Six | Nervous, Muffin?

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Chapter 6 : Nervous, muffin?

By the time lunch rolled around I'm dreading the rest of the day. I just want to go home, get into my nice comfy warm bed and read a nice book. Basically my everyday life.

"Hey Gem," Scarlet's voice breaks me out my thoughts as she sits down in front of me at our usual lunch table.

If you are confused. Scar calls me gem sometimes as a nickname but she never told me why. The name just sticks.

We began making small girl talk. Damon and Harley are not sitting with us. Sometimes they do, other times they sit with their 'popular friends.'

Damon always tries to convince Scarlet to sit with his table but she refuses all the time. She said if I couldn't sit with them then she couldn't either.

I don't care for sitting with the Popular, to be honest. All they do is talk about parties, sports, who they've recently slept with, and pranks for their next target to bully.

Yeah, I'd rather be lonely at my own table.

"So what's up with you and Mr. Dimples?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me as I roll my eyes.

"Why do you give everyone weird nicknames?" I bite into my apple.

"It's cool." She shrugged.

"Nothing. I barely know him," I tell her honestly.

"But you can't deny that he's cute," She points at me, biting into her donut.

"Ok yeah, he's really cute." I shrug.

"Then you like him?"

"No that's not what I'm saying."

"Omg, you so like him!" She yelled out getting the whole cafeterias attention including Damon and my brother's table.

"Thanks a lot, Scar." Big mouth...

"Who has a crush on who?" I sigh not bothering to look up, knowing it's Harley who is probably furious.

"No one. I was just kidding," Scarlet try's to save me but Harley isn't stupid.

Well, Sometimes.

"Hermione Noelle Scott!" He raises his voice and I sigh. Jeez, just scream our address why don't ya.

"What do you want DAD?" I finally look at him but with a glare. Harley grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the cafeteria. Great now the whole school is going to know me as the girl who got told off by her brother.

"Harley let me go!" I pull away from his grip once we're in the hallway.

"Answer me," His teeth gritted.

"There's nothing to say! Scarlet was only kidding you know her," I lie hoping he'll lay off me.

"You're lying Hermione."

Geez, I gotta stop biting my lip.

"Why do you and your obnoxious of a best friend, care who I have a crush on? which by the way, I don't!" I raise my voice. Now I'm mad.

He stares at me for a few seconds.

"It's that Brett guy isn't it?!" God, this guy just won't get it!


"Where is he so I can pound his face into a door?!" He starts walking back into the cafeteria and I run after him.

"You!" Harley yelled, grabbing everyone's attention once again.

Kill me now.

Brett looks up from a table he's currently sitting at with a couple of random students. He smiles at me but soon frowns once Harley grips him by his shirt.

"Harley Stop!" I say grabbing his shoulder but he pushes me off. I sit there in shock. Harley's never done that to me.


"Hey man, what are you doing?!" Brett tried to get Harley off of him.

"Did you make my sister fall for you? Is that your game? Huh?!" Harley yelled in his face.

"Harley let him go now!" I yell loud causing the cafeteria to look at me now. Ugh, kill me.

Harley lets Brett go and breathes in and out still a bit heated. Next, he storms out of the cafeteria with Damon following after him.

Scarlet runs to my side, rubbing my back soothingly.

This happens to Harley a lot. he can't control himself when he's angry. It hurts me seeing him go through this.

I look at Brett and mumble. "I'm so sorry," Then I grab my book bag and run out the cafeteria like the coward I am.

* * * * * *

Finally, school is over and I get to go crawl in a hole and die. All day people have been staring at me and I hate it. I hate that all the attention is on me.

I walk out of the school building, into the parking lot and spot Harley with Damon. I sigh and start walking up to them when I noticed Joslin is also there.

Who the hell let Satan out of its cage?!

"What do you want?" Harley asked as in a stern tone as soon as I walked up to his care.


"I always ride with you," I softly said with my gaze on the dirty concrete ground.

"After that scene you caused today, I don't think anyone wants to be seen with you," Someone sew her lips together, please.

I look up at Harley with pleading eyes.

"You have two legs. walk," He rolled his eyes then gets into his car, Joslin getting into the passenger seat slamming the door.

"Damon, are you coming or not?" Noticing that Damon had his eyes on me the whole time, I turn around walking away. My eyes stinging with tears.

My brother chose the biggest bully in school over his little sister. Ouch.

"Naw, I have a paper to turn in now. I'll see you later," Damon replied.

That's a whole lie. When has Damon ever done homework?

I'm sure he doesn't even know what homework looks like.

I then hear Harley drive off. now I have a 30-minute walk to get home. Great.

I have asthma, but it's not as serious as when I was a kid. In fact, I haven't seen my asthma pump since eighth grade.

Plus I just really hate walking.

"Muffin!" I hear Damon's voice but I ignore him and continue walking down the sidewalk.

"Hey," He grabs my wrist and spins me around causing me to hit his rock hard chest again. I close my eyes praying that the butterflies will stay it their cage.

"L-Leave me alone," I pull away.

He smirks at me. "Do I make you nervous muffin?" He rubs the back of my hand softly and I melt at his touch.

' Yes. as a matter of fact, you do make me nervous. All the damn time. I wish I could read your eyes every time you look at me. I wish I could explain how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How you're smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I'm with you It feels like the world has disappeared. Just stop making me feel this damn way! '

That is what I really wanted to say. Every last word but I didn't. I kept it to myself and might as well never tell him how I feel.

I pull away from his grip. "Stop. you have a girlfriend," He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Why do you keep bringing that up?"

"Because it's true. you're a player, I have to keep reminding you that you're dating my best friend," I continued walking with him following.

"That's my past Muffin. stop bringing it up," I roll my eyes.

"Don't you have a paper to turn in?"

"Like I ever do homework," He scoffed.

It's been quiet for a few minutes until I get a text. I take my phone out, typing in my password then reading the text.

Beautiful are you alright? You've been in a slump the rest of the day. :(

I smile at the fact that he's asking me am I ok when I should be the one asking.

I'm ok, but I should be asking you.

Lol, I'm ok, confused. But ok. do you still want to hang out, even though it's not Friday yet but I just want to hang with you.

I would love too.

Currently not dancing in my room if that's what you were gonna ask. I'll pick you up at 6?

Sure :)

I laugh and shake my head at his silliness and stuff my phone back into my pocket. I realize we're only 10 minutes away from my house.

"You're always So happy when you're talking to him," Damon said. He seemed irritated.

"No, I'm not."

"So is he the guy you're crushing on?"

Why do you care?


"So you do have a crush on someone?"

"I didn't say that," He rolls his eyes.

Please change the subject.

"So about what happened earlier.." I sighed. Any subject but that.

"Why didn't you get him off of Brett? You're his best friend," I fold my arms over my chest.

"To be honest. I could care less if he pounded his face into a door for all I care," I hit him in his stomach.

Bad idea.


I felt his abs.

I just blessed my hand!

"You're just as bad as Harley!"

"That's why we connect so well, great minds think alike cutie." He winked.

Waitβ€” did he just call me cutie?

Don't freak. Don't freak.


"I should go," I said awkwardly with a flustered face and run across to street, onto our porch, and into the house. I walk through the living room but stop in my tracks.

Harley making out with Joslin on OUR couch!


I watch tv there!

Scoffing and rolling my eyes, I walk upstairs into my bedroom. throwing my book bag down and flopping onto my bed.

"Oh, how I've missed you.." I mumbled into my pillow, rubbing my blankets.

"Honey?" I hear a knock and my mother's voice. I sit up as she walks in, sitting next to me on my bed.

"Hey mom," Softly smiling.

"Are you ok?" She asked, rubbing my arm.

"Damon told you didn't he?" She nods and I sigh.

"Why?" I whine as she giggles like a teenage girl.

"Because you know how Harley is when he gets mad. he has to tell me," I sigh knowing she's right.

"I don't know why he's so protective."

"Because he's your brother baby, and he loves you. it's his job to protect you and your sister, without your father, he's the man of the house."

"More like man child.." I scoff.

"I'm serious. he loves you, Hermione, he didn't want to embarrass you on purpose he was just worried."

"Worried about what? I don't have a crush on anyone," She raises her eyebrow and laughs. I stare at her as if she has grown two heads.

"Did I make a joke?"

"Oh, honey yes. come on that's a lie," She Bites her lip to control her laughter.

"It's true!" I throw my arms in the air.

"I'm your mother sweetie. I know when you're lying, I've raised you for 17 years," She tapped my nose softly.

"I'm really that obvious?"

"Yes, Yes you are."

"So tell me who is this boy," She got all the way on my bed and sat on her legs. Jeez, women.

"I can't tell you that. You'll think I'm a bad person," I mumbled becoming nervous.

"No matter what you or your siblings do, I will never think of you all as bad people." She grabs my chin softly as I smile at her.

This is why I love my mom. she always knows how to make situations less stressful for me.

"Well, you know him pretty well. he's always here.." I Bit my lip nervously.

"No way. Damon? Really?" I nod my head feeling ashamed and she grabs my hand.

"But he's dating Scarlet.." I roll my eyes. like I don't already know.

I hate being reminded that my best friend is dating my crush.

"I know mom. I-I know and that's what makes it so hard you know? to be around him and seeing theβ€”"

"Sh Sh. It's gonna be ok," She pulls me into her warm motherly arms, hugging me tightly. I feel tears sting my eyes.

Call me a softy all you want.

"I'm a bad person, a bad best friend.."

"No, you're not. You can't control who you fall for sweetheart. the heart wants what it wants. It doesn't make you a bad person at all," She kissed my head multiple times as tears continued to fall.

"Why so many tears? Hm?"

"I love him mom and I can't stop. He makes feel this type of way that I can't really explain. The sound of his voice, the way he smiles, the way he laughs, when he's near me. He makes my heart race and butterflies swarm in my stomach all the time and I hate it."

I said in between cries and laid onto her chest.

"Oh, baby. You've got it bad," She kisses my forehead, rocking us back and forth.

"I do mom, I really do."

"I'm so sorry," She whispered into my ear.

"How do I make it stop?" I sniff.

"You can't. When you truly love someone and they make you feel the way you feel, you can't stop it," I close my eyes as a few more tears slip out.

"I know what you're going through.."

"You do?" I sniff again and open my eyes.

"Yes, I was deeply in love with this guy when I was your age. He'd walk past me in the halls, I'd see him in my neighborhood, I'd always see him every day with a different girl. It hurt a lot because he'd torcher me with his presence. His smile, his laugh, his humor, all of it. I just couldn't help falling in love with him. I always hated the way he made me feel because I knew I could never have him, that he would never love someone like me. But in the end, it all worked out," She stares into space smiling. She then smiled down at me.

I smile but give her a confused look.


"Well, I have three beautiful and wonderful children that I love deeply. So I'd say it worked out great," She grins from ear to ear and I smile softly.

"It was dad, wasn't it?" She nods her head and frowns a little.

"The best gift your father ever gave me, was the gift of letting me become a mother to three beautiful children," Mom smiles at me while running her hands through my hair.

How could dad ever hurt this woman?

"You should get some rest than when you wake up, you talk to Harley." She kisses my forehead one more time then gets up, walking to the door.


She turns around with a smile. "I love you."

"And I love you, but more." She smiles and walks out, shutting my door.

I lay my head onto my pillow, laying flatly on my back. I stare out of my window for a while When my eyes slowly drift close.

A/N: The quotes that I put are unknown because when I found them, they never say who's the quote by. Just to clarify that if anyone asked.

Do you think Harley over reacted?

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