Twenty-Five | The Kiss

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Chapter 25 : The Kiss

"Murder house and coven were the best seasons," I said and Scarlet nods her head in agreement. "It's a good show. But I thought the same thing would happen just like in season one of murder house. It's the same actors, they just play different characters, it's weird." I roll my eyes while clicking the next episode of freak show.

Scarlet and I are currently sitting in the living room watching American horror story on Netflix. After a year of her begging me to watch it, I finally did three months ago. I'm only on season three which is freak show. Honestly, my favorite current season would have to be coven, although the ending of asylum gave me chills. But the ending of murder house left me speechless.

Other then that, it's a really good show.

Scarlet came over after school today to try and cheer me up. All I've been thinking about for the last past two days is the video and the extremely intense moment Damon and I shared in the hallway. It's like the only thing I can think about, the way he stared at me. Sometimes in my head, I'd think about other things he'd do to me if I haven't answered him.

What if I didn't? Would he had really kissed me?

Welp seems like you'll never know.

But it was the right thing to do. What if he had kissed me? How would I explain to my best friend that her boyfriend kissed me? I couldn't handle that kind of secret. I mean, sure I've kept things to myself that I never told scarlet, but I wouldn't want her to think of me as someone I'm not just because of a mistake. A mistake that I probably wouldn't regret but the guilt would most definitely eat me alive.

After our encounter in the halls, Damon hasn't said a word to me. I always wondered if I have done something wrong for a person to stop talking to me. It's happened so many times, I'm insecure about what I say to people or what I do. Ugh, I'm such a freaking baby! Why can't I just find my inner confidence?

Do I even have one?

I heard about Jayden and his soon release from the hospital. The thought of him up and walking again makes a shiver run down my spine. Soon he'll be back in school and who knows what he'll do next.

What if he tries something again?

"Oh, my days! did he just stick his monster hand up her vag-" My sentence gets cut off by scarlet's laughter. She tilts her head back on the couch, tears slipping from her eyes. I stare at her, waiting for her to stop dying.

After a minute or two, she recovers from her laughter, wiping her tears and sitting back up. She lets out a few deep breaths and pats her chest, "Are you done?" I ask, arching my eyebrow.

"I think so, but that was funny. The way you s-said it and the look on your face!" Her laughter started again making me chuckle a bit and grab my orange soda off of the coffee table and take a few sips before setting it back down.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the front door opening. Harley walks into the door wearing only a t-shirt and gym shorts, his Nike gym bag slinging on his shoulder. His hair was damped with sweat and so were his arms and legs. I'm guessing he just got home from basketball practice.

He drops his bag onto the floor by the door, walking in further. Once he steps aside, Damon walks in after him. I roll my eyes and return my gaze back to the tv, trying to ignore my racing heart and butterflies.

"Ou, you guys are watching American horror story?" Harley said, flopping down next to me, our skin touching. He grabs a hand full of my honey cheese curls and stuffs them into his mouth hungrily.

"Gross you're stinky, getaway!" I mug his arms away from me, scooting closer to Scarlet.

"Sweating like this takes hard work," He points a finger at me and continues watching the tv. Damon comes in from the kitchen with a water bottle in hand, ignoring my gaze as he sits on the other couch.

Scarlet smiles at the sight of him, "I would kiss you but you're stinky," she blew him an air kiss and he playfully stuck his tongue out at her then smiles.

"Sis, you love my manly smell," Harley said while smirking. What is he on about? Wait, I know that look all too well. Oh, god no!

"I swear to the gods that decided to create you, Harley. I will stick a fork up your ass!" I said, widening my eyes and jumping up from the couch, backing away slowly.

"What? I'm not doing anything," He shrugged his shoulders. Oh, so he wants to play innocent now.

"Harley, no! You do this all the time!" I whine loudly, stomping my foot on the ground.


"Harley, Wait, ugh! don't do it. Mommm!" I whined, literally about to cry. I hate when he does this to me! Always to me! We have another whole sister who he can torture, Why me?!

"Hug me sista!" He yelled, opening his arms and running towards me. I scream at the top of my lungs and flip across the couch.

"Harley, leave me alone!" He laughs and continues to chase me around the couch. "Scarlet help!"

"I would but..." She stuffs her face with chips.

"I hate y-" My words get cut off by Harley picking me up and wrapping his arms around my body, pulling me closer into his nasty, sticky and smelly body.

"Harley!" I yelled, struggling to get out of his grip.

"I wove you!" He said, squeezing me tighter.

"I hate you!" He finally lets me go and walks back toward the couch, sitting down as nothing happened. I bring my shirt up to my nose and gag.

I smell like a pile of dirty clothes that haven't been washed in months! I stood in the middle of the floor, staring into space while frowning up my face.

"I want to kill you," I grit my teeth. I feel like I'm about to cry and frankly, I really want to. Not to sound dramatic or anything but seriously.

"Awe Minnie," Scarlet pouted her lip at me and chuckled.

"Hey, guys. I have to go, there is a meeting about to happen at work so I'll be gone awhile. Harmony is at friends and she'll be back later on today," Mom said all in one breath, walking into the living room in a hurry and grabs her keys while staring at her watch.

"What happened to you?" She looks at me, scrunching up her nose. "What's that smell?"

"That smell would be your repulsive son who we all are about to say "Rest In Peace" you WON'T be missed too," I said with no emotion in my voice. I continued to stare at the wall as if it was the most interesting thing in the room.

"Try not to put him in the hospital again," She sighs while walking to the door and leaving out.

Oh, don't worry. This time I'll try not to track his blood around the house. I crack my knuckles, feeling the urge to bite someone's head off.

Joslin's head would be the first on my list.

I calmly walk over to Harley and grab a pillow. Gripping the pillow in my hands, I was about to push it into his face when scarlet hopped up, smacking it out my hands making it land on the floor.

I bite my lip and strain out a groan, wanting to pull my hair out. He has done this to me for the last past 17 years I've been on this earth! Mom even told me once when I was 1 year old, he tried to stuff a dirty sock into my mouth.

"How about we go upstairs, get you clean and something to cuddle with, Yeah?" Scarlet said softly, grabbing my hand slowly and pulls me away, dragging me up the stairs.

"Love you, sis!"

"Oh, fuck you!" I yelled back and kicked the wall.

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Sighing in relief, I sniff my clean black shirt totally satisfied with the clean smell. "Ah, the smell of clean laundry," I smile while flopping onto the couch.

After my nice hot shower, I felt better. Better meaning I'm not mad anymore, but I still want to rip Harley's ears off and feed them to our next-door neighbor's cat. All a girl need is food to calm her down.

"I need food!" I whined, throwing my head back on the couch pillow. I'm craving McDonald's chicken nuggets and a McFlurry. Ou, and some Doritos, candy and something soft and comfortable to cuddle with. Gosh, I hate being on my period. It makes me feel like I'm pregnant with the cravings.

"Dear brother," I sing and smirk while rubbing my hands together evilly.

Fact # 1 when having an older sibling who's a male, Trick him into buying you food after he's tortured you.

"What do you want nerd?" I heard him sigh and walk out of the kitchen, wearing cleaner clothes.

"Get me some food, please?" I asked in my sweetest voice, pouting at him. Harley stared at me as if he just saw "Winnie the Pooh" walking by. Okay, that didn't make any sense at all. Just forget I ever said that.

"Do I look like your maid?"

"Not with those legs- Um, you owe me for what you did earlier," He narrows his eyes at me and scoffs, throwing an empty water bottle at me.

"Ass!" I give him the finger.

"You have legs, use them."

I raise my eyebrow before a smirk slowly appeared on my lips, "B-But that's not fair! you're mean! My stomach hurts, I have cramps a-and all I want is for my brother to do something nice by getting me food!" I sobbed as tears slipped from my eyes.

Harley widened his eyes as Scarlet sat there gaping at me. I could see Damon smirking a little bit from the corner of my eye.

"Are you crying!?"

"You're the worst brother ever!" I cried out loud, throwing my head back while wrapping my arms around my stomach pretending to be in pain. Although now I know never to joke about cramps because they are starting to kick my ass.

As Harley stared at me in confusion and panic, I continued to cry but a little louder. "Ok fine, I'll go get you food. Just stop crying!" He rolled his eyes while grabbing his keys. I stop crying immediately and smile at him.

"Ok, get McDonald's!" I yelled just as he ran up the steps, skipping a few. I never understood why guys did that, are they just trying to prove something? If so, what?

"Did you just-"

"Fake cry to get him to buy me food? Yup," I smirked and sat both of my legs on the couch, sitting crisscross apple sauce.

"Marry me?" Scarlet said, looking at me in awe and sideways hugged me. I chuckled and leaned my head on her head, "Sure why not?"

"Hear that Damon? I'm marrying my bestie! You don't mind do you?" She glanced at Damon as a smile formed on her lips. I stole a few glances at him, already to his eyes on me. A small smirk appeared on his face.

"Whatever," He said making Scarlet and I roll our eyes. A minute later, Harley comes back downstairs with shoes on. "Am I getting food for any of you or.."

"Ou, I wanna come with just to watch people get angry about the ice cream machine being broken," Scarlet said and stood up. Before leaving, she walked over to Damon and kissed him then grabbed her sandals from the ground.

"The ice cream machine better not be broken."

"Don't be surprised when I come back with no ice cream then," Harley said before leaving with scarlet behind him. The house becomes quiet, nothing but the creaking sound of the house and Damon switching positions on the couch.

Awkward I tell you.

Wanting to break the silence, I decided to scroll through Netflix. I'm trying to make it less awkward as you can tell. Being here with Damon after everything that's happened, I was not prepared to be alone with him anytime soon.

I think he noticed my nervousness by the smirk I could see plastered on his face from the corner of my eye. He stared me down, making me feel self-conscious.

Why did Scarlet have to leave me alone with him?!

I tried ignoring his stare and continued scrolling through Netflix, trying to find something to watch. Damon suddenly gets up from his seat and plops down next to me. Close I may add.

My bare leg touches his and I couldn't help the redness that made its way up my cheeks. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I should be hating him.

Who are you fooling? Like you could ever hate him.

I groan softly, mentally hitting my head.

Shut up!

I suddenly felt Damon shift in his seat next to me and I frowned my eyebrows while continuing to stare at the tv.

Why did he become nervous all of a sudden?

Awkwardly, I get up from my seat and make my way past the dining room, and into the kitchen. Damon's eyes burn holes through my back until I was completely out of his eyesight.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and run my hands through my hair. I hate how nervous he makes me feel. Shaking my head, I grab a vanilla yogurt with snicker toppings. After mixing it in with the yogurt, I turn around and grab a spoon only for it to be taken out of my hands.

I yelp and spin around only to come face to face with Damon. How did he get here so fast?! I take a step back as his cologne ran across my nose.

He stared down at me with a look in his eye making me clear my throat awkwardly.

"Excuse M-Me," Damn I stuttered. The first time he's actually willing to acknowledge me after what happened and the first thing I say to him and I STUTTERED?!

As I make a move to walk away, he steps in front of me, blocking my way and view of the kitchen entrance. Why can't he just leave me alone? Can a girl get some yogurt around here in peace?!

"Damon, please. I'm not in the mood," I huffed, blowing a piece of my hair out of my face. Damon titles his head to the side and gazed down at my outfit.

His eyes find mine again, the same look in his eyes that only appear when we're alone. My eyes have to be seeing things, Right?

"Move," I say really irritated. I'm already upset and he's making it worse. "Talk to me."

Talk to him? He's joking, right?

"I'm talking to you. Now, can you move?"

"Can we talk about what happened at school?" I suck in a breath and let it out. He glances down at my wrist and I hide it behind my back.

"Forget it ever happened," He tensed and clenches his jaw at my use of words.

"What? Don't like your own words used against you?" I rolled my eyes. Damon narrows his eyes at me, grabbing my arm making me flinch. I didn't mean to flinch, it just happened.

He drops my arm and clenches his jaw, again taking a step away from me.

Finally, I move past him and grab my yogurt. I snatched my spoon from his hand and turn to walk away when Damon yanks me back, sits my yogurt down and lifts me up off the ground, sitting me on the counter.

"Put me down!" I ordered and gasped at the sudden action.

"What'd I tell you about talking to me like that, hm?" He growled, gripping my thighs and I couldn't help but bite my lip, and squeeze my legs close. His hands went higher making my breath hitch and brain turn to mush. He stared at me and squeezed my thighs.

"Hm, princess? Didn't I say I would punish those lips? But I don't think you'd care," He whispered in a deep voice, letting my thighs go and gripping my hips. As he did, he roughly pulled me closer to the edge of the counter, pushing my legs open and standing in between them.

"Cat got your tongue I see," Damon smirked before dipping his head in between my neck and sniffed. I gasped at his touch and bit down on my lip harder.

"D-Damon, stop," I finally managed to say as I felt his hand slid up my shirt, his cold fingers touching my stomach. My body shivered and I whimpered only causing Damon to chuckle deeply.

"You don't want me to stop, baby. You love our little moments like this, don't you? You love my hands touching all over this fit little body," He mumbled into my neck, his lips barely touching me. I started squirming around as my body felt tingly everywhere.

"This isn't right," I breathe out while closing my eyes as I felt Damon rub his nose on my neck softly. "I know but I just can't help myself when I'm around you. It's your fault, baby," He said and started pulling me closer towards his body.

"My fault? How?" I pull away only to have him roughly pull me back into the same position.

"Because you look and sound like this," Damon mumbled before connecting his tongue with the base of my neck and blowing at the spot. I shivered and bit back a moan.

"What has gotten into you?"

"You," He whispered and pulled away from my neck. I open my eyes slowly to see Damon staring directly at me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked breathing heavily.

"I waited too long," is all he said making me bite down on my lip. He groaned, grabbing me by my throat and bringing my face closer to his. I gasped and jumped at the action.

"Stop fucking with that lip before I bite it off," He growled, staring and hovering his mouth over my lips. I felt his breath hit my lips, his breath smelled like double mint gum.

I bit my lip again, slowly just to see what his next move would be. He's totally bluffing!

"You're tempting me very much, muffin," He grunted, still with his hand wrapped around me.

"You don't own me," I whispered, biting the inside of my cheek. Damon gritted his teeth before connecting his lips with the jaw. He kissed up and down slowly making me close my eyes and whimper.

"Don't Fight it, baby," He whispered when I tried pulling away. "Damon this-"

My sentence gets cut off as I felt him kiss the corners of my lips, just an inch away from them. I whined wanting to feel his lips connect with mine.

I felt his hand slide up my arm, moving my hair and exposing my bare shoulder. "You smell good," He said.

"What are you-" I gasped as I felt him let go of my throat and his lips come in contact with my exposed shoulder. What the hell is happening and why does it feel so good?

Damon continues kissing my shoulder lightly until I felt his soft lips come in contact with my neck. I closed my eyes, wrapping my fingers into his hair. As he sucked, I couldn't help but wimpier and tilt my head some to give him more access.

This is wrong.

But it feels so right.

His kisses become hungrier as he started moving up my jaw and back to my neck. His hand then grabs my waist, wrapping his other arm around the lower part of my back. "Fuck I wanna taste those perfect pink lips so bad," He grunted against me and nibbled on my neck causing me to moan.

"That's it, baby, let it out," He mumbled as I felt him grip the hem of my shorts. I gasped and open my eyes.

Finally, I managed to pull away coming to my senses, remembering that what we are doing is completely wrong. I push Damon away from me and breathe heavily.

This is wrong! So, so wrong!

What did I do?! God, I'm the worlds worst best friend ever!

Damon stared at me, breathing heavily too. He examined my neck and smirked. Oh, god. Please don't tell me I have what I think I have on my neck.

"Now you're mine."

"What?" I jumped down from the counter. Damon smirked and walked up to me, gripping my neck again completely ignoring my question.

He titled my head back, leaning his body against mine once again.

"You have no idea how much I want to take this body and have my way with it. Hm, Maybe another time," Damon whispered deeply in my ear, rubbing my lips with his thumb before pulling at it, cursing under his breath.

Oh my- that's hot!

He then let me go, backing away and turned around, walking back into the living room.

What in the heck just happened?!

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I've been pacing back and forth in the kitchen for about an hour, that was until I heard the front door open revealing Harley and Scarlet. I began biting at my nails, my hand shaking out of guilt.

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