Chapter 26: Interplay of Light and Shadow

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herself as she shakes the water off from her noodles.

"Megumi!" Yuuki joyfully exclaims.

"She's not letting herself get overwhelmed by what's going on." Shun says.

"Yes, she's staying focused. She only sees what she's making. She reminds me of Yukihira-kun somehow." Ryoko adds.

Megumi presents her dish in front of the judges. "Here is my dish. Please have a taste!"

'Hm, it is an impressive light-broth ramen that is also pleasing to the eye. But after having tasted Ryo Kurokiba's seafood ramen, how can hers possibly measure up to its impact?' a judge thought as they took a sip of the soup.

"So strong. Such powerful umami!" the judge exclaims.


"Isn't it supposed to be a light broth?"

"What is this sweet umami I am detecting in the clean flavor?" a judge inquires.

"This combination of ingredients...It's kozuyu!" another realizes.

"Yes! This dish used kozuyu as a base. Finished with the addition of paitan soup and a soy sauce mix, this is my Kozuyu Chicken Soy Sauce Ramen!" Megumi states.

"Kozuyu..." Ryo mumbles.

"Kozuyu is a traditional regional cuisine of Aizu. It's a celebratory dish made from scallop stock." Senzaemon explained.

"So you adapted a regional dish into ramen! With the scallops playing a central role, the flavor rests on the solid foundation provided by the paitan soup." a judge says.

"In addition, the kaeshi employs of a mix of light soy sauce and white soy sauce, which has a pronounced sweetness. It pairs perfectly with kozuyu, which is also seasoned with soy sauce!" another judge adds.

"That still doesn't account for all the umami. Where is the rest coming from?" a judge asks.

"It comes from vegetables." Megumi answered.

"Vegetables?" the judges questions.

"The shiitake mushrooms, burdock root, and green beans you see in the topping were all dried ingredients that were simmered." Megumi elaborated.

"I see! Drying vegetables concentrates their umami! Their flavor profiles would change completely from before! All that umami has dissolved into the broth!" Marui explains.

"I see. It's Tadokoro's specialty!" Soma grins.

'The delicate sweetness specific to vegetables! Who could have foreseen that it could create such a pure, yet powerful broth? I'm so happy, I can't stop smiling!' a judge happily thought.

"Oh, before you finish the noodles, please try the paste in the small bowl. Add as much as you'd like to the broth." Megumi says.

"The acidity is eye-opening! It brings the flavors together even tighter still!" a judge exclaims after tasting the ramen again.

"What is this?!" another judge questions.

"I combined Aizu chicken meat with thinly sliced white part of scallions and pickled plums, along with seasoning. I thought it'd allow for a fun change of flavor." Megumi explains.

'It doesn't just change the flavor! It harmonizes with the kozuyu's delicate flavors, and heightens the sweetness from the vegetables!' the judges thought.

"Hey, that ramen of yours! Let me try it!" Ryo demands.

"O-Okay!" Megumi squeaked.

"What a surprise! Even though both dishes are seafood ramen, she was able to create this much umami, despite taking the dish in a completely different direction than Ryo Kurokiba's Soup de Poisson!" a judge comments.

"I know I can't possibly create a strong flavor like what you might expect from rich seafood or pork bone stock. It requires great expertise, from preventing fishiness to adjusting the flavors. But I thought I could manage to make a "strong" balance ramen if I used kozuyu as a base, and emphasize the umami of scallops and vegetables!" Megumi firmly says.

"You knew I'd make a rich type of ramen, and you deliberately chose this dish to compete with mine. This match is getting interesting, Megumi Tadokoro!" Ryo exclaims.

'Deep within her slight frame burns a quiet determination. She did not fear her formidable opponent and chose to meet him head-on in a fierce umami battle!' a judge thought.

"Try my ramen, too!" Ryo demands as he hands a bowl to her.

'What an overpowering fragrance and umami of the sea! I can hardly stay standing up! How can...How can you make a ramen like this?! But I don't want to lose!' Megumi thought.

'What a pitched battle! Both of them poured in their sheer willpower into their ramen, and it has manifested itself as flavor!' a judge thought.


"The director's taken up the brush!" Ryoko points out.

"Who will be the victor?" Marui questions.

"Which one will it be?!" Yuuki asks.

~3035 words

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