5 ~ Watching

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Standing by the control panel of the time machine, you listen as Steve gives his motivational speech.

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends... We lost family... We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. But it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck."

Tony looks determined. "All right. You heard the man. Fire it up, glow-worm."

You take a deep breath. "Tractors engaged. Prepare yourselves."

"See you in a minute." Nat grins at you as the team shrinks and rapidly disappears.

"Ok, they'll be back any second now..." You stand there for a few seconds, waiting. "3... 2...1."

Right on que, the team arrives, most of them holding the infinity stones. You're quick to realise someone is missing.

"Clint," Your eyes widen. "Where's Nat?"


You sit in the tall tree branches, watching the Avengers mourn across the river. Tears roll down your cheeks. Nat was the first friend you had aside from your siblings, and you had been holding each other up for the past five years.

Now she was gone, you didn't know what to do.


"All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" Rocket asks no one in particular.

You step forward, face still wet with tears. "I'll do it. I'm like an extension of the power stone, that one can't hurt me, so that's already less strain on me."

"No, it has to be me." Thor pleads.

Scott looks shocked. "Excuse me?"

"Oh god here we go." You hated it when people fought. Turning away and facing the window, you summoned the present day power stone, pressing it to your head as your circlet formed. Taking another breath, you turned just in time to see the team putting up defences and Bruce holding the gauntlet.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., do me a favour and activate Barn Door Protocol. Will you?" Tony asks the AI, and shutters close over the windows, placing the compound in lockdown.

You wave your fingers, casting an opaque purple shield around your friends. Your purple eyes are vibrant again as you hold out your glowing fists.

"Everybody comes home." Bruce says determinedly, slipping the gauntlet on his green arm.

He cries out in agony, as colourful lights consume his arm. "Get it off!" You scream. Seeing something of yours hurting you friend is just as painful for you as it is for Bruce.

"No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?" Steve holds up his hands.

"Talk to me, Banner." Tony says desperately.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Bruce's voice is strained. He lets out another yell as his fingers get closer, and closer. Then... snap.

Bruce passes out, gauntlet slipping off his hand, and you fall to the ground, feeling the pressure of the invisible sparkly space radiation again. You know, straight away, it worked. Then, with your senses going haywire, you manage to detect another force.

Leaping up, still dizzy, you scream, "Get down!" And cast a purple forcefield around your friends again. Black.


You gasp loudly, quickly regaining consciousness. Head spinning, you manage to sit up. Blinking a few times to clear your vision, you look around at the rubble. The rubble of the compound you lived in. Your home.

Heart breaking a little more, if that was even possible, you managed to stand up. You knew that your friends were trapped under the remains, along with the stones.

The stones. You quickly reached for your head, relief flowing through you are your circlet was still in place, power stone inside.

Concentrating hard, you searched for your friend's minds in the ruined compound. You only detected a few, and you tried to hope that it was just because they were unconscious. You couldn't bear the idea of losing another.

The closest minds were Tony's, Steve's and Thor's. Closing your eyes, you thought back to your magic lessons with you siblings, hands glowing brightly.

"Shit, Y/n, where did you come from?" Tony's voice broke your concentration.

Opening your eyes, you saw Thor, Steve and Tony, a little worse for wear, looking back at you.

You held up a peace sign. "Sup, homies."

"What happened?" Steve asked no one in particular.

"You messed with time. It tends to mess back. You'll see." Tony turned back to look out at the rubble.

You stood next to Tony, staring out, searching for the thing that had grabbed his attention. Fury flowed through your veins. "Thanos. What the hell is he doing?"

"Absolutely nothing." Thor answered, not taking his eyes off the titan.

"Where are the stones?" Steve asked.

Tony gestured out at the ruined compound. "Somewhere under all this. All I know is he doesn't have them."

"Perfect." You let a purple glow consume your hands. "Just make sure his crusty fingers stay of that glove, then."

"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor let out a sigh.

"Yeah. And I don't much care." Tony said, smiling weakly.

Thor hold out his arms. "Good. Just as long we are all in agreement." Stormbreaker and Mjolnir flew into his outstretched hands.

"You boys kick his ass. Make sure you do it right." You crack your neck. "I'll gather the team. Don't have all the fun."

Teleporting to the closest mind, Rocket, you used you magic to hoist up the large cement chunk pinning him down. Holding up your arms, you slowed the flow of water into the small space.

"Get out! Go!"

Scott quickly appears, growing and growing, throwing the rubble off and grabbing Rhodey, Rocket and Bruce. You blast magic downwards, levitating into the air in a purple poof.

Looking down at the crowds of Avengers you haven't quite met yet, you grin. This time, you'll make sure these heroes win.

Letting go of your levitation, you drop to the ground next to Steve, looking pretty damn cool. Turning around to face the crowd, you wave enthusiastically.

"Hey kids! We haven't met yet. I'm Y/n. One cool thing about me is that I like kicking ass." You faced Thanos again and pointed to him. "Oh look! It's a super big ass!"

The group behind you cheered. Steve yelled over them. "Avengers!"

It was silent on both sides of the battlefield.


A battle cry rings out from the hoards of people, and you launch yourself into the air, throwing purple blasts at Thanos' goons. For what seems like hours, you fight off waves of villains, protecting the stones.

You work your way the the centre of the battle, where Thanos is almost overthrown by a young woman with a similar glow to you. She's flung away as the ship begins to fire.

Letting out a yell, you manage to cast an skin tight shield around each of the Avengers, reaching into the depths of our magic in ways you never had before. You feel invincible.

Charging towards Thanos, you lift chunks of rubble, throwing piece after piece as a squid-looking dude deflects them. You don't give up, holding the mad titan back as he attempts to run after Carol, who hold the gauntlet in the arms.

Instead, Thanos throws his blade at Scott's van, and explodes, sending a blast that knocks Carol off course, and the gauntlet falls to the ground. The battle field turns into a mad scramble, everyone fighting for the gauntlet.

A large chitauri leaps on you, pinning you down and preventing you from going after Thanos. You fight it off using a large wave of magic. You turn to run at Thanos as he holds up his fingers.

"I am, inevitable." He snaps.

You brace for a wave of sparkly space radiation. Nothing happens. Turning back, you see Tony, stones imbedded in his suit, a determined look on his face.

"And I, and Iron Man." He snaps.

"No, Tony!" You scream, pushing through the invisible force, helping the man struggle to sit down. Tears run down your cheeks. "No, No, no. You dumbass, metal head."

Taking his hand, you pull out each of the infinity stones, holding them in you hand as you step back, Pepper landing nearby.

You drop to your knees as Tony's arc reactor flickers out.

He's gone.


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