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IT HAS OFFICIALLY been two months since Skye met the boys. And in those past two months Skye had gotten closer to all of them, especially to Soda.

Soda and Skye were practically inseparable, they were best friends and hung out all the time. Things at home hadn't changed, her mom was still a bitch.

Things at school have gotten worse, those same girls haven't stopped bothering her since the bathroom incident. They even got their little boyfriends to bother her.

Skye didn't care enough to do something about it so she let them bother her, she just ignored them back.

Skye was currently at work, Soda was there with her because he thought she could use some company. Skye was too busy attending to all the other tables to pay him any mind though.

She went up to a table that belonged to a group of men, she took their order and attended to them ignoring their stares.

Once they were done Skye went over to them to take their plates and give them their check. Skye began clearing off the table when one of the men grabbed her wrist harshly.

Skye looked up at the man glaring at him, "Hey princess, why don't you do us a favor and go home with us?" The man said and Skye gave him a disgusted look.

"No thanks, I'm good." she said trying to get out of his grip, he only held on tighter. "I wasn't asking." he said sternly, Skye yanked her hand away.

"I said no thanks." she said grabbing the plates, "Fucking pig." she mumbled walking away. The man stood up suddenly which rattled the table, Skye stopped walking as the man got up in her face.

"What did you just call me?" The man asked her, "I called you a fucking pig, or would you prefer dick?" Skye spat out and the man glared down at her getting closer to her.

Soda who witnessed the whole thing rushed up to the two and got in between them, "Hey, back off man." Soda said pushing the man back slightly.

Neither Skye nor the man backed off, they stood there glaring at each other. "Leave what you owe, and get out of here." Soda said slowly, the man finally looked away from Skye and looked down at Soda.

He let out a huff and he turned to his friends, "Let's go." he said and they left their share of the bill and they left.

Skye watched them leave and then she turned and walked away."What the hell Skye?" Soda said walking after her.


"What do you mean what? You shouldn't have done that." Soda scolded her.

"Why not? I wasn't going to just stand there and let them walk all over me, I don't give a shit if they're the customer, they don't get to treat me like that, so excuse me for defending myself." Skye defended.

Soda sighed, "Yeah well you could've gotten fired," Soda said and Skye scoffed as she placed the dirty plates on the counter.

"I don't care, let them fire me, I shouldn't even be working here in the first place, if only my stupid mom would get a fucking job I wouldn't have to deal with shit like that." Skye said.

"Well you know she's not going to," Soda said and Skye sighed, "Yeah I know."

Soda gave her a sympathetic smile, "Well I should get going, see you later." Soda said and Skye nodded waving him off.

It was Skye's turned to close up the diner, so that's what she did. After her shift she cleaned up and closed up the diner and locked it up before heading home.

On her way past the park, she saw a car parked in the parking lot. Her eyebrows furrowed wondering why there would be a car parked there this late at night.

She got closer to the car to see if anyone was in there, and to make sure that no one was hurt. There were people in the car, but they weren't hurt.

It was a couple making out.

Skye's face twisted in disgust and she began to turn around when something caught her eye. The girl in the car, Skye knew her.

Her eyes widened when she saw the girls face.

It was Sandy.

Skye backed up careful not to make any noise and she ran off towards her house. She fell asleep that night thinking about what she saw.

It was Sandy in that car, making out with someone else that wasn't Soda. Her heart ached at the thought of Sandy cheating on Soda. Soda didn't deserve that, he loved Sandy.

How could she do this to him?

The next morning when Skye went over to the Curtis home, she contemplated on whether or not to tell Soda about Sandy.

She decided against it, thinking it wasn't the right time. She couldn't keep it to herself though, so she told Dallas. The only person she knew who wouldn't tell Soda.

"So you saw her?" Dallas asked and Skye nodded not saying a word, "You sure it was Sandy?" Dallas questioned and Skye looked up at him.

"Of course I'm sure, I know what I saw." Skye said and Dallas looked down. "Poor Soda, he's going to be so devastated," Skye said shaking her head.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Dallas asked her and Skye sighed laying back on the bed, "I don't know, I mean I know I have too, I just don't know when," Skye said.

They were in Dallas' room, Skye had decided to tell him about Sandy hoping he could help her out. "Tell him when you feel like it's the right time, but just make sure you don't wait too long to tell him," Dallas said and Skye nodded.

"That sounds good, thanks Dallas." she said and Dallas nodded taking a hit from his cigarette. Skye grabbed the cigarette from his lips and threw it onto the ground and stomped on it.

"Smoking's bad for you." she said walking out of the room, Dallas rolled his eyes and flopped back onto his bed as Skye shut the door.

Skye went home and fell asleep right as her head hit the pillow.


"FUCK OFF TWO-Bit!" Skye said swatting Two-Bit's hand away from her hair. "Oh come on, please?" Two-Bit pleaded and Skye rolled her eyes.

"I already said no."

Two-Bit had been begging Skye to let him do her hair since she got to the Curtis home that morning. "Why do you want to do my hair anyway?" Skye asked him.

"I already told you, I'm following the career of a barber and I want to try something on your hair," Two-Bit explained.

"Are you really going to let my dreams die like this?" Two-Bit asked her jokingly.

"For the sake of my hair? Yes." Skye said and Two-Bit rolled his eyes and let out a huff walking back to the couch.

"Since when does Two-Bit want to be a barber?" Skye asked Darry as she walked into the kitchen. "Since this morning." Darry answered.

"He's always changing career paths." Pony added eating his eggs and bacon, "Well he's gonna have to graduate first before following any career path." Skye said and Pony chuckled.

"Where's Soda?" Skye asked grabbing a piece of bacon, "He left early to go meet up with Sandy." Darry answered.

Skye stood up straight her smile faltering, "Oh..."

"What?" Pony cocked a brow at the girl, "What? Nothing." Skye shook her head and Pony tilted his head giving her a suspicious look.

Skye walked out of the kitchen before he could question her any further, Skye plopped down next to Dallas on the couch.

"He went to go see Sandy." Skye mumbled and Dallas looked over at her, "Well they are still dating." Dallas said and Skye put her head back.

"Yes I know, I just hate the fact that she's lying to him, Soda doesn't deserve that," Skye said. "Well there's not much you can do about it," Dallas said and Skye sighed.

It was Saturday morning which meant no school and more partying, although Skye wasn't in the party mood.

Steve burst through the door a giant smile on his face, "Guess who's gotta girlfriend? Me!" Steve shouted his hands in the air.

Two-Bit let out a holler and gave Steve a high-five, "That's my boy!"

"Congrats Steve." Johnny said and Steve flashed him a smile, "Come on Skye, aren't you happy for me?" Steve asked her sitting on the edge of the couch.

"I'm still mad at you for not saving me any cake." Skye grumbled crossing her arms, "Oh come on I said I was sorry," Steve said.

"Yeah but let me remind you who made that cake, me! And you ate it all," Skye argued, "Then I'll make another one just for you," Steve said and Skye gave him a look.

"You know how to bake?"

"No, but I'll learn." Steve said and Skye rolled her eyes and a smile creeped up onto her lips, "Congrats Steve, so who's the lucky lady?" Skye asked sitting up placing her elbow on her knee and putting her face on the palm of her hand looking at Steve.

"Her names Evie," Steve said, "You two finally made it official?" Pony asked coming in from the kitchen.


"Good for you Steve, I'm happy for you." Skye grinned and Steve smiled, "Thank you Skye."

Darry finished making breakfast and everyone basically devoured it, after breakfast Darry left for work as usual and the rest sat in the living room watching TV.

About two hours later Soda showed up...with Sandy. As Soda walked through the door a grin appeared on Skye's face, that grin quickly faded as Sandy walked in right after.

"Hey." everyone mumbled not caring much for the couple, "Hey Soda...Sandy." Skye said sending Sandy a small glare.

Sandy ignored the girl and the couple took a seat on the couch, there wasn't enough room so Sandy decided to sit on Soda's lap.

How wonderful.

Skye tried to focus on the TV but she just couldn't, not when Sandy, the girl who was lying and cheating on Soda, was sitting on his lap.

She glanced over at the couple and she stood up, not being able to take the guilt any longer. She walked out the front door and she began pacing back and forth on the porch.

Dallas stood up as well and followed her out, "What's wrong?" He asked her. "What's wrong? What's not wrong? Sandy is in there sitting on Soda's lap acting like she didn't just cheat on him, I mean h-how can she do that?" Skye rambled keeping her voice down so only Dallas could hear her.

Dallas didn't say anything in response.

"How could she cheat on him like that? She should be lucky to even have Soda as her boyfriend, he cares and loves her so much and she's just taking advantage of that and I hate it. Soda's a great guy and he doesn't deserve that, no one does." Skye continued.

"You're right, it's wrong but again you can't do anything about it, what's done is done and you can't do anything to change it, what you can do is tell Soda." Dallas said pointing at the house.

Skye shook her head, "No, I can't, not now, not yet." Skye said and Dallas sighed. "Okay well then you better do it soon before it's too late." Dallas said.

With one last look at her he walked back inside the house leaving Skye in her thoughts.

How do you think that's going to work out? Will Soda believe her? Or will he believe Sandy? It doesn't matter, someone's going to get hurt either way.

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