Washington B.C.

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(A/n: Heyya I just wanted to clear up something from the last chapter Ren's omnitrix is on his hand not his wrist.)

The scene opens on a building that was currently engulfed in flames inside there as a mother and son who were trying to get out but were stopped by flaming debris falling from above, the mother shielded her son from the impact... but none came because it was stopped by a flaming man known as Heatblast. 

Son: Who are you?

Heatblast: I'm here to help. *grunting*

Heatblast proceeds to toss the debris away before igniting himself and absorbing the fire in the room. Suddenly the room got much cooler then it was originally, the mother son pair shivers as a blue lizard peeks it head through the door.

Frost-ile: I checked and cleared most of the rooms it's just these two but dude we gotta hurry this place is still unstable!

Heatblast:*Nodding* Follow us. 

Running out the room Heatblast and the civilians tries to go for the stairs only for it to crumble immediately.

Heatblast: Of course.

Not wasting any time the aliens try to figure a way but before spotting a window.

Frost-ile: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Heatblast: *igniting his fist* Oh Yeah.

Heatblast then blasts a fire beam which cuts through the brick creating a hole, Frost-ile then grabs the mother and son before jumping out of the hole and creating a snow pile at the bottom for them to land in followed shortly by Heatblast who's mere presence was able to evaporate the snow.The two look around to find on-lookers staring at them.

Frost-ile: *covering his face* Why does there always have to be so many people?

Heatblast: I'm sure you all want to thank me personally but really it's all in a days work for-

The kid next to them brings out three gold  cards much to the flamingman's  interest.

Heatblast: No way a sumo slammer card where'd you get it, I've been searching all over for it .

Kid: I found it inside a box of sumo smack cereal.

Before anything else could happen Frost-ile makes a mini snow fog blocking everyone's vision then dropkicks Heatblast in a nearby Rv and swiftly following behind.

 Heatblast: *glaring* What was that for?!

Frost-ile: *Glaring back* I knew what you were gonna ask.

Grandpa max: Guys focus up!

Gwen: *Turning around* Yeah you doofie , the fire was a distraction for a nearby robbery.

Frost-ile: *facepalming* Of course it was.

Grandpa max was quickly able to catch up with the robbers and was currently in a high speed chase however he was distracted by the smell  of burning cloth looking over Heatblast sitting grumbling to himself.

Grandpa max: New I should have bought the asbestos covers.

Heatblast: Sorry grandpa I'm hot.*Joking*

The flaming man was immediately cut off by a blast from a fire extinguisher by Gwen.

Gwen: Ten superheros in that stupid watch and you pick the one with a flaming butt.

Heatblast: Jealous? *smirking*

The girl scowls before blasting the flaming alien again extinguishing him.

Heatblast: *folding his arms* Still I don't get why I had to stay back while the overgrown lizard gets to take those guys on. 

Said overgrown lizard was holding on to the side of the Rv desperately trying to not look down while silently praying for this to be over.

Frost-ile: Believe me I don't wanna be out here either!

Grandpa max: Sorry Ren It's too risky to have Ben fire a blast at them.

Heatblast: No it's not!*heating up*

Another puff from the fire extinguisher quickly proves him wrong.

Gwen: Could've fooled me.

Frost-ile: Oh, good gravey. *grumbling*

Frost-ile narrows  his eyes before shooting an ice beam at the car quickly causing it to fly in the before it could crash in a nearby wall another ice beam was fired creating snow to cushion the impact. Frost-ile  immediately jumps off the RV and lands on the roof of the car peeking his head through the window.

Frost-ile: I recommend freezing.

The robbers tried to escape but were met with a flaming man tearing the door of it's hinges and crushing it with his bare hands.

Heatblast: Or you'll get a permanent sunburn!

The robbers then looked at each other before complying with the aliens orders and faced the wall. Just then a familiar chime came from both watches as a red and purple light illuminated the area. The robbers looked back only to find two kids staring back at them.

Ben: Uh-oh.

Ren: *Laughs awkwardly*

Robber 1: Whu-It's just kids, get the jewels!

Before the situation could get any worse police sirens started to blare loudly as an army of Police officers showed up taking control of the situation and put the robbers in handcuffs.

Ben: *sighs* No I know you all wanna thank me but-

Police officer: Step aside  son this isn't play time!

Ben: Play time I'm the one who-

Before Ben could say anything else Ren put his hand over his mouth  silencing him.

Ren: Sorry he's still in shock. *smiling* thanks for your service! *shouting after them*


The Tennyson family was in the local Megamart to resupply for they trip,Gwen and Ren were with there grandfather looking for their next meal.

Grandpa max: Only canned octopus, I thought this store prided itself on wide selection.

Gwen: Uhhh ,Grandpa no offence but can we have a normal dinner for once.

Ren: One that doesn't try to strangle while eating it. *shivering*

Grandpa max: It only happened once *chuckles*

 Ren: *haunted* Once too many.

A suddenly green flash radiated from behind them the cousin quickly look each other with a mutual understanding .Running into the nearby cereal isle they were met with boxed carnage, Ren silently counted the destruction while Gwen quickly found the perpetrator and grabs a small frog like alien.

Ren: Ben Whyyy?

Ben: For the gold Sumo Slammer card,Duh!

Gwen: You're supposed to use your powers for good not find a stupid trading card.

???: Ehm.

Turning back the cousins were met with a very displeased worker looking at them.

Worker: And just what do you think you two are doing?

Ren: We're gonna have to pay for this aren't we? *bluntly*

The man simply raises his eyebrow, the cousins  reluctantly pick up as many boxes as they could before walking towards their grandfather, confused and worried the older man looks at the kids.

Grandpa max: Uh, is there a reason  were buying all this cereal?

Ben: Well we would have had to buy one with the  Golden Summon Slammer card in it if Gwen and Ren didn't have to but in with their big butts!

Gwen: *angered* You were trashing the whole cereal aisle just to find some stupid piece of cardboard.

Ren: Which lets be honest here you'd probably lose, destroy, burn-  *listing off options*

Grandpa Max: Ben, now I can appreciate how much this card means to you but don't you think you're getting a little obsessed?

Ben: Your right grandpa, I don't deserve a Gold Sumo Slammer Card.I mean it's not like I rescued a bunch of people from a burning building or anything like that.

Ren: Are you forgetting who put out most of the fires... and who stopped the robbers?

Ben was about to say something before he noticed something that peaks his interest.

Ben: Whoa! Sumo Slammer Cards, a complete set!

The trio looks at the boy with confusion before Grandpa Max remembers something. 

Grandpa Max: Let's check out the pet department.

Gwen: Please tell me you aren't looking for our breakfast. *shuddering*


In the pet aisle Grandpa max was reading off a list, Gwen was playing with a hamster and Ren was listening to music on his walkmen. Suddenly a loud thud was heard the trio looks up only to see an old man riding a large monstrous frog 

The man then turns a strange device on his chest letting out a strange red lighting, The Tennysons narrowly avoiding the blast unintentionally revealed it's true targets the hamster and bird behind them. The hamster rapidly gets bigger and grows more eyes  before bursting out of its cage, the bird also gets bigger before letting out a beastly roar.

Old man:  Arise to your full potential my pets!

The three quickly run away from the monster hamster Ben takes the opportunity to meet up with his family who were backed in a corner by the monsters.

Ben: Oh man, what kid of pet food are they selling around here!

Old man: Behold the genius of Dr. Animo. Nothing can stop me  from getting what I deserve mark my words. Today I will make history or should I say prehistory.

Gwen: *whispering*  Y'know it would be a good time to go hero. 

Ren: *sighing* Why does it always gotta be me, fine *activating the watch* Allons-y! *pressing it down*

Ren's skin muscles and skin quickly dissolve into slime as a UfO like object appears causing the slime to quickly takes form  into a humanoid .

Gwen: Why splat?

Ren: I was going for quake *snapping* this stupid thing hates me.

The hamster quickly lunges at splat  using it's claws to try and cleave the boy in half only for it to pass right through him. Splat proceeds to punch the monster in the nose pushing the creature back.

The hamster scrambled up shaking off the blow the monster the bats away the alien upwards splattering it on the ceiling.

Dr Animo: Young fool, You will not rob me of my reward-

The man was quickly cut off by a football to the head which was thrown by Ben.

Ben: You sure love the sound of your own voice.

Dr. Animo: Get him my pets!

The hamster then lunges at the boy only for it to be stopped mid-air as Splat wrapped himself around pulling it back to the ground.In pain the monster whines as splat continues to punch the monster in the face. The monster rapidly starts to swat the air managing to knock away the UFO onto splat immediately turning the alien into a liquid.  

Not giving up the alien quickly reforms itself grabs a near by shelf and seemingly defining logic turns it's body 360 degrees to smack the hamster in the face sending it flying into nearby shelves knocking the beast out

Dr.Animo: Mark my words I will turn Washington Bc into Washington Dc!

The bird quickly swoops down allowing the man to hop on and fly away the gain from quickly following its master.

Ben: You let them get away!

Splat: Dude I literally don't have any bones in my body it was a miracle I could even stop that thing! *Referring to the hamster*

Before the two could start arguing more  the worker from before walks up to Ren.

Worker: You saved the store If there is anything I could do to thank you name it.

Splat: Uhhh well-

As if on que a round chime could be heard as the badge on the aliens chest begins to blink marking the end of the transformation.

Splat: Stay safe citizens!

The alien comedically runs in the direction of the nearest exit but manages the trip over it's own feet, causing him to splatter on the ground and exiting via a nearby vent. The rest of the Tennysons quickly make their exit and sneak away.


The Tennyson family was currently in the Rust bucket speeding dow the rad to keep up with the bird.

Grandpa max: Ah, just like the good old days before I retired. 

Gwen: So exactly what kind of plumber were you Grandpa?

Grandpa max: Uh *sputtering* A dang good.

Ren and Gwen simply look at each other before glancing back at the grandfather. Grandpa Max changing the conversation glances over to Ben noticing him looking down.

Grandpa max: Ben, what's the matter?

Ben: I could have totally gotten the sumo slammer card if we didn't leave. *complaining*

Ren: Oh stop complaining about you dolt! Maybe if you didn't go alien beforehand you might have gotten it but you'll never know now.*teasing*

Ben: *turning back* Can it you dork!

Grandpa Max: Kids, being a hero isn't about others knowing you did  something good; it's about you knowing you did something good being  a hero is its own reward.

Ren:...Grandpa... that advice is so... incredibly flawed. 

Ben: Were reading the greeting cards at the Megamart?

Grandpa Max:......yes.

Ren: Dang it!

Ren slams his fist on the table before giving Gwen 5 bucks, the girls simply smiles at him and pockets the money.

Ben: What ,you guys have a bet.*facing them* Why wasn't a part of it?

Ren: Cause you always cheat remember the time we played-

Gwen: Bingo!

Ren: Exactly  but you didn't  have to yell  that Gwen.

Gwen: What no about Dr.animo, five years ago he was a promising researcher in veterinary science but it turns out he was doing all these twisted experiments where he was mutating them.When he didn't win some big  prize called the verities award he flipped out.

Ren: Soooo an obsession with a fictitious award drove a man insane causing him to hurt a bunch of people to prove a point.

Gwen: Sound familiar Ben?

The boy simply slumps further into his chair.

The bird lets out a loud shriek before diving further into the city obscuring Grandpa Max's vision.

Grandpa max: We've lost him,he could be going anywhere in the Washington D.C.

Gwen: Or Washington B.C.

Ben: *realizes* That's it I know where he's going...


Ren: The Natural History Museum! *cupping his head in his hands* Why did it have to be a creepy museum late at night?!

Ben walks up to the entrance of the museum which was utterly destroyed and picks up a large gray feather.

Grandpa max : *Smiling* Something tells me well on the right track, good thinking Ben.

Gwen: guess even a doofus can surprise every once in a while.

Ben: And you should know *shooting back*

Ren: Can we just get this over with?

The Tennyson family walks through an eerily quiet museum coming across large fossilized creatures, Ben then comes across a small box which reads M-mart electronics looking up they were met with a figure of an Dr.Animo.

Dr.Animo: *looking up* You are very persistent, I hate persistent. *ominously*

Ben: We all know about your freakazoid experiments Dr.Animo *pointing at him* It's over!

Dr.Animo: * Facing them* Oh but it's only just begun, see I only needed a few components to push my walk into Phase 2-- The Reanimation of dormant cells.

Ben: Does this guy come with subtitles?

Ren: Dude I know you're crazy and all but that's virtually impossible. That would require you to create a complete genetic duplicate of something that's dead will also giving it a conscience.

Dr. Animo: Oh but on the contrary with my intellect I have pushed what was previously thought impossible, observe.

The man cranks a strange device on his chest as suddenly the two antennae on his head begin to light up before shooting a massive spark of red lightning at the mammoth statue, the family backs away in horror as the statue let's out a mighty roar and begins to start moving.

Dr.Animo: Behold my genius

Gwen : Now would be a really good time to go hero.

Ben: No Duh, you guys get Animo I'll get jumbo.

Ben slams his watch down  as suddenly red veins begin to pop out on his arms and slowly move up towards his eyes which have turned a bright yellow, the boy doubles in his own original size as two massive arms sprout  out from underneath his original ones suddenly he turns a climbs in the red as a beastly Goliath stood where the boy once did

Four arms: Lets wrestle!

Four arms proceeds to charge at the mammoth grabbing it by its tusk before flipping it on its side. The rest of the family takes the moment of distraction to one after Animo they make it into the adjacent room before coming face to face with a giant bird.Gwen takes the opportunity to grab a nearby spear from the exhibit before hitting the bird over the head with it taking advantage of the confusion the girl quickly spun around hitting the bird in the face completely shattering the spear.

Gwen: Ben's not the only one with skills. 

Ren: *running* Hey showoff save the bragging for later!

Ren makes it into the room before anybody else quickly finding Animo who simply

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