Enemies Don't Say Thank You

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Hello and welcome to the fifth chapter!

(P.S. This remix is perfection)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



Eraserhead's POV:

Present Mic: Any news from the police Shouto?

Me: Nothing. They can't find him anywhere.

Present Mic: Where could he have gone? What if villains kidnapped him?

Me: That's a possibility, as is everything else. I don't like this either Hizashi, but we need to wait a little longer for the police to get more information before we can-

???: Dad? I'm home...

(A/N: Which parent was Shinso talking to? I'll let you figure that out.)

I stand up from my seat and rush to the front door. And there stands my son.


Present Mic: Shouto, why are you yelling- OH MY GOD HITOSHI!

We both rush to hug him. After about a minute, I pull back and look at him.

Me: Where did you go? Why didn't you tell us?

Present Mic: And be honest, otherwise we will make you take sleep pills.

Hitoshi: No! I do my best creative work as an insomniac!

Me: Then you better tell us where you were.

Hitoshi: Fine... I was on the rooftop of the Hero Commision building.

Me and Hizashi exchange worried glances.

Me: Why were you on the roof of the Hero Commision building?

Hitoshi: I... Was gonna jump...


Present Mic: WHY!?

Hitoshi: Was! I was going to jump. But someone stopped me.

Someone stopped him... Who in the world would have done that?

Hitoshi: He sat me down and told me that I didn't deserve to die and let me cry with him. Then he gave me a Lunchable...

Present Mic: So that's why I smell pizza sauce.

Me: Hizashi, focus!

Present mic: Sorry, sorry.

Me: Do you know who it was?

Hitoshi: Well, in exchange for telling him my name, he told me his fabricated name and gave me the Lunchable.

It was a hero who saved him, then? I'll have to send them a thank you message as soon as possible to express our gratitude.

Present Mic: Who was it?

He said he was Xian.

Me and Hizashi were immediately speechless. I briefly wondered if he had caught a fever and was delirious.

Me: You were going to commit suicide. And then Xian, the #1 Vigilante, saved you?

Hitoshi: Yup. Oh, and guess what? My Quirk doesn't work on him! So that was the first time I got to have a normal conversation without you in the room to cancel my Quirk!

Me: That's... Great, Hitoshi. But are you sure he said he was Xian?

Hitoshi: Yes! He told me that I was allowed to tell you guys if I wanted to.

I looked at my son carefully, knowing he was telling the truth. My son was officially the first person to meet the #1 Vigilante himself.


Hawk's POV:

Man, I had a lot of work to do today. At least I can go home and rest.

I fly over the city, glancing at the tops of the taller buildings. I know it was not likely I'd see that villain since it's been a week since I saw them, but it doesn't hurt to check. But while looking at rooftops, I saw something else. On top of the Hero Commissions building were four kids, just... Sitting there.

Intrigued, I flew over to the rooftop, finding a nice spot to hide where it was very unlikely I'd be found. All the kids looked different, but all of them looked... Really sad. What is happening here?

Out of nowhere, someone pulled themselves up over the side of the building, standing up and smiling.

???: Hey guys. Couldn't help it, huh?

Immediately, all four kids rushed toward him to hug him, all of them in various stages of sadness (Ranging from depressed expressions to crying their eyes out). Looking at the mask the person is wearing, I realize it was the villain from a week ago. They aren't using the voice changer this time... They sound male. I try to edge closer to get a better look at the situation.

Kid 2: I'm sorry to bother you, but today was a really hard day... I wanted to commit, but I figured talking to you might help...

Kid 3: My family situation isn't the best right now...

Kid 4: I... Almost didn't eat yesterday because I had a fight with a friend that was my fault... But then I remembered what you told me...

What? The same person that wanted me to die brutally by his hands... Is preventing kids from starving themselves and committing suicide!?

Villain: That's amazing Anakuro! Good job!

I watch, dumbfounded as he picks up the girl and swings her around, both of them giggling joyfully. After setting her down he turns his attention to the others.

Villain: You guys really like my wings, huh? What color do you want today?

Kid 1: Blue...

Villain: Tanjo! I didn't expect you to speak today! Good job buddy!

Kid 2: Blue.

Anakuro: Yeah, blue please!

Villain: Kyoka, it's good to see you again. What color do you want today? 

That name sounds familiar...

Kid 3: Uhm... Could you call me by my last name this time? My first name doesn't feel right today...

Villain: Of course, thank you for telling me! What color do you want today, Jiro?

Jiro is the name of one of Eraserhead's students!

Jiro: I think blue sounds nice... Could it be a pale blue?

Villain: I'm glad you guys could come to an agreement on the color today, because last time was really chaotic. Alright, coming right up!

Out of thin air, huge white wings appear behind him, and he opens them. But as I watch, a calming pale blue seeps over them, until his wings have completely changed color. They look remarkably soft as well.

Villain: Okay. Now c'mere everyone!

All the kids rushed to him, and he enveloped them in his wings. Most of them started crying, and he stood there, comforting them. I could see his head falling forward a few times, which probably meant he had an injury or something like it and was feeling lightheaded. One by one, they all stopped crying. One of them had even fallen asleep.

Villain: Does anyone want to ride home now?

All the kids were ready to go home, except one. 

Villain: Okay Toussa, I'll get everyone back to their homes and then I'll talk with you. Are you cold?

The kid he called Toussa nodded, and the villain walked over to a vent cover and pulled it back. Out came a fluffy blanket, a pillow, and a box of Pocky Sticks. The kid took them all happily and curled up near the edge to watch the view, nibbling on the Pocky Sticks. With that, the villain picked up the other three kids and put them on his wings, telling them to hold on tight. By now, the kid that fell asleep was wide awake.

Villain: What speed do you guys want to go today?

Jiro: Fast?

Anakuro: Faster!

Tanjo: Fastest!

The villain laughs and shoots up into the sky, with the kids cheering.

This is crazy. How can he be so different with the kids than he was with me? Maybe it's because they are kids that he acts that way with them.

I decided to do a little test to see how the villain would react, so I slipped a feather into the kid he called Toussa's hair. It was a little underhanded, I know, but this was so strange that I needed to do something. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it. After a few more minutes, the villain returns and sits next to Toussa. He doesn't try to pressure the kid to talk, he just sits.

Toussa: I'm sorry you have to stay here with me.

Villain: Toussa, don't apologize. I know I tell you this everytime, but you haven't done anything wrong.

Toussa: Ok.

Villain: Is there a reason you didn't want to come home yet?

Toussa stayed silent for a moment before looking at the villain with tears in his eyes.

Toussa: I just... Don't want to get locked in my room again. Mom forgot about me again...

Villain: How long this time?

Toussa: 6 days...

I felt shocked and sad for the kid, knowing from the conversation that it was a repeated behavior. And yet it seemed like he came back to his mother every time...

Villain: ... Toussa. I am going to give you a choice here. I can bring you to a children's home in the mountains. The caretaker is very kind, and I know you love gardening. They have a huge farm, it's very peaceful there. Or... I can bring you to my friends. They would be happy to take care of you, and you'd probably see me often. And a while ago, I found some old planters out back, so you could have your own mini garden! I'm not going to force you to come with me. But we both know that if you go back this time, you won't make it because you refuse to tell me where you live. And I can't help you if I don't know where to go to give you that help. So which one do you want?

Toussa: If I stay with your friends, do you promise to visit like you say you will?

Villain: Yep.

Toussa: Is there a place to stargaze?

Villain: A very comfortable spot with a breathtaking view.

Toussa: No one will lock me in a room?

The villain doesn't hesitate to respond, but this time he says it in a determined whisper.

Villain: Never.

Toussa: Then... I'd like to live with your friends.

Villain: Good job, Toussa. I know it's not easy to walk away from someone you love. But I swear on my life it's for the best.

Toussa nods and starts crying, while the villain hugs him with his wings. He gently picks my feather out of Toussa's hair and narrows his eyes, but his demeanor remains the same. After the kid calms down, he taps him on the shoulder.

Villain: Toussa, do you mind using your Quirk for a moment?

Toussa: What do you want me to do?

Villain: Change this feather into whatever you want.

Toussa: *Gasp* Really?

Villain: Knock yourself out.

The kid takes my feather from the Villain and looks at it for a moment. It morphs into a slice of watermelon, and the kid starts eating it. The villain chuckles.

Villain: You and your watermelon. I called a friend to pick you up, go down to the first floor using the route I showed you, and he'll bring you to where you'll be staying.

Toussa: Okay.

Villain: Be safe!

The kid pulls up another vent cover and goes down into the vent. Apparently, this is the route the Villain told him to take. The villain sighs and walks over to the edge of the building, perching there and spreading his wings completely.

Villain: Get over here, Hawks. I know you're here.

I'm startled by the sudden change of tone and involuntarily shudder. That's the tone I recognize.

I walk out from my spot slowly, hands up.

Me: Hey again...

Villain: You realize putting your hands up doesn't prove you're harmless, right? You still have those godforsaken feathers.

Me: It's not that bad.

Villain: *Sighs* Yes, it is.

I slowly walk over to where he is perching and sit next to him.

Me: So... Why kids?

Villain: What's that supposed to mean? It doesn't have to be just kids. Anyone can get lost if they don't have someone to guide them. Honestly, it's a miracle that there were no adults today. Usually the adults outnumber the kids, and today had a pretty low turnout. Guess a lot of people had a good day today...

Me: Wow... Where do you find all of these people?

Villain: It's not that hard, really. The easiest ones to spot are the ones on the rooftops. But if you just look around, you'll spot dozens in seconds. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't understand. I do all the work that you heroes are too ignorant to even try. You'd think with all these villains running around, death caused by a villain would be the most common. But no, the most common forms are death are suicide and homicide. Nothing's changed from how it was back in the old world, really.

Every time he mentions heroes, he spits his words out as if they're rotten. 

He must really hate us.

Me: How many people do you save?

Villain: Care to rephrase that question?

Me: Sorry. How many people do you save in a day? I guess what I'm asking is, how do you do it?

Villain: Well, I only work at night. I start from at dusk and go until dawn, with the exception of my break day, where I start around two hours after dusk. But sometimes, I don't take a break day knowing how many people probably died while I did trivial things aimlessly. During the day, I help out my friends.

Me: That sounds pretty busy. By the way, I'm gonna call you Azure.

Villain: Why Azure?

Me: Because the color of your wings looks nice.

Azure: Shut up

Then I notice his wings are changing to a bright green and I burst out laughing. He turns his head towards me, then starts falling forward for a moment before his head snaps back up.

Me: You okay?

Azure: ...

Me: Okay yeah, stupid question.

Azure: At least you know that much, pigeon.

Me: I am not a pigeon!

Azure: Mhm.

Me: If your schedule is so packed, when do you get time to take care of yourself?

Azure: Well, I obviously eat.

Me: How often?

Azure: Usually once a week, but I gave my lunch to someone that needed it a few days ago. My food day isn't until 5 days from now or so.

Me: ... How about sleep.

Azure: Now that part's annoying! Normally I can sleep for 30 minutes to an hour and be fine for 48 hours, but I've been a little sleepy lately.

No wonder he looks about ready to fall over.

Me: Any injuries?

Azure: With my line of work, there's loads. I got burned by your buddy Endeavor yesterday, 3rd degree, I think. I few days ago I got kicked in the face by this rabbit looking lady with a very creepy smile. Oh, and earlier today when I was saving this family from a robbery, the dude shot me in the arm. And then during another fight someone grabbed the same arm and tossed me around with it. I'm not great at identifying injuries, but I can tell it is broken.

The guy must've noticed that I looked horrified, because he started to stand up before I grabbed his arm. He screamed and punched me in the face. It took me a moment get back up again, but when I did, he was standing over me with the same aura he had the first day he met me. When I told him he was trapped.

Azure: That. Was. My. Broken. Arm.

Me: I'm sorry...

He ignored me and rolled up the sleeve of his right arm to check it. 


I managed to hold back my horrified gasp, but just barely. Multiple haphazardly patched bullet holes dotted his arm, and the joint at his elbow was at a weird angle, very much broken.


Azure: Yes, duh! I can't just end my shift early. Too many people need me.


Azure: Would you shut up! I really want to kill you, but I still can't! Ugh!

Me: Wait please don't go!

Suddenly, I'm frozen. Great, he's using his other Quirk again.

But how does he have two in the first place?


Suddenly, he drops out of the air. With him unconscious, his Quirk deactivates, and I manage to catch him.

Me: Hello? Azure? Azure, wake up! WAKE UP! 

Realizing he might never wake up again unless I do something, I quickly grab the blanket he gave to Toussa, and lay it on the ground. I keep a simple first aid kit with me for emergencies, so I use whatever I can from that to clean his wounds. He had much more injuries than he was letting on, so a few hours later I was finally finished. Almost as soon as I finish, he wakes up again.


Me: Kept you from dying!

Azure: I was fine! I just needed more painkillers!

As he says that, he pulls out a bottle and dumps out several pills.

Me: Hold on, that's too many.

Azure: It won't work if I do less than this.

Me: That's dangerous!

Azure: I don't care! It makes me pretty dizzy, and it probably makes me weaker. But it's worth it if I can save more people.

If he feels this way all the time, how dangerous would he be if he didn't need to take painkillers? I don't even want to know at this point.

He stands up quickly, but I can tell he's only in a little bit better of a condition than before.

Azure: Give me a treatment summary.

Nodding, I list it off.

Me: Removed the bullets, used a healing and numbing ointment on the burns, I couldn't do much about your broken arm, but I did bandage it at least. Also, you lied about your injuries. How does a person have so many and still move like that?

Azure: How long did all of this take?

Me: Somewhere between 2 and 3 hours.


Me: You should listen to yourself! An hour of sleep every 48 hours? That's deadly!


Me: That's one way to put it... By the way, where were your wings last time?

Azure: ... I wasn't kidding about that threat. I've been training a lot, and as of yesterday, I have the ability to kill 8 people at once. As soon as I finish helping my friends with something, I will make sure all heroes and your little commission know that I'm coming for them.

He laughs a bit and walks to the edge of the building.

Me: What are you doing?

Azure: Looking for someone that needs help.

Me: At least let me get you dinner.

He stops and turns back towards me.

Azure: Excuse me?

Me: You won't be eating for five days, right? I would assume it's because you don't have the money for it. So let me take you somewhere to get you some food.

Azure: But there's people I could be helping instead.

Me: Then let's do it during the day. There's got to be a day that you're not helping your friends, at least for a little while.

Azure: ... You're just going to capture me.

Me: Trust me, I'm not.]

Azure: And how would I know that?

Me: I know a nice restaurant that lets you open the windows if you want to. Every group of people gets a private suite. I can leave the window open, and you can leave whenever you want. to.

Azure: ... I'd rather not be in debt to some stupid hero because he paid for some food.

Me: You won't owe me anything. How about... This can be your payback for me cleaning your wounds.

Azure: ... Fine. But if I see any other heroes at all, I will not hesitate to kill all of you. I don't care if A.F.O. needs you, he'll understand. So don't try anything.

Me: Deal. How about tomorrow afternoon?

Azure: ... I'll be there.

He perks up, and then jumps off the building.

I guess he saw someone that needed help. I can't believe I'm going to lunch with the enemy.


Hello! Thank you for reading the fifth chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

I accidentally said the last line out loud, and everyone in the room got mad because they thought I was talking about my cousin who I'm having lunch with

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