Chapter 4 : 3 Incidents

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Day by day, (y/n) slowly feel confident that he can talk more to a stranger that he doesn't know because he think this is like an exercise where heroes need to talk the innocents where the danger is and when (y/n) first started his exercise , all of his body gave up and making him fall to the ground or rather laying down but that doesn't mean he will give up for some stupid exercise list. (y/n) realized that his parents always sleep at 11 pm and that gave him an idea that he can use the shower bathroom. If gusion didn't help him first place, this idea wouldn't never come up and his new clothes will never discovered because gusion will just gave it for the homeless children.

23rd February

In 12.00 am, at (y/n)'s resident

like usual, (y/n) sneak inside his parent's house and proceeds to the bathroom. "Phew, I'm beat but at least I can walk little rather than laying down to the ground like I always do in my past days and I should wash up my clothes very neat and nice" (y/n) then turn on the knob quietly so his parent's doesn't heard him entering the bathroom. When he closed the door quietly, he immediately put all of his clothes on the washing machine and put his towel on the towel handle. He then turn on the shower and his body got freeze up a little bit and after his body got used it ,he then proceeds showering . "Thank you gusion, this wouldn't happen if you didn't help me 1st December " he turn his face to the right to see something.

the moon shine with its light to (y/n) and it felt amazing." ah the moon, why are you so cold and so beautiful during at midnight. I wish I can get closer to touch you"(y/n) look at the moon and smile . Smile that he rarely see the crescent moon, usually he see the moon with full moon but this crescent moon felt like that all of his sore are gone.

At 12.13 am, at (y/n)'s resident

After (y/n) done his shower, he take the towel to covered himself and he take the washing machine that done his clothes. he don't use the clothes that he was using earlier from exercised but instead use it after 2 days later is finished. he left the room while still covered himself in towel and was about about to leave the house, he saw something that catches his eyes.

"What is that rectangle black thing?" he walk slowly until he accidently bump the coffee table making the vase about to fall but luckily he quickly catch the vase before place it back at the coffee table. "phew I almost drop the thing and now .............what is thi- oh wait there's a book" He take the book from the coffee table and he read it. "oh this black rectangle is called tv and it said to get the tv remote -takes the remote that was beside the vase- ok and it said press the red color button, ok that look easy enough for me" when (y/n) press the red color button and the tv show the logo of the tv brand and (y/n) was impressed that the tv have the image of what it looks like red circle that has smile on it but what he didn't know that the volume was 45 making it loud noise from below his parent's room.

"WELCOME BACK YOU FOLKS, TODAY WE WILL INTERVIEWING-" he quickly mute the sound cause the sound was loud that he jumped himself and hoping that his parent didn't heard the sound and fortunately they didn't. He tried again and this time he lower the volume by pressing the button that has minus on it. " wow it's like seeing another person but in 2D" as he said while watching the interview. "So Allmight , how does it feel being here right now?" "I FEEL AMAZING FOR INVINTING ME HERE TONIGHT THANKS FOR ASKING ME YOUNG LADY" (y/n) recognized the name cause his mom's book had his name and bunch of heroes name and villains. "Wow that's allmight!!!, I didn't know that's allmight looks like I thought he looks like a plain hero that has cape on it but boy I was wrong" (y/n) was very happy and then he switch other channel to see other heroes that looks awesome.

In 3.10 am, At (y/n)'s resident

(y/n) was spending too much tv that he forget the time and all the channels was amazing like for instance a male hero called hawk is cooking and he uses his quirk to carry the eggs to bake a cake and the next channels shows about 13 is teaching about space which (y/n) adored her (I don't know 13 's gender so I just assume 13 is girl) but the shows that he loves to see about wild wild pussycats fighting criminals but what makes things intrestings is their cute pose that (y/n) will definitely do that in the future. " okay I have my fun and I watch I think almost heroes beside wild wild pussycats and allmight. I'm sure it's still like 12.5- -looks at the clock-..............I'm just going to close this tv and quietly sneak out the windows" and so he did, he was shocked that he it's 3.10 am but he just pretend to not surprised and after that he went to his home goes to sleep. Every night, when his parents goes to sleep, he showered and watch their tv silently.

7th April

In 6.15 am At (y/n)'s parent's house

"Oh, good morning dear, how was your sleep" (y/n)'s dad woke up , yawned ask his wife with smile.

"good morning my Asashi, my sleep were amazing because of you" Aimi quickly kiss his husband on his cheeks. "oh come on Aimi ,that was just a peck" He then rushed to his wife and proceeds to make out with his wife until 6 minutes later. "So what should we do honey" his wife asked him "oh what about breakfast, you should make it honey since your my wife after all" his wife just hmph since her cooking was very good that she was world most best chef in the world until she retired her title cause she found her true love.

"why do you make that sound my love?" his husband asked her with worried face. "you'll use me as a maid huh. Is that you want me do it . AS A MAID HUH" She said as tear on her face. He then rushed to his wife and quickly hug her ." No my love, I love your cooking cause YOU add the sweet on every food you made, every sweat you made and every time wasted only for me. I will never treat you as a maid but as my queen of the world" he then kiss her lips so he don't want her tear wasted for just a food. Her face changes to sad happy face and then said "oh thank you my love and I'm sorry for making you worry, it's just that I felt this......... emotion long ago"

Asashi then hug tightly and said" please don't remind you about your own emotion or else it'll bring you sadness again. How about this Aimi instead of you making food alone, we'll do the cooking together so that we can be happier then yesterday" he said with satisfied smile, a smile when a hero returns to his family after fighting many villains." Oh Asashi, I can't resist your smile. okay let's go to the kitchen" she take his hand to the kitchen to cook together.

"what about showering first honey?" he asked. " we'll do that after we finish cooking and eating dear" "oh alright then" he smiled when he saw his wife take his hand and he also felt his hand about to cracked cause her hand is very tightly that her grip is dangerous.

One time she grip a fat man that weighs 210 kg on his feet with ease on their date cause he was ogling her figure, lifting him up in the air and quickly smashed him on the ground making the ground beneath him crack, shocking the crowds including him.

In 6.20 am, At the kitchen

"okay what food should we make Asashi?" since she was the best chef in the world, she make her own recipe book because before she fell in love with Asashi, She not only the best chef in the world but also was the greatest sword master in the world that when ever she tried to slice any meat ,her hand imagine as a sword on her hand and then she cut the meat with imagination sword but some people thinks that's her quirk. her grip is so strong that she can hold a house that weighs 185,972 kg in ONE hand because her ancestor was the legendary samurai in the history. THE WOK.(the last thing was just a comedy for me hehehe)

"Uhm, I heard that miso soup is right thing for us to eat dear" he smile to her cause that's her favorite food. She blushed and replied " oh dear don't be like .there's bunch of food that you can think of and yet you chose my favorite food. why is that" she want to know why he pick the dished while smiling blushing. "because I'm in the mood to eat that food but mostly you later hehe" he flirted her with a winked and she just giggled it. "alright then miso soup but can you bring me the ingredient please"

(This is the picture of miso soup if your wondering)

In 6.45 am, At (y/n)'s place

(y/n) then woke up and yawned late cause he was doing extra exercisesd very late." ooh what time is it -looks at the time- OOH NO, I'M LATE FOR MY EXERCISE. I knew I shouldn't do more pushup earlier but oh well time to stretch my body first before I'm going to exercise" when he left his place, he check one last look at the kitchen window and saw that his parents were enjoying their time being lovely dovey to each other. He wished that he can spend their time with him.

"*sigh* alright then, time to stretch now" he then quickly shook his head and do the stretch and left his place for exercise.

Meanwhile, In 8.16 am, at "Zariko" apartment in 3rd floor

"Mizu dear please don't go near at gas can at the kitchen" his mom warned the boy from the other room where she ironed their clothes that he played carried the candle around the apartment. "why mom, it's fun to play with Lulu" Lulu is the name of the candle that he named it. "please mizu, it's dangerous otherwise you'll injure yourself from getting burned from Lulu" his mom warned him again and so the boy sighed." *sigh*okay mom I won't play lulu on the kitchen" he stopped play lulu and put lulu at the table that was near to the curtain THAT was also near the gas can. the mom then was happy that her boy listen to her that he should not play candle near the gas can at the kitchen.

the mom done ironed their clothes while her husband was working and she went to the living room to turn on the tv so he can watch his favorite shows at 8.17 am. "HONEY, your favorite shows is about to play!!!" "OK MOM, I'M COMING" the boy was excited and he quickly shut the kitchen door because his mom taught him to close the door when no one is inside the room and the shows that they will watching is called "Spider-man series" it's about a 15 years old boy that has no quirk until suddenly he randomly got a quirk that allows him to have the power of spider .

At 8.47 am

After season 2 episode 12 was over, the boy was happy that spiderman and his friends went to underwater and found a metal machine that turns them into a baby while her mother was smile to her son and after that she went out a little bit to check her baby on her bedroom. When she enter her room, she saw the baby's bed and quietly check to see the baby is awake or a sleep and turns out the baby is still asleep.

she return back to the living room from the bedroom and saw her son seeing her while smiling and then asked her. "mom may I ask you a question" the boy smiled. "ooh, yo seem excited. what is it dear?" "which spiderman do you like the same one or the baby one because I like the same one where he is grown up" the mother replied "well I like the tiny version cause it's look like you, cute and brave" as she said that, the boy was happy to hear her answered and he has last question. "mom" "yes dear what is it" as she sat down to the chair while drinking a water. "when spiderman shoots his web with his wrist, does it only shoots on his wrist or he can shoots on his peepee" as the boy smiled innocently.





"*Fffffffuuuuuuuiiiii*" as she spit her water from a cup ,she was very surprised the her boy asked that question. "MOOOM, ARE YOU OKAY" the boy was worried that her mom spit water almost emptied the cup inside it. "y-yes I'm thanks for asking and also what was it, I think I heard you misunderstood" the boy replied "I ask does spiderman can shoot webs on his wrist only or can his pee pee shoots a web?" her mom then laughed and blushed of embarrassment of her son question while the boy was even more confused at the fact his question make her mom laughed.

Her mom was about to tell him until she stopped laughing and smell something. "wait, where's that's smell coming from -looks at the ash above the kitchen door- wait, MIZU DID YOU NOT BLOW THE CANDLE WHILE YOUR IN THE KITCHEN ?!?!?!?!" her mom quickly find a fire blanket while her boy was scared that her mom yelled at him.

But as she opened the kitchen's door she quickly closed the door and carried her son out of the apartment cause the fire catch on the curtain and also the curtain was VERY near to the gas can that was about explode.

She quickly alarmed the people who live inside that her apartment was about to explode and some of them immediately but few of them just stay back because they thought she was joking until it happen.


The building has been exploded hugely because the explosion contact to other people gas can in the kitchen which is why the explosion is big and there are many people survived the explosion and some of them call heroes to save the people who were stuck in the building and also a fire department to clear the fire out but some of them were stuck inside the apartment.

Meanwhile in 9.00 am at (y/n)

(y/n) was running because he had to do his exercise list. "I think I'm getting starting to use this running, even though I still had long way to go to Hosu General Hospital but at least my stamina still stay str- uh what the?" (y/n) stopped running cause he saw many fire truck and some of the heroes were saving the people. (y/n) then walked to the heroes that were giving the people the needs to calm themselves. "hey uhm, what happened here?" a hero then look down to see the boy were asking him. "oh there was accident in this apartment and some of us were saving while some of us were giving the people to calm themselves" "really, can I see?" the boy asked.

"HEY kid don't go near to the building, it's dangerous to go there" A hero warned him and he proceeds to bring the boy to the people. "stay here kid, just don't get trouble ok" the hero then go to his way. (y/n) then ignored cause this is not his business to go there since he is still a child and he was about to leave the place until he hear someone is crying. (y/n) then go where the sound is coming and it turns out it was a mom that carried his son while her son is also crying and (y/n) then ask the woman why she's crying.

"hey ugh ma'am, why are you crying" the mom turn her head to the boy still sobbing from crying and answered his question. "*sobs* m-m-m-my baby is still in there at 3rd floor at the edge of the building but it's been 16 minutes and I think m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m my baby is dead" after she said that, she loudly sobbed and that makes (y/n) wide-eyed that he heard that her baby is still on that buulding. (y/n) want to help the poor woman but the hero said he should not intervened their work.

Until (y/n) felt something that he never felt, he feel his hand were starting to sweat, his legs starting to feel less sore and his heart start pumping and so he decided to follow this feeling cause it's feel weird and awesome.

"HEY, KID WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!"(y/n) avoided the hero and quickly enter buildings. he don't know why he feel this feeling but for some reason entering this building is right thing to do.

Inside the building

(y/n) was running at the stairs and while he was coughing, he still manages to climb to the top and try to find a baby at the room. He searched so many room inside the room that his breathing is getting hard to breathe and after search many room, he finally find the room because he can hear the baby is crying. Unfortunately the door was hard to open because behind the door was a concrete that weighs more then 50 kg behind it but (y/n) manages to open the door and try to find the baby.

and luckily he found the baby at the mom's bedroom. When he saw the baby, the baby is crying but no damage at all. "don't worry *cough* cause like all might said "Because I AM HERE" he smile to the baby so the baby don't cry. The baby stopped crying and see the boy smiling and after that he uses his cap to the baby's face so the baby doesn't breath any ashes of it.

He left the room and unfortunately, when he was about to use the stairs to go down, the path was blocked by a huge concrete and that shocked (y/n) because that is the only thing he can go down but since it was blocked,

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