πŸπŸ“. 𝐈 πƒπŽπ'𝐓 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 π–πˆπ“π‡ π„π•π„π‘π˜πŽππ„ π–π‡πŽ 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 πŒπ„ ππ‘π„π“π“π˜

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𝐀𝐒 𝐈 𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 into my house after my shift, I checked the time and noticed that it was almost eight o'clock, which meant that the party had already started. Searching through my closet, I groaned loudly, feeling incapable of finding an outfit. After I threw clothes around my room, desperately trying to find something that matched, I ended up with a pair of mom-jean styled shorts as well as a black tube top.

I slipped my phone into my back pocket in case of emergencies, even though the cell towers weren't working as well as they used to. I scribbled a note to my mom, telling her that I'd be home later, and left the paper on the kitchen counter.

I got into my jeep and made my way to the address that Rafe had given me, an ecstatic feeling rushing through my body. As I drove down the road, I started to worry and overthink. What if this was a mistake, what if I was just being a dumb girl who wanted another dumb boy to fall in love with. What if I'm just misreading the entire situation and he still thinks I'm just some Pogue, just dirt under his shoe.

Before I could worry any more, I had arrived. The stars glistened in the sky, brighter then I had ever seen them before. Bright lights flashed from the house while loud music echoed through the quiet neighborhood. I knew that there was no going back, and I had to face the fact and attend the party.

Folding the note in my hand, I put it in the cup holder and hopped out my car, hands visibly shaking. I took a deep breath and made my way up the long driveway, praying that I wouldn't draw too much attention to myself. But as I entered the house, all hope of staying in the shadows was gone. Everyone's eyes focused on me as I walked inside, watching my every step.

"Y/n?" I whipped around to see Maggie walking away from a dark-haired boy, beer in her hand, "I didn't think I'd see you here," She said with a smile as she approached me.

"Yeah... I was invited last minute, I guess," I replied as she led me into the kitchen to grab me a beer.

"Who invited you?" She asked with a smirk as she poured some beer into a red solo cup.

"Rafe," I told her after a second, not sure how she would take it.

"You got the golden boy to ask you to a party?" She asked amazed, "Damn, I didn't think you had it in you," I blushed from embarrassment as she slid me my drink.

"It's not that big of a deal," I mumbled before I took a sip of the alcohol, feeling the cold liquid roll down my throat.

"Well, here comes your prince in Kook armor," She told me with a cheeky smile as Rafe walked over, a big grin on his face. "I'll catch ya later," She said as she bumped elbows with me and walked away.

"You came," He stated with a smile, drink in his hand.

"I promised, so," I replied as I admired the way his honey-blond hair fell in front of his light blue eyes.

"Let me show you around a bit, then we can head downstairs," He offered and I took him up on his idea.

When Rafe first walked in, he was worried that y/n wouldn't show, but when he saw her in the kitchen talking to another girl, his eyes lit up. Taking a second to stare at the girl a few feet away, he could see the way her shorts hugged her hips and the way her hair blew behind her head from the light breeze outside. She looked so happy and carefree, she naturally fit in.

Rafe led me through the house, stopping at a small group of boys who were talking to one another, sipping on their drinks every so often. Rafe introduced me and I talked to one of the boys in the group. "So, are you two a thing?" The boy, Chris, asked as he gave me a small smirk.

"We're just friends," I told him honestly because that's what we were. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Good, because you're so hot," He complimented and I smiled, my confidence shooting up, "Maybe I can take you out sometime," He winked and I bit my lip, and Rafe finally noticed what was happening. Before anything else could happen, he pulled me away from the group and I mouthed for Chris to call me, jokingly.

"What was that about?" I asked him after a second, a smirk plastered across my face. He stammered, trying to think of an excuse and that's when I realized, "You're jealous," I confronted and he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm not," He defended, but I could see in his eyes that he was.

"You're worried that I'm like the new girl, huh," I started as both of us stopped walking, "Nobody knows I'm a Pogue and I've seemed to catch the attention of every one since they've never seen me before," Rafe went to object but as he looked around, he couldn't help but notice all the boys and a few girls staring at me.

"You're being delusional," He replied as he led me towards the outside furniture where a bunch of kids was already seated.

"I'm practically top of the food chain and everyone wants to join me," I laughed lightly as I took a seat, "But don't worry, I'll stay humble,"

"Rafe. Thought you'd never stop by," Kelce said from one of the chairs. The two of us sat down and a pretty blond girl sat next to me. I kept my head low and focused on the table, not wanting to draw a lot of attention to myself at the moment.

I took a sip of my drink as Rafe did a line of coke. I tried to keep my eyes away from him, but everyone around me was slowly slipping into a high. A few people handed Rafe money, and he started counting. I could feel the girl staring at me, and when I looked up at her, she didn't look away.

"I've never seen you around?" She asked in a snarky tone and I mentally rolled my eyes, realizing she was one of those rich bitches.

"I don't really come to these things," I told her and she gave me a one up. I took a sip of my drink while she watched me, and honestly, it was uncomfortable.

"So are you in high school, or still in elementary?" She asked smugly and I rolled my eyes.

"College. And you, I'm assuming dropped out?" I shot back quickly.

"Bitch," She chuckled lightly, "You don't belong here, and I'm not talking about the party, but in Figure Eight,"

"Leave her alone, or you can leave," Rafe said, looking at the both of us, and the girl frowned.

"You're serious?" She exclaimed but Rafe didn't give say anything else. She glared harshly at me before switching seats.

"Thank you," I whispered to him as he wiped his nose as Topper walked towards us, pissed.

"No problem," He replied as he noticed Topper's presence. He quickly stood up and grabbed his friend, "Hey everybody. Hey, this is Top, all right? I call him the Shred God. He goes Conan on overheads, right? What were you last year? You were, like, top ten,"

"Last year, uh, seventh in Nationals," Topper told the group and I could see the blond girl eyeing him. She needs to sort out her priorities.

"Take a seat. Sit down, man," Rafe said as Topper and Kelce switched places.

"What's she doing here?" Topper snapped at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I was invited," I retorted, "Did your girlfriend break up with your something. Did she finally realize you're a dick?" He shot me a dirty look and I shrugged as Kelce started talking to his friend.

"It tastes like banana's man," Kelce told him as he left the group.

"I don't know..." Topper replied, but the blond girl piped up.

"If you don't hit it, then I will," She laughed lightly, and I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my drink, finishing it off.

"I'll be back," I told Rafe, placing my hand on his shoulder before I walked away from the group. I made my way upstairs, empty cup in hand, in need of something else to drink. I stepped into the kitchen, filling the cup with water instead of beer.

"Hello," I voice cooed from behind me. I turned around to see a tall boy, maybe my age or a year older, with short dark hair. "I'm Westly," The boy smiled and I smiled back.

"I'm y/n," I told him as I took a sip of the water.

"Do you wanna maybe go upstairs, and..." He led off as he stared at the stairs and I sighed.

"I'll pass, I barely even know you," I told him as I walked away but he quickly stopped me.

"How about we talk for a bit, instead," I turned around and nodded softly. I hopped onto the counter and the two of us started talking, and honestly, it was kind of nice. "So, are you from around here?"

"You could say that but I'm mainly just visiting at the moment," I replied.

Westly and I talked for almost five minutes, both enjoying each other's company until the moment was ruined. Walking between my legs, he leaned in and tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away lightly.

"You should take that as a compliment that I want to kiss you," He said and I realized that he was just another douchebag who slept around with every girl.

"Look, I know what would've happened. We would've gone upstairs, slept together then at around five, six in the morning, you'll leave and I'll be another bimbo that you forget," I told him and even though he scoffed, he knew I was right. "I don't sleep around with everyone who calls me pretty," I told him as I hopped off the counter.

"Prude," He called and I stopped, "Yeah, you're probably a virgin, one of those 'wait till marriage' bitches," I turned around, eyes cold and angry, "Dressed like that, you're practically asking for it,"

"If I was wearing a sweater and sweatpants, dicks like you would still say that 'I'm asking for it', and surprise, your opinion is shit," I shot back, knowing what being a girl was like.

"You should be flattered that I even came to talk to you. I could have talked to any other girl here, and honestly, they would've been easier to deal with, you ungrateful slut," He snapped and I clenched my fist, drink still in my hand.

In one quick movement, I threw my drink into his face before throwing the cup at his chest. "You're a complete jackass, and maybe now you can actually get someone wet," I seethed, motioning to the fact that he was covered in water.

I could see people watching the exchange and I stormed off, my mood completely ruined. I made my way downstairs and towards Rafe, "Hey, you're back," He grinned but I didn't sit down.

"I'm going to go," I told him and his smile dropped.

"What happened?" He asked me, concerned and it warmed my heart knowing that he was worried.

"It doesn't matter," I told him but nonetheless, he got up from his seat, told Topper to watch the table, and brought me away from his friends.

"What really happened while you were gone?" He asked and I sighed, knowing that the truth would come out one way or another, and I didn't need rumors being spread.

"I went upstairs to get a drink and I met a guy named Westly. He tried to get me to sleep with him and I told him that I don't sleep with everyone who calls me pretty," I explained, "After we talked for a bit and got to know each other, he tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. He called me a prude and a virgin and said I was asking for it since I was dressed like this. I said his opinion was shit and he said that I should be grateful that he had an interest in me because he could get any other girl"

Rafe stared at y/n, stringing on to every word she said as he clenched and unclenched his fists. He was mad, no pissed, that anybody would even think of talking to y/n, or anyone, like that. He debated about finding the boy and hurting him, but he knew that it would make matters worse for y/n.

"Finally he called me an ungrateful slut so I threw water in his face. I told him that he was a jackass and now he could finally make someone wet," I finished as I ran through my hair as tears prickled into my eyes. "So, can I please go now?" I pleaded and Rafe nodded, leading me away from his friends.

The two of us walked through the house as people's eyes followed us around. Rafe's hand was on the small of my back, holding me closer to him as we walked out the door. I walked over to my car, grabbing the keys out of my pocket and unlocking the doors. "I'm driving you home," Rafe said and I looked at him confused.

"I'm fine, really," I told him but he didn't buy it. He moved away from the car and grabbed his motorcycle, laying it flat in my trunk. "Rafe, you're not sober enough," I started but he was already in the driver's seat.

I prayed that nothing bad would happen and I knew that this was an awful idea, but I got into the passenger seat. Rafe pulled away from the curb and drove me home, as I gave him directions. The thing that surprised me was that Rafe was careful.

Rafe assumed that y/n had figured out what he was doing. Even though he was a little bit high, but the only thing that mattered was that he had to get y/n home safely. He kept two hands on the steering wheel and never once did his eyes leave the road. He was careful at every light and stop sign and never went over the speed limit. He had y/n trusting him that she would be safe with him and he wanted to prove that he could be that person for her.

Fifteen minutes later, Rafe carefully pulled into my house. He parked the car and I helped him unload his bike from the back. I couldn't deny the fact that my heartbeat rose every time I was with him or even thought about him. And I couldn't deny any longer that I was starting to develop feelings for the famous golden boy.

As Rafe grabbed his helmet, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. He hesitated for a second, but I could feel his arms wrap around my hips as he hugged me back. "Thank you," I whispered softly. He chuckled softly and I smiled into his shoulder before I pulled away.

"I'll see you later," He told me as he hopped onto his bike, pulling the helmet over his head. I waved goodbye as he rode off on his motorcycle and I knew that this wasn't going to be that time I had a moment with him.

Every giddy feeling, every butterfly that fluttered in my stomach, every time our eyes met, I felt something that I've never felt before. And I was tired of being scare because of it.

This had more drama so I hope you enjoyed it. It was fun to write. I've updated my 'Derek Hale x Female OC' of you want to read that as well... it would be appreciated. That's all, I hope y'all had a good weekend.

Syd <3

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