twenty six.

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"Heard you and Avery broke up again" Lay said to Montana while at the food court.

"Yea" she sighed.

"What you sighin fa?" Ahren walked over and sat down.

"Me and Avery broke up again" Montana pouted.

"He cheat again?!" Ahren asked on go mode.

"No he just wouldn't buy me food, it's the hormones im telling yall." she rolled her eyes.

Montana was 4 months pregnant and was already showing like she was 6. On the inside she knew it was either twins or her baby head was just big as fuck.

"You not gon try to convince us you done with him?" Lay asked.

"Why would I lie to yall like that" she rolled her eyes and ate a chilli cheese fry.

"Yall I just met this cute couple it was so adorable" Ahren swooned for like third time after meeting them.

"How you meet them?" Montana asked.

"Well the girlfriend liked my shoes but was too shy to say anything so her boyfriend came over and asked where I got them from. Then the girlfriend came over and told him not to bother me because it wasnt that deep. Overall they were a cute couple." Ahren shrugged.

"Avery and I could never" Montana sighed.

"Yall lets go so I can wrap these gifts" Ahren got up from the table making the others get up.

"What do you wanna have Moni?" Lay asked her as they walked through the mall back to the car.

"Im thinking boy, I wanna be football or basketball mom" she smiled. "But if my child wants to play chess or be on the debate team im okay with that too. I just hope he don't have my vision or get my bipolar disorder" she pouted.

Montana's biggest fear was her child being bipolar. She could handle adhd, add, even autism but she knows how she acted before she was diagnosed and recieved the right medication and she wouldn't wish that on anyone.

She was diagnosed in 7th grade so during basically all of elementary school she could never pay attention and always heard voices. She even would curse at the teacher and since nobody knew what she had she would get suspended from school.

"My li neph neph gon be fine love" Ahren assured her rubbing her shoulder.

"Lay lemme sit inna front, I needa lean back my back hurt." Montana was concerned because she was only 4 months she shouldn't be experiencing pain like this.

They got in the car and drove off from the mall and while at the stop light Montana started wincing and holding her back.

"Bitch you scraight?" Lay leaned up from the backseat.

"You way early so I know yeen giving birth." Ahren said.

"J-Just go to the hospital. I gotta make sho my baby good" Montana whined. "Oh and call Avery fa me" she breathed out.

Immediately Ahren hit 80 on the highway swerving lanes to get to Holy Cross hospital.

"Can you not kill us before we get there ma'am?" Lay questioned.

"Shut up Clyde" Ahren rolled her eyes.

"Yall gon stop fucking wimme" Lay mumbled. "Hello Ak? .....Yea we onna way to Holy Cross..... Her back hurt she just wanna make sho the baby scraight."

At that moment Montana let out a scream and held on to the door.

"They finna see some real speed bitch" Ahren said pushing the gas pedal.

5 minutes later they pulled up at the hospital and Lay helped Moni out while Ahren parked the car.

"Hi she's four months pregnant and is in pain may you please help?" Lay asked being polite.

The nurse at the desk paged someone and then 4 people came running out with a gurney.

"Ma'am your pupils are dilating I need you to stay up for me!" A doctor shined his flashlight in Moni's eyes.

"Fuck me!!! Help my baby!!" Montana yelled. She grabbed the doctor to get his attention, "if its me or my child, save my child"

"Montana no!" Lay said.

"Ma'am you cant come back here" a nurse said to Lay.

The doctor nodded in response to Montana and continued to push her to the back.

"What the fuck is going on??" Avery yelled walking in the hospital.

"Relax bra she just went in the back" Lay rubbed his back watching the rest of their friends pile in the waiting room.

"You should know that she told the doctor that if it's her or the baby to save the baby" Lay said lowering her head.

Avery got up and walked out the hospital making Ahren follow him.

"Man fuck!" he paced the entrance and began hitting himself in the head.

"Avery calm the fuck down" Ahren yelled.

"I cant! It's my fault, she's prolly stressed and its because of me!" he sat down.

"Well yeen completely wrong. However Montana not gon stay where its toxic. She wants to give it a shot for the child so get yo shit together" she smacked his shoulder lightly.

"Yall the doctor here" Sire poked his head out the hospital door.

"That was fast" Ahren andΒ  Avery said at the same time but they popped up quick nonetheless and went inside.

"Okay so Ms.Jon is alive and well, so are the children." the doctor said.

"Come again say what??" Avery said putting his finger behind his ear and pushing it forward.

"Congratulations you're having twins! Now if you all would like to see Ms.Jon please follow me."

Everyone hopped up except Avery, he was staring off into space.

"Nigga if youn getcho black ass-" Leek lifted him up out the chair shaking him out his trance.

"Hey yall" Montana's voice rasped out. "Im having twins" she smiled and started crying, tears of joy of course.

"Do we know the gender?" Avery finally spoke.

"Boy and girl. I was in pain because 1) our son was covering our daughter and she was trying to move him and 2) because I was stressed and all my mood swings were taking a toll on me from not taking my medication." Montana spoke.

"Can you take the medicine now?" Ahren asked knowing Montana missed 3 months of popping her pills.

"Yes I can" she smiled gratefully.

"When is your due date?" Lay asked.

"May 2nd"

"Awe my li babies are taurus'! They gon eat all the food" Ahren said.

"Swear she know sum shit bout astrology" Sire scoffed.

"May I have a moment with Avery please" Montana quietly asked but everyone could still hear her making them nod and leave.

"Bae im so sorry for stressin you, maybe I should just sleep inna hotel for a week and give you space. My crib is your crib, i'll leave you al-" Montana cut him off.

"Avery Krimson Meade shut the hell up and let me speak. Now it's not your fault, it was because I was just off my meds for so long, please relax. During the pain I thought I was finna die no kap and I aint wanna pass without fully forgiving you."

"With that being said I want to work on our relationship and get back together" she smiled at him and he leaned in and smashed his lips onto hers.

It felt surreal for the both of them because for the past 2 months all they did was hug and maybe a peack here and there.

"When they release you, im tryna see why pregnant pussy the best pussy." Avery said.

"Boy bye." Montana laughed just happy that her life finally seemed peaceful.

hiiiiii hello wassuppp!!

how do we feel about this chapter?

my girl havin twinny poohs❀️!!!

my new book CHANGE will be dropping at the end of september. i might like that book more than this one lol.

yk the deal vote comment allat and excuse mistakes.


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