The Flamellian Ruby

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protections, too. The Ruby is a very powerful magical artefact, after all. Just - for Merlin's sake - avoid the Third Floor corridor, wont you?! I don't want you ending up like Harry's silly father over there."

"It was just a few scratches," James dismissed off-handedly.

"That went neon-green with infection!" Lily cried passionately. "Promise me you wont go looking for the Ruby. Promise me ... both of you."

"We promise," Harry and Hermione chorused faithfully.

"James, Lil'," Sirius announced as the conversation paused. "I'd better be getting the kids back to Hogwarts. Minerva will roast me if I'm so much as a minute late."

"Wait!" Harry cried. "What's going to happen to you? About the story in the paper?"

"Will you let us deal with that?" Lily insisted wearily. "I'm a big girl, you know, and your dad ... well, he's James Potter. Whatever that means! Hermione, I'm afraid you might have to find a way to keep Harry distracted. Otherwise he'll go running off and fighting all our battles for us."

"I'm sure I can think of something," Hermione grinned cutely at Harry, who felt his insides do insane flips at the fire in Hermione's eyes. Now what in the name of all that was magical was that look supposed to mean?

Harry had little time to dwell on that, though. For soon his mother was crushing his ribs with one hug, his father ruffling his hair a moment later, then Sirius was whizzing them back through the fire and back to Hogwarts ... where Harry had a lot to think about.

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