The Story Begins as Ryuku was sitting on top of the demon skull thinking about what happened to him lately. Ryuku was filled with questions, but brushed them aside for his goal was clear, a life goal. To earn a title that rivals the Wizard King, to be the strongest and make the Clover Kingdom a better place.
So for years, Ryuku started training on how to use his magic. Day after day, Ryuku would train in the woods honing his magic and skills in hand to hand combat by fighting beasts and learn form others in the village. Sometimes Ryuku would spar with his brothers. But Ryuku has proven to be the better fighter due to his new strength, skills and high level of mana. Asta can't sense mana, but Yuno could and sense Ryuku's was much higher then his. One day during sparring Yuno used a wind spell on Ryuku and on instinct, he swallowed the whole spell. Asta and Yuno were shocked beyond belief that there brother did that, Ryuku was shocked to. He was then bombard with questions form his brothers but told them he has no clue how he did that or sure what kind of magic he uses. The Next day, Ryuku then learnd he can use wind magic just like Yuno. This shocked everyone at the church, but was also proud of Ryuku. Ryuku knew he had to train more not just with his fire but also with wind now too.After years of training, Ryuku got a handle on using fire and wind magic. Everyone at the church was amazed and impressed with his progress in the basic techniques of magic. Ryuku was developed a keen sense of smell and hearing. He can hear identify not only people and animals but magic types too.
The villager takes notice of his long disappearance and returns from fighting powerful creatures. But the real kicker was his magic presence; the power is immense, but is unsure what kind of magic he uses. Furthermore, a mage should not have more than one magic attribute, so it made Ryuku seen as a prodigy along with Yuno. As for Yuno, he and Asta developed a rivalry with Ryuku since their declaration. Even though Asta doesn't have powers, Ryuku sees his conviction to work hard so he does strength training with him.They would train each day to get stronger while sparring with each other and Yuno, whose wind magic became powerful. Over the years Ryuku, Asta and Yuno's conviction became grew stronger.
[Time skip]
After nine years, Ryuku finished his routine training before the day everyone got their grimoires. By the time he walks back to the village, the first thing he sees is Asta proposing to sister Lily.
Lily: I'm sorry, Asta, but I'm everyone's sister.
Asta: Not yet! I'm not giving up yet! One more time, Sister Lily!
Lily: Water creation magic: Holy Fist of Love!
In response, sister Lily grabbed her grimoire to create a water fist construct before it slammed Asta to the ground.
Lily: Oh. I'm sorry, Asta.
Ryuku: Oh Asta, when will you learn?
Lily: Oh, Ryuku. You're back so soon?
Ryuku: Yeah, I had enough training for one day.
Lily: Well I hope you can still help around.
Ryuku: Of course.
Asta: *Leaped in the air* I'm not done yet!
Asta regained a second wind before he was met by a blast of air, launching him back into the crater made by sister Lily. Just then, sister Lily and Ryuku saw Yuno, accompanied by a welcome from the orphan kids: Nash, Recca, Horo, and Arlu. And running to him and hugging his legs came Arlu and Horo.
Arlu: Ryu. Were you training again?
Ryuku: Yeah and I picked up some new skills. You want to see?
Arlu: Yeah! I wanna see!
Ryuku: Horo, you too?
Horo: Yes please.
Ryuku: Okay. Here we go!
Picking up the wind currents around him, Arlu was carried by gale winds, levitating her and Horo off the ground to their surprise and enjoyment as he moved them around the air.
Ryuku: You two having fun?
Arlu/Horo: Yay! We're flying!
Lily: Ryuku, be careful with the kids.
Ryuku: Don't worry, I have it under control.
Yuno: Hmph, Showoff.
Ryuku: Like you're one to talk.
Meanwhile Nash looks over to the side to a still cratered Asta.
Nash: How many times does she have to dump you, Asta?
Ryuku: Technically, it's not dumping because they never dated.
Asta: What the Heck, Yuno?! Why are you getting in my way too?
Yuno: Why? Because you're loud, short, obnoxious, and immature. Basically, you're not appealing to women in any way.
Asta: Hey! Is that what you say to someone you've grown up with for the past fifteen years, you handsome jerk?!
Yuno only ignored Asta making him pissed while Ryuku gently brought the kids down.
Ryuku: Asta, you know sister Lily is a woman of the cloth. So she's not allowed to get married.
Asta: Seriously, you too, Ryuku?!
Ryuku: Asta, all I'm saying is you should focus on a girl that's the same age as us? And you know I'm only saying this because I care.
Asta: Never! Sister Lily is the only woman that I want. Yuno you jerk And Ryuku! I challenge you both to a fight!
Yuno: No.
Asta: Why the hell not?!
Yuno: It would be a waste of time.
Asta: What did you say?!
Ryuku: I wish I could spar, but I'm tired form training plus it's my turn to chop the wood.
Nash: Give it a rest, Asta. You know you can't beat Yuno or Ryuku.
Asta: Oh really? Well then, I guess I have to show you. TAKE THIS!
Asta would get in a stance to launch an attack. But after reaching out his hand, nothing happened because of Asta's lack of magic.
Asta: Argh! Every time, why can't I use magic?! *Huff* No, I'm not done yet!
Nash: It's hard to believe you're older than
Ryuku: Calm down, Asta. Don't get too worked up. And Nash, stop teasing Asta.
Nash: I'm only speaking the truth. Magic is literally everything in this world. Out of everyone, Asta's the only person I heard of who can't use magic.
Asta: Alright then, looks like I have to bust out my secret moves.
Nash: Secret moves?
While Asta performed crunches super fast, the kids were more impressed with Yuno's wind magic drying the clothes. Outdone by Yuno, he tried to chop wood. However, Ryuku was already doing it with an axe much faster. Father Orsi praised Yuno and Ryuku for the day a grimoire chose its holder, and entered the magic knight exams afterward. Sister Lily and Ryuku reassured Asta he'd use magic once a grimoire chose him.
Asta: I'll get a grimoire that's more amazing than anyone else's, get into the magic knights, follow in your footsteps, and become the wizard king!
Asta: Yeah! What do you say, Ryuku?
Ryuku: Yeah. Im excited to see it, Asta.
Asta: What about you, Yuno?
Yuno didn't say a word. Instead, he walked away like he didn't care. Asta ran off to train while the group were left behind.
Nash: It's hard to believe he's older than me.
Ryuku: Knock it off, Nash. You gotta stop being hard on Asta. I'm pretty sure he doesn't need to be reminded of how he can't use magic.
Nash: Yeah, yeah.
Lily: I am worried about them. Yuno seemed a bit harder with Asta.
Ryuku: I agree. But I don't think Yuno's doing it because he has no faith in Asta.They are rivals so he can't give him pity he sometimes just can't show emotion like that anymore.
Lily: Still.
Ryuku: I get it. You're worried for Asta. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. All we can do is hope. But no matter what happens, we'll always got his back.
Sister Lily: You right. Thanks, Ryu.
Ryuku: Anytime. Okay, I'm gonna take the firewood inside. I'll see you tomorrow,
Lily: Ok.
The next day, Ryuku was heading to the reception hall with Asta and Yuno to receive their grimoires. It was packed with locals, nobles, and bystanders from out of town in anticipation.
Asta: Aw yeah! I can't wait to get my grimoire!
Ryuku: I know, this is exciting. Some people from other villages are here too.
Some of the nobles started talking about the three in a demeaning tone, Ryuku tried brushing off the comments until the hall master, Drouot, presented himself.
Drouot: I am the master of this grimoire tower. We've never had a wizard king from this area, nor anyone who's actually achieved greatness in the magic knights. I sincerely hope that one of you will become the wizard king someday. NO, REALLY, SERIOUSLY! Ahem, and now for the awarding...of the grimoires!
Instantly, the books start to glow and float off the shelves making their way to each person. Some complained others were happy, but everyone had their own reactions to their grimoires.Ryuku's for some reason,his grimoire didn't come to him.Before Ryuku could say anything, Asta was speaking up while kneeling in the light for a grimoire.
Asta: Uh, is my grimoire running late or something?
Gandolf: Well, uh, better luck next year?
Asta: [Shocked and Hysterical] Whaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt?
The crowd started laughing at Asta's expense, calling him pathetic. Father Orsi, the kids, sister Lily, and Ryuku couldn't believe it this also made him furious at the crowd. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the hall, revealing a four-leaf clover grimoire and the owner was Yuno.
Bystander 1: A four-leaf?
Bystander 2: This commoner has a four-leaf grimoire. It's just like the statue of the first wizard king.
Sister Lily: I heard stories, in the fourth leaf, the holder is said to be given tremendous good luck.
Ryuku: Yuno, that's amazing.
Yuno: [Turns to everyone and raising his grimoire] I will become the wizard king.
The crowd roared in amazement at Yuno's declaration, but some nobles were sour about a local commoner having a four-leaf. Ryuku was happy for Yuno to attain a four-leaf. But he stopped when Asta proclaimed to Yuno that he was still his rival. Yuno said nothing but walked past Asta while everyone kept laughing. Ryuku only clenched his fist from the insults and comments made at his brother. Even though he wanted to act, the kids, sister Lily, and father Orsi would try to calm him down. After Asta left the room, Ryuku was looking down knowing his brother was upset and so was he.
Ryuku: This is disgraceful, these people how can they underestimate people weaker than them. We all come from the same home and yet they laugh at him there no better then those corrupt nobles and royals. I just want to tell them off but they would fall on deaf ears. What's more they are not worth the effort. Plus I bet they're books a paper thin. *Calming down* when I see Yuno, we need to talk about what he did. Rivals or not, that was too much and harsh, that must've hurt him.
Noble 1: Hey check it out this commoner didn't get a grimoire either, you're just as pathetic as him.
Everyone in the hall started laughing at Ryuku, naturally he was angry, and not just him his family was upset too not only Asta didn't get a grimoire, but Ryuku too. Suddenly the entire grimoire tower started shacking the entire crowd was shocked and frightened by this. Then a multicolored light shined in the shelves shocking everyone then a grimoire appeared in front of Ryuku.
Ryuku: [Surprised] Huh? Is this my grimoire?
As Ryuku was reaching for his grimoire,the book began to glow with the same multicolored lights, making the crowd advert their eyes. The grimoire then revealed itself. The book has a thick black dragon scaled cover with blue accents which resembled a winged dragon on the front with a symbol on the back. At the center of the dragon, was a seven-leaf clover which was grayish black with a glow around it which made it appear to be the heart of the dragon.
(Big shout to the Author/Artist who inspired me to make my own version of this amazing book @MrEhero-Ultimate a great artist, great author and good friend.)
What shocked everyone the most was the clover in the center. After the light dissipates, the book is revealed to hold a Seven-leaf clover.
Bystander: What was that glow?
Noble 1: Wait, does that grimoire have Seven leaves?
Noble 2: Seven?! This is absurd! How does a grimoire with Seven leaves exist? And what on earth is this commoner's magic and power?
Nash: Woah.
Lily: Incredible.
Orsi: I knew Ryuku would get a grimoire, I just knew it. (But I didn't think he would get a grimoire that looks so powerful it surpasses Yuno's.)
Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing, a grimoire with seven leaves in the presence of another commoner. No one knew what this could mean, but everyone looked at Ryuku with stunned faces when a silhouette of a dragon stood behind him. Ryuku then slammed his book shut to get everyone's attention.
Ryuku: Listen everyone and listen good, I'm upset at how you laughed at my brother like that. I don't care if you laugh at me, but no body messes with my family. So let me make something clear to all of you. It doesn't matter if you're a commoner, nobility, royalty or have no magic power whatsoever you can still be the strongest somehow if you have the heart and soul to show it. *Lifting his grimoire in the air* and I will prove it, by obtaining a title that rivals the Wizard King, become the strongest in the world and bring peace and salvation to the Clover Kingdom! That is my resolve!
Everybody was shocked and at awe with his speech and then the entire grimoire room roared and cheered for him.
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