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When we got back home from visiting London me and Hermione got everything prepared to leave next week. "Hey, Mione do you know where my potions book is?" I asked her entering her room. "Yes it's next to my Hogwarts of history on the kitchen counter I think Mother and Father are going through them," she said finishing beating everything up.

Hermione and I didn't get a pet this year and I know we weren't going to get a pet intel our third year, which I was fine with I'll just save enough money threw the years to get her Crookshanks as an early birthday present.

We both went downstairs and saw our mom and dad reading both books and discussing it. "It's ok Mum and Dad, we'll be safe at Hogwarts and we'll always brush our teeth and everything," I said as I hugged Mother.

The week passed and Mione and I read all the books and memories of them being prepared to fit in.

We were some of the first people there not wanting to be late, as we arrived at 9 and ten, "but there's no 9 3/4," our mom said, "we have to go through the wall mum," I responded. "What?" They said in confusion. "Hey it's ok, Mione I'll go first," I said.

Not too long I saw my sister and parents go through. After long tears from each of them and hugs, we went on the train and chose a compartment. "I'm going to look around Mione, if I bump into the trolly do you want me to get you something?" I asked her. "Nothing too sweet," she said going back to reading her book.

As I walked around I was looking at my potion book to make sure I saved my place when I bumped into something and fell. "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention," I said as I was about to get up, "it's ok neither was I," a voice said.

Wait I know that voice anywhere, a hand was treating me to help me up and I gladly took it, as I did I felt a shock threw my hand. Did he feel it to I questioned myself. "Potions," he said looking at my book, "Yes, I love the subject, do you?" I asked.

"Yeah I do, my name is Draco Malfoy," he said putting his hand out to shake, "Syrena Granger," I said shaking his hand. "Granger? Never heard of that last name," he said confused. "Well you know now," I said. "Are you half-blood?" He asked. "Why does it matter? We're all the same and we bleed the same," I said to him.

"Well nice to meet you Draco, but I have to get back to my sister before she freaks," I said turning around after getting my book from him. As I arrived back a little boy was with Mione, I immediately knew who it was, "Syrena this is Neville Longbottom he lost his toad and I was planning on looking for it soon, I'll come with I still haven't run into the trolley," I said sadly.

Mine and I left to go on the hunt for his toad when we got to the compartment Harry and Ron were in, as Hermione opened it she asked, "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one," We looked around a little as the boys said no and she saw Ron having his wand out, "doing some magic, let's see now," she said a little snarky as we both walked in to see his magic trick, "alright, Sunshine, Daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow," Ron said as he was flicking his wand very harshly, "Well my sister and I have been practicing spells of our own, for example, Oculus Reparo," she said. Harry was shocked that his glasses were now repaired. I decided not to show off and let her

"Blimey Syrena he's Harry Potter, I'm Hermione Granger," she stated, "I'm Syrena Granger," I said shanking their hands, "and you are?" Mione asked Ron, "Ron Weasley," he said proudly,

Not too long we arrived at Hogwarts and I met Hagrid, "let's go girlie," I said as I hooked arms with her. We found a boat and I helped her get in, as I was getting in I almost fell in the water when a hand caught me. "May Blaise and I sit with you?" Draco said as I caught my balance with his help.

"Yeah sure I don't see a problem," I said before Hermione could say anything, "Hermione this is Draco Malfoy, Draco this is my sister Hermione." Draco shook her hand hesitantly, I didn't care if I didn't end up with him I just cared to help him see that you shouldn't judge a person's blood statute. "I Blaze Zabini," Blaze said holding a hand out for my sister and me to shake, we shook hands and slowly made conversation with the boys.

We arrived at the top of the stars and I saw McGonagall all in her glory, as she spoke to us I realized something everyone looked a little different, they looked similar to the people in the movie but better I guess. I didn't notice till now, I think just being here is amazing.

As she walked away Draco did his thing trying to befriend Harry and like always he got rejected. I feel like they would be great friends if Draco's dad would not put things into his head that didn't need to be there. Poor boy, but I'll be there if he needs me, because no one else will, and at the worst times. 'cough cough' half blood prince.

One of my missions, while I was here, was to find out if I was adopted, because I have red hair and I'm paler than Hermione and also to see if there was any wizard in our family and see if she's at least a half-blood, instead of a muggle-born, but there's nothing wrong with her being a muggle-born it's just I don't want to see the pain she'll go threw.

As we entered the great hall I held onto my sister, "If I get Slytherin promise to not treat me differently?" I asked Hermione before she started explaining the ceiling to the others. "Yes, and if you get Slytherin promise to not change much?" She asked back, "Always, sister stick together no matter what house how they get separated, I love you," I said. "I love you too," she said, she then started to explain the ceiling to the other girl next to us.

As we arrived the Storting hat sang a song and then McGonagall started calling names first was Hannah Abbot she got Hufflepuff of course. I then zoned out looking at the panel seeing Quirrell was trying to talk to Snape as Snape was looking at Harry. I looked at Harry and saw him touch his scar. 'I hope he's suffering under the leather' I thought I then look at the other staff seeing as everyone looked similar to how I saw them on TV before I got sucked into the portal, will I ever return though?

I saw Seamus Finnigan on the stool at the hat shouted Gryffindor, "Hermione Granger" McGonagall called. "See you later" I whispered hugging her before she flew. That hat was on her head for a hot minute when it finally belted Gryffindor, the table tasted with pleasure like they did for the others. I looked at her giving her a huge smile and waving when my name got called. "Syrena Granger" I heard her belt, I went up and sat on the stool.

As the hat was placed on my head I heard the voice of the hat in my head. 'Well another Granger, you too are two so alike but so different. You have bravery like a Gryffindor but are cunning like a Slytherin, you are wise to like Ravenclaw and loyal like a Hufflepuff. But mostly see Gryffindor and Slytherin in your'

'Thank you, what house do you think I'll do best in, I said back in my head. 'You'll do great in every house, and you shall choose if you like,' it said. "Slytherin" I whispered so quietly that not even McGonagall could hear me. 'So be it!' It yelled in my head. "Slytherin!" It belted out. The Slytherin table belted cheering. I hopped off once McGonagall got the hat off my head, I looked at my sister before I went to my table and nodded my head in her direction.

As I sat down at the Slytherin table they greeted me with hands to shake introducing themselves, I smiled and shook the hands they offered. As the night went on everyone was sorted into their houses and last was Blaze Zabini.

Dumbledore said some words and of course, the seventh floor is forbidden if you don't wanna die a cruel death, but I'm going to visit there one night anyway to meet Fluffy.

'Wooh a lot of goals this year' I thought. "Hello my name is Pansy Parkinson," the girl next to me said with a handout, "Syrena Granger," I said back shaking it. We shook hands and became really good friends that night.

Dinner was done and it was time to go to our common rooms. I looked at my sister and blew her a kiss mouthing I love and good night. She caught the kiss and mouthed I love you too and good night.

"So I'm guessing that's your sister?" Pansy said a little disgusted. "Don't judge because she's a Gryffindor," I snapped back quickly. "Ok, ok," she said defensively. "So who's older?" Blaze asked. "She is by and few months," I said when we arrived at the portrait.

I was one of the people up front before Salazar Slytherin looked at the prefect he gave me a weird look, not a disgusting one but a weird look like he was confused about something.

Once the prefect said the passcode, which being pureblood, of course, I expected nothing less. As we walked in it was beautiful and chilling and I loved it. The perfect explained everything girls on the right boys on the left and if either was in the wrong place we would be punished. Blah blah blah.

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