ꫂ five

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After making it through the second hour, they were now roaming around, seemingly finding the exit of the theme park, with Donghyuck being carried behind Mark's back.

How did they get to this situation? Well, they may or may have not tried some of the extreme rides to pass time. Donghyuck got nauseous and would lose his balance whenever he'd take a step. Being guilty for having to force the other one to join him with the rides, Mark felt a tinge of responsibility to at least help him out. Thus explaining this situation where Donghyuck is snuggling on Mark's back as he's being carried out.

Was he still dizzy? No.

Donghyuck just loved how comfortable he was cuddling up to Mark.

"Are you not going down?" Mark could tell and it was obvious that the male had recovered from his sickness.

"You're comfy, Mark." Donghyuck said, not putting any deep meaning to his statement. It was simply what it was said. He is in a comfortable position, and he felt like wanting to sleep at that moment.

That caused the said male to have a wide smile on his face while his cheeks were flushed red. "You probably just lied about not feeling well as your reason just to be carried."

"You can say that." Even though Donghyuck really got dizzy from the ride, he is taking advantage of being carried even if he got better already.

Mark could then feel the younger one snuggling his face on his neck. Though, it was slightly bothering that the male's glasses were also being squished in between. "Sunshine, want me to take your glasses?"

"I'm good, thank you." Donghyuck just smiled at the nickname. It was growing on him and he began to like how perfect that name rolled out of the male's tongue.

With or without glasses, Mark's heart was still going crazy at how he could feel his warm breath on his neck. Either way, he'd still feel butterflies inside his stomach. "You're really making most of your money, huh?"

Bringing up that topic again made Donghyuck frown. Though it was a fact, he didn't want to be reminded over and over again that he was actually desperate to rent a boyfriend to spend Valentine's day with.

However, it was just Mark trying to continue their conversation. He could already feel it inside that it was the worst topic to start off with as he noticed that the male behind him wasn't responding.

"I mean, I'm making your money worth it." What a great way to save the situation, Mark Lee. Note the sarcasm.

"Mark." Donghyuck began.

But he had to be cut off once more by Mark making another attempt to save himself from the awkward tension that he had built. "You might want to rent me for more than four hours."

Heaving out a sigh, Donghyuck tried once more to make a request. "Hey."

However, Mark was quick again to say something. "What's your favorite flower?"

It was then that Donghyuck had understood that none of it was intentional. Mark was stuttering and it was obvious from there on that he was just an awkward talker. Got to give him points for trying.

Shaking his head as if shaking away his bad temper a while ago, Donghyuck propped his hand on the male's back. "You can put me down now."

"What? What do you mean?" Mark internally cursed himself for being stupid and not knowing how to perfect the flow of the conversation. "I know you're still feeling sick from the rides. It's okay, I can just carry you."

"I'm okay now, Mark. You don't have to bother." Donghyuck told him.

Since Mark was stubborn, Donghyuck began to put himself down and had his feet to support him. He then got Mark to turn around and look at him with an expression of worry and guilt. To show that there was nothing to worry about, Donghyuck passed him a small smile.

"I want to walk beside you." Donghyuck said, standing right next to the other male.

Mark hesitated, but decided to start his pace nonetheless. As they were walking, silence was engulfing them. Even if the amusement park was loud with screams and rides, their silence was louder. Donghyuck could tell that Mark wanted to be careful with his words this time around, and knew that he was having a hard time finding the right words to say.

Which is why Donghyuck initiated the conversation. "It's sunflowers, by the way."

Mark snapped out from his trances and turned his head to look at the male beside him. "Hm?"

"My favorite." Donghyuck said with a smile on his face.

Mark didn't know why, but sunflowers and sunshine suited him so much. It was as if he was the embodiment of those. It's probably why calling him Sunshine sounded so perfect, and why it made sense that sunflowers are his favorite.

Just as he opened his mouth to say the same words he had thought of inside his head, the both of them were taken aback by a guy around their age bumping Donghyuck by accident. It seemed unintentional, which is why Donghyuck uttered a 'sorry' in chorus with the guy who also uttered an apology before leaving. Mark stood there still, watching the scene unfold right in front of him.

His feet then moved on his own and had to stand where he could cover the guy from Donghyuck's view.

"Excuse." Donghyuck tried to gently push away his date to look at who bumped into him just seconds ago.

"Favorite game?" Mark asked, trying to get his attention.

However, Donghyuck was busy trying to get a good look at the guy that's already walking away. Nonetheless, he answered. "Roblox."

"Is there any sport you know how to play?" Mark continued, moving where the male's eyes would go and being the only view for the other one.

"Soccer and a little bit of basketball." Sighing, Donghyuck decided to give up as he couldn't see where the guy was. "Chenle often teaches me how to play basketball."

Being successful from getting his full attention, Mark had the widest smile his lips could make. "What's your pet peeve?"

"You." Donghyuck didn't mean to sound rude but he was genuinely upset. "What's your deal?"

"I'm just trying to get to know you." Mark shrugged his shoulders. He then placed his hands inside his pockets and began walking.

"You saw I was in the middle of—" Following beside him, Donghyuck let out a gasp of realization. "Were you jealous?"

That took Mark aback. Was he that obvious? "Of what?"

"That dude that bumped into me. I wanted to go and get his name, but you were in the way." Shaking his head, Donghyuck clicked his tongue three times as if he was judging him. "Not cool, Mark Lee."

"It was just a coincidence that I got into your way." Mark told him, denying the fact that he was indeed jealous. "Maybe you're not meant to know him."

"You're jealous, just say it." Donghyuck insisted.

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Me? Get jealous of that dude? Please." Yes, Mark is jealous that his date got starstruck by that guy, but you will never hear him ever admit to it.

"Then why did you have to cover my view!" Donghyuck may be in denial at times, but he can't be too blind to not see how obvious that intention was. "It took you long enough to even say a word and you just suddenly bombard me with— Oh my god, lion!"

A lion on the loose? Mark turned around and saw no wild animal anywhere. People aren't even panicking and running for their lives. "Bombard you with lions?"

Seeing a specific booth, it was that quick for Donghyuck to get distracted and have his interest in another thing. "No, look!"

Mark followed where the other one was pointing and saw a shooting booth that's quite popular with kids and teens. "And so?"

"Their lion stuffed animal is so cute!" Donghyuck's eyes sparkled as it was glued to a specific animal plush. "Mark..."

The said male raised a brow, still surprised at how quick of a turn their conversation went. From him getting jealous to the younger one wanting that lion animal plush. "What do you want me to do, get that for you?"

What did Mark do? Obviously paid for a turn and is now focused on his shoot.

Donghyuck stood right beside him looking excited and determined at the same time. He didn't expect that it would be that easy to convince Mark to play and get him that lion stuffed toy. All it took was his pout and his puppy eyes. It looks like Mark also found it as a weakness the same as Donghyuck would do anything if the other one begged for him in that way.

While waiting for the older one to adjust and find the perfect angle to shoot,  Donghyuck had an affectionate smile as he got to admire how attractive Mark is when he's all focused. It got him to see the same side as the one when he played at the arcade.

"You two look good together." The old man managing the booth complimented, assuming that this was such a lovely couple to encounter with.

"Oh, we're not together." Donghyuck was quick to deny. "But thank you, Mister Old Man, for saying that I look good."

That wasn't what his statement meant, which made the host for the game chuckle, but the man couldn't deny the fact that the kids do look attractive for their age so he didn't bother correcting the boy.

Just what Donghyuck had expected, Mark triggered the toy gun and the cups without missing one out. Up, down, and sides, no matter where the cups are, his date managed to shoot them without wasting a bullet. Donghyuck stared in awe and the manager of the booth couldn't help but smile at the couple.

"Go, Mark! Woo!" Donghyuck cheered, thinking that his date needed some motivation.

Mark would have continued to shoot but stopped for a second to realize what was happening. There was only one round left for them to get the lion plush. Donghyuck was gripping on his shirt really tight, eyes full of hope about getting that stuffed toy.

The hope died down when Mark took a deep sigh and purposely missed a cup using his last bullet, earning a disappointing whine coming from Donghyuck.

Mark placed a hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly. He wasn't nervous nor was he doubting that he could win this game. It was more about Donghyuck. His heart was beating for Donghyuck.

"That's a bummer." Despite being disappointed, Donghyuck felt like he's not in the position to complain. He was only asking a favor to someone to get him something. "Anyway, we tried. Thank you!"

Just as the younger one was about to excuse them to the manager of the booth, Mark had stopped him by holding his hand.

"Mark?" Donghyuck asked, being confused.

"I'll do it again." Walking towards the host of the booth, he took out a bill and paid for another turn.

It didn't give Donghyuck at least a second to stop him. "You don't have to. I can just buy myself the same thing at the mall."

"I'll do it." Having the toy gun reloaded, Mark went back to his position.

Donghyuck could only watch him do the same thing as he did a while ago, not missing a shot. He stood there, dumbfounded. Donghyuck didn't know what he should feel towards the situation. It felt too much for this to be a friendly gesture.

This was all just casual, right?

With his lips curving up to a smile, Mark had his one eye closed and his finger ready to pull the trigger. There was only one cup left to shoot. "I'm getting that lion plush for you, Sunshine."

— to be continued

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