A Change of Minds

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cheerfully in acknowledgment.

"Why am I on your lap?" He was confused about where he was. He was used to lap pillows courtesy of Satella, but that was usually whenever he was in a dream. Whenever he'd wake up, his head would always be on the cold floor and not on something soft.

"Rem saw you looked uncomfortable on the ground and you were having nightmares. This was the only way I knew." She answered him with sadness in her tone.

He didn't say anything. He looked at his hand that still grasped hers. He for some reason couldn't help but think of Pride's words.

'Besides, this is her imagination. And what a realistic imagination it is!'

'The real Rem-rin that's still pranking the world by sleeping.'

'Most authentic imagination of Rem.'

He looked carefully at her face, studying every feature of it. Her cheeks started to redden from the intensity of his stare.

He then looked at his hand that still grasped hers and tightened its hold and then loosened it.

"U-um, S-Subaru-kun?" She asked him as her blush intensified.

'She has to be real. This doesn't feel fake or an illusion. The hug yesterday didn't feel fake either. I already confirmed she's real aswell..What if?'

"I didn't mean to startle you. I'm just trying to figure out something." He spoke as a matter-of-fact to her. Pride kept saying he hurt the imaginary version of her but he had to make sure again that she was real.

"W-What is it?" She asked nervously, more because of how he was looking at her while gripping her hand.

He stayed quiet for a moment before deciding to ask the question.

"Rem... You are real, right?" He spoke once more in a quizzical tone. He could almost hear Pride laughing at that question, and yet Pride wasn't talking or laughing.

She looked at him as if she was about to cry that he had to ask that question again. She increased the tightness she held on his grip. Cursing the knights in her mind again for making her hero suffer so much to the point of him questioning his own reality.

"I-I promise that I'm real and awake.." She told him sadly. Hoping he would believe her.

'Then again does it matter if you're real? You still hurt me for smelling like a witch cultist while I was a guest. Even if I forgave you for it and even if you didn't backstab me in Priestella, since you were in a coma, Pride unfortunately... had a point. You would've likely betrayed me and hurt me on a worse level than Emilia and Beatrice if you were in Pri-'

Rem, in a moment of blind thinking. Leaned in and gave him a kiss. Making all of his thinking instantly go blank as his eyes widened at what's happening. His mind started playing dialogues of Rem on two separate occasions. It was as if two sides were arguing within him.

' If someone seems suspicious, punish them. This is the rule of maids.'

'I love your voice.'

'Don't die so easily, I can't get any information out of you.'

'I love your eyes.'

'Who hired you and under what condition?'

'I love your fingers.'

'Are you affiliated with the Witch's Cult?'

'I love the way you walk. I love the way you look when you're asleep.'

'Bald-faced lies! The witch's scent lies so thickly upon you!'

'Let's start from square one.. No.. From Zero!'

The kiss then ended and so did the dialogue.

"D-Do you believe that I-I'm real, n-now?" She said softly while blushing in embarrassment.

Subaru didn't reply. He was fully shocked. Gone were the thoughts of 'What if she was in Priestella'. Instead, his thoughts were now involved around her words of the last loop.


'This Rem is the same Rem from the capital. She's not the Rem that tortured me. She wasn't in Priestella and that's that. Still, at least this definitely confirms that she's real without a doubt. But where does this put us? I can't shake off her last words of that loop, the look on her face when Pride said we love Satella or her dead body afterwards. '

"S-Subaru-kun." She spoke nervously, making him focus on her again. "What did y-you think a-about.." she trailed off quietly.

"I don't feel like I deser-" She put her hand on his lips.

"I wanted it to be you. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else." She spoke sternly to him before her cheeks reddened. "A-a-and if it helps to prove I'm real, then R-Rem doesn't mind k-kissing you again."

"No, I.." He shook off what he was going to say. "Thank you, Rem." She was seemingly happy with his words and was in another world.

'I'm entirely certain you wouldn't, but I have to make sure you won't betray me or hurt me. That way I'll avoid having Pride kill you again and me helplessly watching by.'

He needed to think more about that, he needed a way to clear his head.

He stood up without saying a word.

"Subaru-kun? Do you need something?" She asked him, curious about his sudden rise.

"Just going to take a bath." He responded without looking in her direction. She got up as well. "D-do you need help with that?"

"No need, It's fine." He asserted. She was unconvinced and asked him again. "Are you sure? Rem doesn't mind."

"Can I ask you a favor instead? Could you bring me clo-never mind. You don't know which room it is." He quickly reasoned with himself as he realized Rem was asleep when the old mansion burned and they moved to the new one.

She looked at him in confusion. He instead told Rem to bring food to his room, a poor lie but it seemed to work.


He walked towards his old room with purpose. He was lucky that no one ran into him as he didn't want to interact with anyone else for now. He was still shocked over what Rem did.

I'm both proud and disappointed. Proud that you managed to hug a girl as you lay asleep on her bed in a tragic romantic setting with all the flames around, and got kissed by another girl while laying in her lap, all within the span of a few hours. Disappointed that it wasn't when I'm in control. *Sighs in sadness*

Pride sounded in his head. He had been oddly quiet when Subaru was talking with Rem.

Then again, leave it to you to hug the Half-elf that betrayed us and kiss the Oni that killed us. It's like that old saying. 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' and you certainly did hahaha

Subaru eye-rolled and looked annoyed for a second before it passed off. He wanted to correct him that they're the ones who had done it and not him.

Eventually, he came across Clind, who was doing some chores.

"Good day, Natsuki-sama. Salutation." Clind spoke to him politely while inspecting him with a curious glance.

'I don't know where to place Clind. He wasn't in Priestella nor did he hurt me outside of training. But still, to think he has an Authority of all people. Is he a former Archbishop? I wonder if he has a smell like me. Besides, who owns the Authority now? Or did my reset create a paradox where we both have it?'
Subaru kept thinking about that without responding to Clind.

"Natsuki-sama, do you perhaps require assistance or aid? Permission." Clind asked, taking Subaru out of his thoughts.

'I don't know if I can trust Clind. Best to keep our interactions short for now.'

"No, I'm good." Subaru replied short and to the point. He didn't really want to interact with Clind that much. Not only was he suspicious of the Authority that Clind had, but also because his death and the traumatized look of Annerose were still fresh on his mind. He continued his walk towards his old room, leaving Clind all alone to stare at Subaru's leaving form.

Should've asked him to tell us a joke. He was so SOOOO~ funny in that reset. His knock-knock joke was devastatingly funny you could say! Hey by the way do you think we still have that gift he gave us? It was a fun ability to have.

Pride again sounded in his head. However, he ignored him and continued on his walk. He also wondered if he still had that Authority.

It's fine though. it's no biggie if we don't have it. We can just always get it again!

'That's exactly why I need to make sure they won't hurt or betray us.' Subaru thought to himself as he heard Pride's words.

Reaching his old room. Subaru took a moment to compose himself before entering.

As he entered, he saw Beatrice was deep asleep which made him relax instantly. He had no idea how he would react if she was awake and begging him for forgiveness. He knew he would never accept it. Julius revered the spirits too much. Whenever he'd say he was innocent, Julius would always point out that a great spirit accused him. Hell started for him the moment he ran into her in Priestella.

He especially hated the fact that she accused him of being a Witch Cultist when she herself was created by a Witch and had a gospel of her own. Pride would say it's a good joke, and he would for once agree with Pride.

For ages, he has dreamt of scenarios where she begs for forgiveness and he would deny her in the cruelest ways possible. Pride fulfilled one of those scenarios, yet it wasn't as satisfying as he thought it was. For some reason, he thought it was genuinely cruel and unnecessary and he had no idea why he tried justifying it. Was it because it was Pride and not him that had done it? Was it because he partly didn't blame her as it was mostly Gluttony's fault? Was it because he blamed himself for not trying to reason better as he was far too emotional instead of being rational? Or was it because she wasn't at the top of the list of people he hated?

He shook his head off to focus. He walked towards the Wardrobe not caring if he made any noises.

"Subaru..P-please..." She whispered in her sleep. She seemed to be moving as well.

'When I said that you didn't listen.' Subaru thought as he opened the wardrobe to take out some of his clothes. He was lucky that they were well-kept despite him not wearing them for ages.

"B-Betty's sorry..." She whispered again.

He glared at her sleeping form with all the hate in the world.

'You don't know what sorry means. No sorry will give back what I lost. No sorry will ever take away what I've been through because of you, Emilia, Reinhard, all the knights, and everyone present that day.' He thought bitterly before heading off into the bathroom area. Completely ignoring his surroundings or anyone in his way.


Finally in the bathroom area and realizing he was alone, he let out a sigh of relief. He could finally calm down and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere. He finally had room to think without being interrupted by anyone.

'Right now I just need to figure out a way to make sure Rem and the others wouldn't hurt us. Frederica, Annerose, and Petra are in the clear atleast. Meili should be in the clear. So I only need to prove Rem, Ram, and Clind but how?'

'Do I simply just go and ask them to promise me they won't hurt me? No, that doesn't make sense. And It'd take a long time to direct the conversation towards it.' He sighed

He brought a finger to his lips where Rem had kissed him. 'I have to change her imagination in Pride's eyes. The same way Emilia did.' He remembered Emilia's imagination. Instead of pointing her finger and accusing him with a stern look on her face, she shifted to holding both of her hands to her heart with a look of sadness.

Someone's thinking dirty shower thoughts. Is it about the demonic Rem-rin? Is it about the angelic Emilia-tan? Or is the winner Satella-tan?

Subaru let out a grunt of annoyance.

An imagination soon spawned, it was Subaru himself. He had the dirtied appearance that he had while he was in prison and was wearing ragged tatters that barely clung to his skin. He was smiling at Subaru. His eyes had a playful and crazed look to them, almost as if he was taking joy in everything he saw.

Ara~ are you so stunned by my beauty~ that you can't even react properly~? What a delightful meat you are~! Do be careful not to damage your water-logged brain from staring at this handsome guy~ kyahahaha!

He saw Subaru frowning.

Someone woke up cranky today. What's wrong Inner me or is it Outer me now? You know, we should be more clear on that really since I'm inside and you're outside.

"You know exactly what's wrong. If you haven't killed them, I wouldn't be sitting here wondering whether you would kill them again." Subaru said in a cold tone.

*Sarcastic tone* Gee, it's almost like I didn't say I won't kill our imaginations again. True I may have taunted it a bit with our Lolicon Clind but I'm just having a laugh. You have nothing to worry about.

"Yeah, right." He scoffed. "What stops you from killing them again in the name of 'having a laugh'?"

Hmmmm~ good point. I do still want to prank Beako all over again hahaha *Deadpans* repeatedly. Alright how about I promise by our best friends' names? Knight's honor and all. As an elegant knight would often say, 'I humbly give you my word by the Divine Dragon.'. Pride ran his hand through his hair then bowed to him in an exaggerated way as he said that.

Subaru said nothing but frowned deeply at the mention of the knights and Julius.

Although I have to say. It's pretty funny that they kill us countless times, both directly and indirectly, and they get away scot-free. You don't even bat an eye. Whereas I kill them once and I get all the blame. Isn't that a good joke? Otherwise, you wouldn't have reset. I mean you're even staying behind to make sure they're alright. What a nice gentleman you are! No wonder why you got three ladies fawning over you! Technically four if you count Envy as separate from Satella-tan.

"I only reset as a favor to a past life, nothing more. And I'm going away as soon as I get into shape." Subaru replied as a matter of fact.

Hahaha! Alright then! Let us play a guessing game. I wonder which past life it is. Is it A) One where they killed us. B) One where they killed us with more flair. Or C) One where we finally realized they were imaginations after repeatedly killing ourselves. Then again it's not like it matters since you'll wind up forgiving them anyway, that's if you haven't already.

"I haven't forgiven anyone responsible." Subaru countered in a cold tone.

Ehhh.. Don't think so. I think you would forgive even the knights and our best friends. Pride taunted his other self. His smile formed into a teasing one.

Subaru grit his teeth in annoyance. "Shut up."

Oh yes, Juli. Do beat me with a stick sword. I would LOOOOVE~ to forgive you afterwards so you can do it again and again as much as you want. What's that, Jules? Want to break some bones? Go right ahead! I'll give you a ha- Oh you already broke it. Hahaha

"Shut the hell up."

Ferris! My best friend. Do you want me to strip off the tatters I'm wearing so you can have easy access to my skin and fry my nerves while asking me a repeated question? By the way Ferris-kyun, I forgive nyou~

Subaru clenched his fist tightly and scowled intensely. Seemingly at the edge of his temper.

Reinhard buddy, you knew I was telling the truth but guess what? It's ok that you stayed quiet and looked away. I'm sure you were just having a case of stage-fright, happens to everyone! I forgive you for leaving me all alone to be tortured until I begged to die. Power of friendship and forgiveness trumps over betrayal every day!

"I DON'T FORGIVE THEM!" Subaru roared out, seething with rage. He summoned a shadow hand, activated Cor Leonis and directed his palm then clenched his fist. All in Pride's direction. However the shadow hand went through him, not doing any damage and a few seconds later a section of the wall on the other side was cracked.

He glared intensely at Pride, a sight that would easily scare anyone who saw it, although Pride was smiling victoriously with excitement.

And there it is! Pffft HahahaHAHAHAHAHA! I was just teasing ya! I know you won't forgive the knights, calm yourself you're so easy to rile! Ahhh, if only we still had our phone! I would frame that reaction on a picture hahahaha! *Sighs in satisfaction*

Gotta say, it's pretty relaxing to not be in control all the time. Anyway like I said I won't kill them. So take as much time as you want in getting our body into shape. Oh and, nice touch with the Authorities! Talk to ya later Outer me.

Pride's illusion disappeared into Subaru. Leaving Subaru sulking all alone in the bathroom. His mood was completely ruined. The water near him seemed to turn red as he looked down and realized his nails had dug into his hands.

He took a long time in the bath to calm himself.


Walking back into the guest room, he ran into one of the people he didn't want to see.

"N-N-Natsuki-san.." Otto stammered.

Subaru continued walking, not glancing once in Otto's direction. He wasn't in the mood. He could kill Otto right now if he so wished, but he held himself with difficulty.

While Otto technically didn't betray or hurt him, he was still present in Priestella. He would've cast him aside the moment Beatrice accused him. Just like everyone in that entire city did. His yells when they dragged him were no doubt heard by the entire city, and yet all the passerby's looked at him with anger, scorn and disgust. Some of them even threw spoiled food at him. The irony that he spoke words of hope to them while they threatened him and brought him nothing but misery. Otto would've probably been one of them.

"I'm t-truly s-sor-W-Wait! I'm trying to..." Otto's voice trailed off in the distance, as Subaru kept walking without a care.

Finally reaching his room. He entered and was greeted with a feast prepared by Rem who was waiting for him. She had cooked him several dishes with Mayonnaise included. Although it had gone cold due to how long he spent in the bath.

He silently began eating, and as always it had no taste for him, making his already bad mood worse as even mayo was ruined for him.

Rem tried to initiate conversations but he gave short answers and seemed disinterested. Rem thought he was probably either flustered from the kiss, or it had something to do with why he told her to leave yesterday. She wanted to ask if he was alright but decided it was best to leave him be for now.

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully. Subaru stayed inside his room. He stayed looking out the window for the calming scenery. Frederica had come into his room and brought him tea at some point. He remembered the last words Frederica had spoken to him in the last loop.

'Do you hate us all so much?'

She asked him if he was alright, to which he simply nodded without taking his eyes off of the window. She, like Rem, tried imitating

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