And I won't stop until I've given that to you.

The hand that had been wiping her tears, now held the back of her head, gently pulling her forward as he leaned toward her. She closed her eyes as he brushed his lips against hers, her heart beating so loudly she was afraid he'd hear it.

His lips were soft and warm, kissing her in the way she'd always longed for. In the way she'd always wanted to be kissed. He wasn't rough, but gentle, as if savoring the moment they shared one breath, the moment they joined who they were. It made Makkari's head swim, her every nerve coming undone. She had longed for him for so long, it was almost like a dream that Druig was kissing her. The amount of happiness, of pure joy, that flooded her chest and tingled her fingertips was immeasurable.

In that moment, Makkari knew Druig was forever hers, and she his.

He pulled away much too soon if you'd ask Makkari, pale face now with flushed cheeks. With a small smile, he said, "I still haven't caught my breath, sorry."

She sat back on her chair, saying, No, you need to get your rest. We have forever to spend with each other, why rush it?

"Agreed." His eyes lulled closed, "I love you, Makkari."

He was asleep before she could say it back.

Makkari was acting strange. Druig couldn't put his finger on it, but she seemed more excited than normal. More happy. Had Arthur confessed to her?

This put him into a sour mood as he sat in the bed in the infirmary, the group of Eternals seated around him, minus Thena. They were all bantering with each other as they usually did, but he'd catch glimpses from Makkari every now and then. She'd smile and look away, picking at her fingers as a light blush colored her cheeks.

Imagine his confusion, when in walked Thena and Arthur, arm in arm. He placed a kiss on her cheek, mumbling something in her ear, before excusing himself to continue investigating the poisoning.

"Arthur and Thena?" Druig asked incredulously, low enough for only Makkari to understand. She looked at him in confusion, which he explained by saying, "I thought Arthur liked you."

Makkari shook her head, No, I told you last night that he was interested in Thena.

Well there was the problem. Druig remembered bits and pieces of the first time he woke after falling in the ballroom, but nothing consecutive. The only thing he really remembered was that he woke up to see the ceiling. Maybe he slightly remembered Makkari sitting next to him? If she'd said anything at all to him, he didn't know it.

He explained that to her and watched as her face fell. It looked as though he'd just hit her with his blunt force. What exactly had they talked about?

"Look, if I've upset you, Makkari-" He started, but she shook her head, doing her best to smile, but he saw through it.

No, no. I'm sorry, I'm just surprised because you held a whole conversation with me. She said.

"About what?" He asked.

She shrugged, I asked if you knew who poisoned you, and you didn't.

"Ah," He leaned back, still not used to the lingering burning in his lungs, "I still do not."

Makkari didn't say anything after that, she just sat next to him looking like she wanted to cry. Had he done something? He couldn't think of anything. He would joke with her, but she just didn't jab like she normally did.

And Druig just didn't know why.

Of course Makkari could have told him about their conversation the night prior, the one he didn't remember. She could have reiterated her love for him, let him say all of those soft things again. But it wasn't the right time. Not when they were surrounded by the others. It had to be like it had been before, just them, serious and intimate. It had to be right.

So Makkari waited, masking her sadness for the loss of his affection as just a gloomy mood. She didn't expect the night in Tenochtitlan to happen, didn't expect to watch the man she loved walk away from her without following him.

But Makkari knew it wasn't the last time she'd see him again. They would reunite, and she would tell him what she had that night in Camelot.

She just hadn't expected her confession to be so many years later, back aboard the Domo, after Druig had a nightmare that Makkari had come to save him from.

Ily, stay safe and healthy :)

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