Part 2 "Security Breached" - Chapter 2

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Fuzl busted down the door, causing Zplight to flinch a little. Do you even try to work out? Zplight rolled her eyes and ran to the middle of the room. "GNARP GNARP! THEY GOT UZ, RUN WITH THE FILEZ WHILE THEY HAVE NO BACKUP YET!" A voice crackled through a low-quality walkie-talkie. Many rebels started running in all directions, tossing the file to one another. Zplight tried catching them, but had no doubt that she was too short to get them. "I'M TERRIBLE AT CATCHING ZTUFF!" Fuzl yelled. Zplight ran quickly to Fuzl."Uze your third paw to lift me up, and I'll try to catch it." Zplight whispered to Fuzl. "Greaat idea, why do I have to do ZO much heavy lifting!?" Fuzl groaned, and picked Zplight up anyway. Zplight's whiskers twitched while she tried to gain balance. The paw was strong enough to hold an entire UFO and call it 'light az a feather!'
Zplight caught one of the files as the rest slipped through her paws. Thiz one zeems important. 'Most Powerful Battle Weapons' huh? Better keep this safe. Zplight handed the folder to Fuzl, as xe was solving a... Rubik's cube. Again? At thiz time? Zplight let out a slight groan. "INITIATE RETREAT, REBELZ!" The 'leader' of the rebels yelled loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "ZUGH, DONT LET THEM OUT!" Fuzl shouted and threw the rubik's cube at the closest rebel to the door. They know the pazzword? Zplight looked at the unconscious rebel. Fuzl threw Zplight to the nearest possible safe spot, and Zplight let out a small grunt. "What in ZORT are you doing!?" Zplight shouted. If xe can juzt fight on xis own, xe iz ztill danger even if xe winz. Zplight blurred her mind from any possible outcome that could happen if Fuzl won. A whole group of rebelz after uz... Alongzide the Geeble war. Really? TWO warz? I can't let that happen. My duty az Fuzl's partner will not get let down, even if it coztz my life. I have alwayz been loyal to the Gnarpian, and I zhall ztay that way. Zplight ran to the scene where Fuzl was scratching, hissing and punching every Rebel that came after xim. I can't loze Fuzl too... Zplight shuddered. Fuzl hissed and flinched as  the Co-leader of the Rebels came sprinting toward xim. Fuzl blocked the opponent with xis tail as the rebel co-leader was a zapper away from Fuzl. "What do YOU want with my army, ZEEBLOiNG?!" Fuzl hissed. "What do you want with my ZOLDIERZ." The co-leader hissed back, it sounded too close to how Fuzl hissed. "Well your zo-called zoldierz are trying to zteal our mozt important information." Fuzl grinned slightly as xe noticed Zplight inching towards the co-leader. Itz az if I can hear everything... Zplight grinned, and knocked out Fuzl's enemy with a whack of the Pipe. ... The Co-leader fell silent, Fuzl hissed at the body.

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