How Ironic...

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Hello and welcome to the eighteenth chapter!

(P.S. For me this song is the embodiment of chill vibes.)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



Me: You can't be serious.

Hawks: They are. We need you for this.

Great. How am I going to get out of this?

I'm currently at a mission briefing with Hawks and the Hero Commision, as Heron of course. Hawks brought me here because apparently, the Hero Commision needed to talk to me. Little did I know that the Hero Commision wants me to ambush Lucifer at a location he's supposedly going to be at tomorrow. 

How did they even know where I was going tomorrow? And how am I supposed to ambush and capture myself?

(A/N: H.H.C.= Head of Hero Commision, H.C.V.P.= Hero Commision Vice President)

H.H.C.: We know you work independently Heron, but this is for the sake of Japan, and possibly the entire world.

H.C.V.P.: Since you are his brother, we think you would be more likely to take him by surprise, therefore giving you a window for capture.

I try to keep my happy-go-lucky fake personality, but some of the facade breaks as my gaze hardens and I glare at Hawks.

Me: You told them?

Hawks: I didn't want to, but I kind of have to tell them everything.

I take a calming breath, suppressing the strong urge to insult the stupid bird's free will. But then I get an idea.

Me: Okay, I'll do it.

H.H.C.: Here's the file you'll need to memorize before tomorrow.

H.C.V.P.: The world thanks you.

I say goodbye and start walking down to the first floor with Hawks walking beside me.

Hawks: You aren't going to review the file in one of their briefing rooms?

Me: Nah, I got places to be.

Hawks: Right, I understand. Speaking of which though... You always get off of patrol around this time, saying you got to be somewhere. Do you mind me asking where you're rushing off to?

Me: Oh, I don't mind! If anything, you should've asked sooner.

That's definitely a lie.

Me: Basically, I've got some close friends that have been letting me stay with them since my apartment was destroyed. We're all like family, having dinner together at 5:30 and everything!

Hawks chuckles.

Me: I still don't understand how you have such a busy life and manage to stay so energetic.

I shrug, and after a few more moments of walking we get to the Hero Commision lobby. I wave goodbye to Hawks and fly out the door. As I come up above the city and into the sky, I glance at rooftops, using Heron's quirk that gives me better vision to scan over all the rooftops. I smile, seeing that there are no kids there.

People always seem to be feeling happier in the spring. The same is true for me at the moment.

I land and open the door to the L.O.V. Base, quietly closing the door behind me. Kurogiri and Shigaraki are at the bar, making idle conversation, and Toussa is on the couch curled up with a blanket sleeping. I sigh, making my presence known.

Kurogiri: Welcome back Deku.

Shigaraki: Took you long enough.

Kurogiri: Dabi, Toga, and Big Sis Mag are in their rooms, Spinner, Mr. Compress, and Twice are in the Training Room, Toussa has been taking a nap for the past hour and a half, and all the others are in the garden.

I nod, and walk over to Toussa. I sit on the floor in front of his face, looking at his peaceful sleeping form. I gently tap his forehead, and his eyes flutter open.

Toussa: Whut...

His expression loses all traces of sleepiness as he recognizes my face. He sits up and jumps into my arms.

Toussa: Xian!

Me: Hey Toussa. It's been a while, huh?

Toussa: Yeah! Where did you go?

Me: I had a lot of work to do.

Toussa: Okay! Can we-

He stops as a thought seems to cross his mind, and his pure smile becomes slightly mischievous.

Toussa: I need to show you something.

He says matter of factly, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I don't worry too much about where he's taking me, distracted by his childish cuteness. It isn't until he stops at a door that I realize we're at the rooftop garden.

Toussa: Close your eyes.

Me: Why?

Toussa: Close them!

I laugh at his sassiness and close my eyes.

He's come such a long way from when I first convinced him to stay with us.

Toussa: Are they closed?

Me: Yup.

Toussa: Good.

I hear a door open, and he pulls me by my hand forward. I hear tiny footsteps accompanied by whispers and giggles, and I remember that Kurogiri told me all the kids were up here.

Toussa: Okay, open your eyes... Now!

My playful smile turns into shock as I open my eyes and take in the area. The previously plain-looking garden has a completely new look. String lights hang from wooden poles on all corners of the rooftop, and rim all of the garden boxes. A large blanket with beanbags and pillows set up on it is in the center, and the rest of the kids are all sitting in different places and positions. All of them are smiling widely, much like Toussa's next to me. There's two faces I'm surprised to see though.

Me: Jiro? Tanjo? What are you doing here?

Jiro: We came to help decorate!

Tanjo: Yeah!

I smile approvingly.

Me: It looks beautiful guys!

They all laugh and cheer, and drag me over to the blanket to sit with them. After hours of talking, laughing, messing around, and eating snacks, everyone is asleep. I slowly untangle myself from the pile of kids and close the rooftop door behind me quietly. I get to the main room and sit at the bar. Spinner and Twice are still training, I'm assuming, but everyone else is sitting at the bar.

Toga: Deku! 

Me: Hi Toga.

I sit at an open seat and turn to Kurogiri.

Me: One shot of Proper Wild please.

Kurogiri nods, pouring a shot before handing it to me.

Dabi: Damn. What's got you drinking one of the strongest energy drinks known to man?

I smile as I think about what I'll be doing tonight. Shigaraki shakes his head.

Shigaraki: I know that smile. What are you planning tonight?

Mr. Compress: We all know what happens when Deku's up to something.

Big Sis Mag: It better not be too dangerous!

Kurogiri: I agree with her.

Toga: Oooh! Does it involve blood~?

I toss back my head to finish the shot glass of pure energy, leaving them in suspense. I finish the shot and set down the glass with a sigh.

Me: I think it's just about time for the 'valiant hero' Heron to get taken by the Hero Commission's mysterious Hero Kidnapper...

Everyone looks surprised, but after a few moments the entire room is grinning in anticipation.


Hawk's POV:

I glance at my phone to check for notifications for what feels like the hundredth time. Heron was supposed to be finished with the mission hours ago, and he promised he would text me once he was finished. Even worse, the Hero Commision hasn't heard from him either, and Lucifer hasn't been reported as arrested. What if something happened to him? Even though I know this might jeopardize him if he's in a situation where he needs to be quiet, I've waited long enough. I open up my phone and text him.

Chicken Nugget

--8:37 p.m.--

<Heron, are you alright? It's been hours since you were supposed to finish the mission










<Answer me!

<Are you okay?

<Did something happen?

<Please answer me!

<If you don't respond I'm contacting the Hero Commision and reporting you as missing

Blue Chicken Nugget

--8:39 p.m.--

Please do, that would save me some time>


<Are you okay?

<What do you mean?

I meant what I said> 

Reporting people missing is a hassle, and you doing it would give me time to do...>

Other things>


<This isn't Heron, is it?

<Who are you and why do you have Heron's phone

No reason>

Want to see something cool?>


I stare at my phone in shock and horror. Heron's crying face is something I'd hoped I'd never have to see again after the night he spent at my house. I desperately hope that what I'm thinking this means is wrong.

<Are you

<The Hero Kidnapper!?


It's been a while since I've talked to you, isn't it?>

I haven't seen you since that fun little stunt you pulled with Eraserhead>

<That better not be who I think it is

Sure is! Doesn't he look like he's having fun?>



Hmm, let me think about it>

How about no>

<I will figure out where you are, and I will put you in Tartarus

<Where you belong

Ok lol>

Want to see Endeavor?>

He's having fun too>



<I will find you

Have fun>


I just about throw my phone across the room in anger, frustration, and fear before I remember that it's the Hero Kidnapper I need to destroy, not my phone. I rush to call the Hero Commision and a few others, praying I can find Heron again.

Please hang in there Heron.


I fall back into the couch, cackling at Hawks' panicked texts.

Me: Toga, you are an amazing actor! He totally bought the photo-

My praise turns into another fit of laughter that might be more than a little psychotic. But pretty much everyone here has that kind of laugh, so the few people that are still milling around the bar don't think much of it.

(A/N: I know Toga's Quirk can't turn her into who someone is disguised, but for the sake of simplicity let's just say she does in this story)

Toga: Really~!

Dabi: I take it you managed to scare him shitless?

Me: Yes! He is freaking!

I finally get a hold of myself and go back to grinning maliciously.

Now this is where the fun really starts.

Hello! Thank you for reading the eighteenth chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

Sorry if the formatting is a little weird, I have to do all of this from my phone now lol

Words: 1778

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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