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In 1943, a super soldier was created - Steve Rogers. The scientists took every sample of DNA they could get from him. Every. After his disappearance in 1945, the last chance of Steve Roger's legacy continuing sat in a freezer in a warehouse which came under SHEILD's ownership for 48 years, before they finally took it out and 'put it to use'. If there were files, the woman who bore Steve Rogers' child wouldn't be named. The experiment was put down, and the woman was frozen and hidden for 12 years.In 2005, SHEILD re-discover this woman, and realise her mutant abilities kept both her and her baby alive. Eleanor is born, but her mother dies in her birth. Unsure what to do with the child SHIELD don't record her birth, and they get agents to raise her, train her.In 2011, Steve Rogers is found in the ice, and God does he have a surprise. Follow Eleanor Rogers, grow up and survive in a world of heroes, madmen and gods.Based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe…