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(Deshret POV)

Another sleepless night, I could never complain. Sleep wasn't a necessity for me...but the few times I did, it was only these nightmares of the night. Why? Why can't I just let go...? They look so much like them...act just like them...am I only finding this heart of mine beating because they remind me of what I almost had...? That's wrong, ludicrous. It'd only hurt, I don't want anymore pain...

"My lord?" The echoing voice of Raj's firm tone was the only thing that peeled my eyes from the scroll I was going over. The same very scroll five hundred years ago that Y/N had written for her first time in the main language of Teyvat. Delicate.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response, not once glancing at her. Raj was never the kind type but well aware of how she perceived anything. As well as the almost blank emotions of gods.

"Raj, tell me, how is everything going with your lover? You two are still together correct?" I asked, finally looking up and over at her, still holding the scroll in my hand, rubbing the side of the parchment. Why are you being nervous? I was never...nervous to ask how people were with their affairs for my own understanding.
"Ms. Sa?" I could hear their words be spoken from the other side of the bookshelf in my study. Melodic, no wonder a many of the servants and people were fond of them.

"Yes, my lady?" Sa had spoken. Sa, truly known as Sage, though Y/N never quite got the end of it, thought she never corrected them.

"What's this thing of love I hear some of the ladies speak of?" That question again, they would always ask that to any of the guards or priests whenever I wasn't around. Sometimes I wish they actually spoke to me of this topic, might be jealousy I would assume on my end, but...they're learning. Give them time Deshret.

"I wonderful feeling my lady, a feeling of when your heart is beating for someone, but sometimes it's hard to know if it's love or sometimes obsession or possession. Both a different concept. Love a person if they're willing to burn the world for you, not a person who would control you and throw you away at the blink of an eye." Sa's words echoed through the generally large chamber known as my study or the palace library.

"You've experienced both...haven't you, Ms. Sa?" Y/N's words, sounded...colder. Unusual. Very unusual.

"It's in the past now, my lady, please don't rally yourself over it." Even myself hearing that made my blood boil, who would be foolish enough to hurt someone within my own kingdom let alone a-

"I'll kill them." Was this even Y/N? The kind, sweet, and almost naive person who was yet to even tell us where they came from?

"No one will hurt you again, I swear on the seven pillars."
"Me and Lilian? We've been doing fine, our anniversary is coming up, been planning to propose. She's wonderful, honestly." Her voice was always passionate and sweet when speaking of Lilian, a scholar from the Akademiya she met a couple years ago.

"Well you have my blessing then." I noted, I may not have had the chance with the Y/N of the past, I may be falling for the Y/N as of now, but if I can give two lovers the sake and hope I couldn't have, then I'd do it in a heartbeat. That's what they'd want.

"This is why I serve you. We also somehow managed to get Lesser Lord Kusanali's blessing too...how Lilian pulled that off is, well something."

(Literally three months prior)

"CYNO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" The loud voice of a female echoed as she barged into the office of the one and only, General Mahamatra.

"Lilian you are going to be the death of me.." Groaned the white haired male who had been hiding in his office for the past hour after hearing Lilian, the one scholar in the Akademiya who's balls were a walnut tree, also being a technical upperclassman to Cyno.

Though no titles were actually used.

"I need a favor."

"What now..?"

"Somehow get Lesser Lord Kusanali to give me the blessing for marriage."

"I have no jokes, and I'm sorry WHAT?"

"I have a hind feeling Raj is going to propose. So unless you want a slipper up your ass and hung by a hanger I suggest you get to work. Ta ta darling."

With that quick conversion, she was gone.
"Also, my lord I was informed to tell you that the guests will be leaving today to recuperate within Sumeru City, Ms Dehya and Ms. Candace will be returning to Aaru Village for recovery also as the infirmary is being cleaned after a roach infestation." Hearing that only caused me to, one, climb onto the desk, two summon my spear, and three, look across the ground for those little bitches they call roaches. Celestia is a bitch to begin with but to make these FUCKING bugs is a death warrant.

"Send my regards for their leave, please also take the Wyvern's nexklace and gift it to Y/N, please keep it anonymous." I said, a slight shaky tone but a light forced smile. Fuck me running, Kusanali send help...

A/n: Deshret is scared shitless of cockroaches, that's my head cannon
so I'm back, good to see yall, we made it out of the hospital after two days which concerned the doctors but fuck if we ball
Anyhow, good night/evening/ morning my children :)

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