Ron continued to listen to his radio as the four of you traveled out of the woods. You could notice Ron's side glares and jealousy whenever Harry and Hermione interact. It was ridiculous for you, but you couldn't really blame him. He was tense and stressed. So you tried to make him comfortable and feel okay whenever he's tensed.
"And now for the names of the missing witches and wizards." You heard the reporter from Ron's radio. "These are confirmed. Thankfully, the list is short today."
The four of you looked around for a place to stay while walking, and you would reassure Ron from time to time.
"Jason and Alison Denbright. Bella, Jake, Charlie, and Madge Farley. Joe Laurie. Eleanor Sarah Gibbs."
"That doesn't sound like a short list." You sighed heavily as you listened to more names from the radio. Ron glanced at you. "Sorry." He mumbled.
"No, it's alright. It's what comforts you." You replied. "Besides, that radio could be useful to us in the future."
"Harry and Bronwyn Trigg. Rob and Ellie Dowson. Georgia Clark-Day. Joshua Flexson. George Coutas."
You would flinch at times when the reporter mentioned some similar names to your friends. You prayed harder that they were all safe and sound.
"Gabriella and Emily Mather. Jacob and Mimi Erland. William and Brian Gallagher. Toby and Olivia Gleaves."
The four of you took a rest while Harry walked away for a while to think. Ron stared at his best friend. "He doesn't know what he's doing, does he?" He asked.
Hermione fixed the sling around Ron and sighed. "None of us do."
"Katie and James Killick. Elsie Valentine Schroeder. Jennifer Winston. Tamsin and Iola Hilliker. Scarlet and Kitty Sharp."
You gasped for air and tore the locket away from you. It was the middle of the night, and you had just woken up from a terrible nightmare. You haven't had any nightmares for a long time until now. 'Note to self: never wear the damn locket while sleeping.' You pressed your palm against your forehead as beads of sweat rolled down at the sides of your cheeks. You looked down at the Horcrux, glaring at it intensely. 'Why are you so hard to destroy?'
You were about to wear the locket, but someone came inside the tent. You noticed it was Ron, and he reached his arm out. "Come on. It's my turn."
"You sure?" You asked. "I could handle it for a few more--"
"Come on, stop torturing yourself."
You sighed and gave the locket to Ron, watching him wear it. You smiled at him. "You know, for a guy who hates Slytherins, you look good with that Slytherin locket on minus it being a Horcrux."
Ron cracked a smile. "You're rocking on that Slytherin ring too, (Y/n). Malfoy would've spoiled you with Slytherin accessories if you got sorted there."
Your smile faded as you cocked an eyebrow, giving him a strange look. "Malfoy? Which Malfoy? Lucius or Narcissa?"
Ron dropped his smile when he realized what he had said. "I'm going to get some fresh air again." He got out of the tent, leaving you all confused. For the past few days, you have noticed everyone ignoring a topic when it comes to talking about your love life or even the Malfoys themselves.
"Malfoy..." You whispered. You looked outside and bit your lip to think. "I don't remember the Malfoys having a kid."
Draco gulped his Firewhiskey down, feeling the burning sensation at the back of his throat, before harshly placing it back down to his desk. He looked at himself in the mirror. He wasn't doing himself any better. His hair was disheveled, his bags under his eyes were getting darker, and his skin was as pale as a ghost. Running his fingers through his blonde locks, he glanced down to the letter you gave him before he left.
"You light up my day, and you make me forget the problems I have with one look and smile from you." Draco softly read. His eyes shut close as he clenched his fists, tears slipping down to his chin. He misses you too much.
A soft knock on the door caused Draco to stand up straight and wipe his tears away. Narcissa entered the room and found her son facing his back at her. She heard him sniffing. "I came here to give you this." She handed a book to his son. When Draco didn't turn around, Narcissa sighed and placed the book down to his desk, where he was standing next. "This could maybe help you calm down."
Draco looked down and saw the cover page of the book. "Romeo and Juliet?" He turned around to face his mother. "Isn't this a Muggle book?"
"I heard (Y/n) was very fond of the book." Narcissa smiled. "I was planning on giving it to her on her 18th birthday, but I didn't get a chance."
Draco picked the book up, scanning it. "She would have loved this."
"It's old enough as the original." Narcissa shrugged and patted the book gently. "Care to give it to her if you see each other again?"
His mother's request made Draco close his eyes and turn away. "We, uh..." He placed the book back down at his desk. "We can't. I..."
"Draco Lucius Malfoy, you didn't do anything stupid, did you?"
Draco opened his eyes but remained his eyes down. "I did what I have to do. I couldn't let her suffer if the time comes that I wouldn't get to see her smile again."
Draco heard his mother sigh heavily. "But isn't that (Y/n)'s decision? Whatever you did, I'm sure she'll be upset if she ever finds out." Narcissa patted her son's back. "But I do believe you have good intentions."
After their talk, Narcissa walked out of her son's room while Draco sat down on his bed with the book his mother had just left. He took one last stare at the cover page before opening it to find a really old letter. Draco took it out and opened the letter.
My darling Wanda,
⠀⠀⠀I have never written a letter, but today, I am doing this for you. I have read your letters. I do not know who Romeo and Juliet are, but they do sound like a lovely couple. Such a shame they died.
⠀⠀⠀After reading your letters, I decided to keep them and hide them where only the two of us would know where to find them. I cannot risk for our families to discover what we have. I hid the first letter at Hogwarts' library, the second still resides at your home and never took it since you hid it, and the third one was the place only two of us would know. I do not know how many letters we're going to write, but I will keep writing to you 'til the day I die.
⠀⠀⠀It pains me to see you trying and struggling to keep our relationship going. We're both fighting for our love. But I feel like we were always destined to be away from one another.
⠀⠀⠀This... feud between our families. This is like a curse unless someone breaks it. You and I both know we are trying, but we aren't strong enough. Slowly after our deaths, our families will be friends in the future, and soon, maybe they'll learn how to love each other.
⠀⠀⠀I know that you and I aren't the only ones who tried fighting for their love.
⠀⠀⠀I must go. I hope you receive this letter, my love. So long, darling.
Your Vision,
V. Malfoy
P.S. If you ever receive this, hide it where only the two of us would find it. I love you.
Draco remembered you telling him about the letters you had been collecting. He also remembered you sharing the information that the curse (that could be real or hoax) between you and his family was finally broken because of Wanda and Vincent. Whether it was real or not, the hatred and envy made the curse feel real between Starks and the Malfoys.
He placed the letter down to his other side and sighed. "Poor couple didn't even get to enjoy their time together when they finally broke the curse," Draco whispered. "Shame."
Your eyes snapped open when you heard bantering just nearby you. You sat up and walked towards the argument seeing Harry and Hermione sitting by the table while Ron was a few feet away from you.
"I thought you knew what you sign up for," Harry told Ron.
Ron scoffed. "Yeah, I thought I did too."
"Well then, I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand." Harry stood up and approached Ron. "What part of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you think we were gonna stay in a five-star hotel? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Thought you'd be back with your Mum by Christmas?"
Hermione stood up and pulled you towards her so you weren't near the young men who were continuing to bicker.
"I just thought, after all this time... we would've achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing. I thought Dumbledore told you something worthwhile. I thought you had a plan!"
"I told you everything Dumbledore told me," Harry replied. "And in case you haven't noticed, we found a Horcrux already."
"Yeah, and we're as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them, aren't we?"
Hermione moved you behind her while she stepped between Harry and Ron. "Ron. Please, take--" She tried to take the locket away from Ron, who was still wearing it, but Ron pushed her hands away. "Please take the Horcrux off. You wouldn't be saying this if you hadn't been wearing it all day."
You hugged yourself as Ron continued to glare at Harry, opening his mouth to continue talking and ignoring Hermione. "Want to know why I listen to that radio? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name, or Fred, or George, or Mum."
"You think I'm not listening too?" Harry snapped. "You think I don't know how this feels?!"
"No, you don't know how it feels!" Ron yelled, causing you to cover your ears, but you can still hear their shouting. "Hermione and (Y/n) knows. Hermione's parents are in Australia, while (Y/n)'s mother's probably fighting off Death Eaters. And what about her brother and sister? Hell, maybe she could worry about bloody Draco Malfoy if she ever hears his name on the damn radio."
You placed your hands down as Hermione and Harry's eyes widened. "Who?" You asked.
However, Ron ignored you and continued his angry rant to Harry. "But you don't, Harry! Your parents are dead. You have no family."
"Ron!" You scolded.
Harry attacked Ron in anger, causing you and Hermione to come to push them off of each other. "Stop, stop!" You and Hermione yelled. Harry pushed Ron off. "Fine, then go! Go, then!"
You faced Harry. "Harry, no..."
Ron scoffed. "Fine." He took the Horcrux off from his neck, throwing it off the ground. Hermione watched helplessly as Ron took his things. He walked towards the exit but turned to face you and Hermione. "And how about the both of you? Are you two coming or staying?"
Hermione glanced at you, then at Harry. Ron's expression changed, and he shook his head. "Fine, I get it." Ron faced Hermione. "I saw you and Harry the other night."
Hermione furrowed her eyebrows. "Ron, that's... that's nothing." She tried to reassure him, but Ron immediately left the tent. "Ron!" Hermione hesitated to chase after him until she followed him out to try and make Ron stay. "Ron, where are you going?"
You heard Hermione's voice out from the tent. "Please, come back. Ron!"
Harry paced around until his eyes locked with yours. Harry sighed. "Please, (Y/n)... not you too."
"Then tell me who the hell is Draco Malfoy and why I would care if I hear his name on the radio?" You questioned as you stepped closer to Harry. "I've had my suspicions that my own friends aren't telling me something that I should know of."
When Harry remained silent, you shook your head and walked out of the tent. Harry took your arm when you were halfway out. "(Y/n), please..."
"I just need air, Harry." You sighed as you yanked your arm back and walked away to get some fresh air.
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