SIMP - shipping request book

SIMP - shipping request book

238 20 6

IN WHICH i, jewelianna / carly , have a shipping request book where you tell me things about you (++ the fandom you'd like to see a character shipped with you in) and i give you a character i think would fit well with you in a relationship alongside some headcanons!…

make me blush-

make me blush-

45 5 1

basically the title…

Fading Destiny || Warrior Cats fanfiction

Fading Destiny || Warrior Cats fanfiction

43 3 1

[ ALLEGIANCES CREATED BY @dxrk_wyvern , none of the characters or appearances rightfully belong to me ! ] Flutteringcloud, deputy of BreezeClan, had been destined for greatness ever since she was born. Her fate was set in stone ages ago, and yet something felt wrong about it. She lingered, avoiding almost every-cat and speaking only when spoken to, or being forced to speak (more like order others) while doing and sorting patrols. Most cats considered her careless on other's opinions of her and introverted due to her not caring about the many whispers and rumors that traveled with her almost everywhere she went. However, some others considers her oblivious and ambitious due to her nature to get whatever she set her heart to done. Struggling. That's how Flutteringcloud mainly felt. Like she was struggling. It wasn't because of the rumors, as said before she didn't care about what others thought. It was her destiny that concerned her. Doubt constantly consumed her, as when she was a mere kit she was told that when she were to become a warrior her life would change drastically. It hadn't. It hasn't. It was meant to, but it never happened. Galebreeze, her leader, thinks it's just a fading destiny that was never meant to be.…

mha group!

mha group!

89 7 1

basically the title…

what color would i be-

what color would i be-

25 2 1

basically the title…

random thing

random thing

32 2 1

basically the title…

who wants to make a Spotify blend with me-
would anyone like to be mutuals?

would anyone like to be mutuals?

17 2 1

idk anymore atp…

a small rant about lots of harmful things (please read if you can).
friend me on discord!

friend me on discord!

14 1 1

basically the title-…

would you trust me based on who i simp for

would you trust me based on who i simp for

88 11 1

basically .. me exposing myself with my simp list and asking if you would trust me based upon it-…

if you were to guess, which zodiac sign do you think i'd be?
which is the lie about me-

which is the lie about me-

37 1 1

idk anymore…

ranking MLP songs based on my favorite to least favorite
two things ig

two things ig

24 2 1

basically the title…

the scariest song i've literally ever listened to
let me know if you'd like to be included in my bio!
yansim oc generator for no reason at all

yansim oc generator for no reason at all

257 10 13

basically the title .. these are the ocs i got from it-…

kiss, date, marry, kill..but i answer with my choices.
tropes that i love

tropes that i love

31 3 1

basically the title!…