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Your POV

"Lulu-chin, where are we going?" Mikey asked.

"It's a secret, we're almost there." I said while still leading him to the place I intended him to be.

Arriving in front of a door as faced him and smiled.

"Close your eyes. No cheating." I said to and he did. I was feeling nervous but excited at the same time. I hope he like it.

"Don't peek okay?" I asked and he only nodded. I checked if he can see anything by making hand signals before I held his hand and slowly turned the knob of the door.

The room we entered was dark and silent. All windows were closed and the the curtians were spread.

I closed the door behind and squeezed his hand while I smiled.

"You can open your eyes now!" I happily said and he did.


"LUZ!" He exclaimed and tackled me to the floor.

"HAPPY BIRTH- ....day!?" My fellow workers exclaimed after they popped the party popper.

"M-mikey?" I asked while I tapped his shoulder. He was holding me in a protective position while he's on top of me.

"Huh?" He asked as he looked around with confusion before looking back down at me.

"Uhm Surprise? Happy Birthday, Mikey." I awkwardly said.

Damn we're in a weird position right now and he isn't getting off. The others were just staring with confusion.

I tapped Mikey's shoulder again and he came back to reality and got off of me.

"Are you okay, Lulu-chin?" He worriedly asked and supported me as I stand up.

"Yeah, I think." I said and dusted my clothes but I felt pain in my left wrist which made me wince in pain.

Ah shit, I accidentally used my hand to break my fall. How dumb can I be?

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My wrist hurt, I think there's a small fracture." I said held gently rubbed my sore wrist.

"Uy kunin niyo yung first aid kit, dali." The others said while the others came too me.

[T: Quick, someone get the first aid kit.]

I looked at Mikey who was wide eyed and as he stared at my hand and was slowly moving back.

"Mikey? What's wrong?" I asked and approached him but he backed away even more.

"Lulu-chin, I'm sorry, I-" he said and began to panic. He was frantically looking around and I hear his breathing get heavy.

"Kuya Mikey?" the others asked and approached him too but he just stepped back even more.

"No, don't come closer. You'll get hurt." He said.

He's hyperventilating?

"Wag niyong lapitan, buksan niyo yung mga bintana." I ordered as they swiftly followed.

[T: Don't come near him, open the windows.]

We are trained health practitioners after all so as the senior nurse I am taking the lead.

"Lulu-chin, I told you I'm not as kind as you think. I even hurt you." He said and backed away until he reached the wall.

"Mikey, it was an accident. It's not your fault." I gently asked while I approach him slowly and hide my left hand behind my back.

"No, it's my fault. It's always my fault. So stay away Luz. I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to lose you too. Please stay back." He said.

Patay, nagsalita na ng Japanese. Punyeta nasan ba kasi yung captions?

[T: Oh shit, he's now speaking in Japanese. Wth, where are the captions?]

"Mikey, I'm okay. So calm down, okay? I'm fine, it's not so serious." I reassured and approached him more.

"Lulu-chin, don't." He said but I didn't stop until I reached him and pulled him to a hug.

"Mikey, it's okay. I'm fine. It's my fault for planning this surprise without knowing if you're okay with it. It's not your fault that I got hurt either. It was me, okay? I'm sorry." I softly said as I rubbed circles on his back to calm him down.

He hugged me back and burried his face in the crook of my neck as he calmed down and kept whispering that his sorry. I kept replying that it's okay, over and over again.




"Mikey, you know that they can do it themselves, right?" I asked as I watch Mikey struggle to bandage my wrist.

"At least let me do this for you, Lulu-chin. You got hurt because of me." He said while focusing on wrapping my wrist.

"Okay okay." I said and smiled as I watch his serious face while he continues.

We excused ourselves from the rest first after he calmed down and went to the common room to get me treated.

What a fail for a birthday surprise. Sabi ni google kasi na surprise birthday celebration is the best birthday idea. Tangina.

[T: What a fail for a birthday surprise. Google said that a surprise birthday party is the best birthday celebration idea there is. Wtf.]

"Is it too tight?" He asked after he finished bandaging.

"It's just right, thank you." I said and smiled. He only had a sad look before gently caressing my bandages wrist.

"Lulu-chin, I'm sorry that I hurt you and ruined your surprise, you guys even went through everything to prepare." He said

"Makulit ka? I told you that it's not your fault so stop taking the blame when your not the one responsible for it. Also, the surprise isn't important, the party is still going." I said.

[T: You're so insistant. I told you that it's no your fault so.....]

I'll just do better in his next birthday but the part poppers are out of the question.


"Let's go back" I said. We both walked back to the venue while hokding hands and entered to see the others having fun.

"See? It's not ruined." I said as we joined in.

"Oh ayan na sila. Sindihan niyo na yung kandila sa cake." One said.

[T: There they are. Light up the candle on the cake.]

I was supposed to hold the cake but I can't right now so they did it instead.

"β™ͺHappy birthday to you! Woot woot! Happy birthday to you! Woot woot! Happy birrrtttdayy, happy birrrrtthhday. Haappy birrthhday to you!!β™ͺ" We joyfully sang. Some were clapping along while the guys were even twerking like ducks.

"Make a wish, Mikey." I said. He closed his eyes and took a moment. We waited for him to blow the candle and we cheered in joy.

We sang the Birthday song again but in a more cheerful and somehow chaotic way.

I looked at Mikey and finally, after how many months of trying, his eyes shone brightly. His smile was genuine and his laughter was not fake.

Maybe this isn't a fail after all.

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