โ€ข 29 โ€ข New Student

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???'s pov.

It was another winter day, and the stares given to my direction fed my anxiety more. I tucked myself in my black turtle neck coat, trying to hide the blush dusted across my cheeks that reached my ear. All because of me being an introvert and the snowfall at the same time.

"He's the new transfer student right?"


"That's the first time I've seen a quirk like that."

My sharp ear senses could pick up the countless whispers from meters away. A sigh left me, creating a thick fog through my collar while continuing my way down the stoned-path. Having enhanced senses was a good thing, but accidentally knowing private conversations because of it is another. 'Mm... Why did they send me here? I'm freezing to death...'

"Hey there, little boy!"

I stopped and looked up at the female teacher who called for me from the entrance of the doors. She leans down with a warm eye-smile, "You're the new student right? You're cuter than I expected! Where are they?"

"U-Uhh... T-They told me to go to the principals' office..."

"Ah, I see! Come, I'll lead you to his office." She lends her hand towards me and I flinched as my body instinctively move away. The teacher noticed it and felt awkward while hesitantly pulling her hand back.

"Sorry... Just follow me. It's not much of a long walk." She reassured. I nodded and walked up to her side, although I made sure to stay half a meter away from her. Having physical contact with people makes me uncomfortable, especially when I grew up in an abusive home. Thankfully... I was saved from that place... but I don't feel happy...

Dad... Mom...

"Hey watch out!"

Because the stupid ol' me was spacing out into my own world, I didn't notice that I had bumped into a person and fell back. A girl to be specific... Wait... A GIRL?!

The girl swiftly reached out, her short red hair swaying with the move she pulled as she brought me back to my own feet. I quickly balanced myself and couldn't bring myself to look up at her in the eye. My blush spread wider as I stared at her hand that tightly held mine.

"Sorry about that. I seemed to be spacing out." She laughs softly in a nervous way while letting go of my hand. But she was surprised when I remained to hold on to it tightly while frozen still. 'Move. Please move. Oh gosh, I don't want to embarrass myself any further!' I thought.

"No one was hurt right?" The teacher checked them in worry, "Phew! Thank you for making sure he won't fall, Homusubi."

'Homusubi... is her name...? I think I heard a few students talk about her earlier too. Perhaps she's a new student like me?'

"Hey." The little rice ball reached out to set her hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright?"

I flinched and quickly lets go of her hand. Looking up, I met her bright and blue eyes. 'She looks so... pretty and what's that word? Ah... Majestic.'

"Moshi Moshi?" She waves her hand in front of me and I snapped back to reality while blinking a few times.

"I-I'm fine!"

She raised an eyebrow and smiled, "That's good."

"Okay, now that that's settled. You should go back to your classroom, dear Homusubi. Our new student here needs to go somewhere too!"

Homusubi smiles with a nod, stepping to the side to let me walk down the hallway. I held my head down as we continued on our way, glancing at her at the corner of my eyes. With each second that passed, my heart beats twice. 'There are many beautiful girls out there but... What did she have other than her pretty face to make me feel like this?'

'Oh gosh, I'm 7 years old for goodness sake!' I mentally slapped myself. 'Plus... she looks like she's in a higher grade. Wait no, I don't like her. I just met her now. No way.'

"Aaand chu-chu! We have arrived!" The teacher cheerfully laughed while presenting me with the extremely-detailed double doors. She opens the one door and gestured her hand for me to come in.

"Well, Mr Principal! I'll leave the little guy to you!" She wears a small smile while waving a greeting at the elderly. When I entered his office that was filled with books from the shelves to the floor. Thankfully the room had a warm temperature so I felt a little more comfortable. But I still can't get her out of my head.

"Thank you. Come now, boy." He gestures me to get closer to the heart of the room as the teacher closes the door behind me, "Let's start our lesson."

Then it loomed over me: reminding my entire existence of the main reason why I was here. My blushed disappeared and my relaxed expression dropped to a serious one.

"I'm ready for my first day of training, sir."

โ€ข Later that lunchtime โ€ข

The sound of students chatting to each other filled my ears as I stood by the entrance of the cafeteria with my tray of food in my hand, trying to see which table could I fit in. But there were just a lot of people. Too much people. Even with the cold day, sweat rolled down my cheeks as I withdrew from the part of the school building, finding my self back in the corridors.

Striding down the hallways, I glanced up at the light snow wall through the window. Today is January 24 and this snow will last until later in February. Winter is a special season... you experience many things in it that you can't in the other seasons, maybe that's why it's my second favourite. Chicken always remains to be my First favourite thing in the world.

I stopped by another open door that led to the mini-park of the campus, surrounded by the buildings. The fountain there was frozen, but what caught my eyes more was that the red colour that stood out of the white background.

"Homusubi..." I mutter her name underneath my breath. But even with the long-distance, it seems that she heard it since she looked up from her lunchbox and our eyes met for the second time. My heartbeat accelerated as a gasp left me, I could feel the cold air around my face warming up because of my blush.

"Ah! It's you!" She cheerfully called out while waving her hand up in the air.

I quickly broke the eye contact to leave, "I-I'm gonna go now I didn't want to disturb you--"

"Let's have lunch together! The seat beside me is open~" She smiles playfully as I glanced up at her for a second. It was no surprise at all when I found myself settling down beside her. We sat on the edge of the fountain, it's water frozen still in the air, and that made my eyes sparkle in amazement.

"It looks cool, right? But your quirk looks even cooler." She said while taking a bite of her rice ball. I could finally take a look at her when she focused her attention on her food.

"... T-Thanks..."

"Hm?" She suddenly looks up and then grabbed her lunch box and held it up to me, "Would you like some?"

"U-Uhm..." It's homemade food. It must be nice to have her mother make it for her, "... I-Is it okay...?"

"Of course! If I can have a sip of your drink in return." She snickered teasingly while peeking over my cup of juice.

"Sure. But you could just get one for yourself at the cafeteria though. It's free." I slowly reached out to grab one musubi.

"Nope! I'm not bragging, but the entire school knows me, and I really dislike the recognition..."

"I see..." I thought of how I relate to her but couldn't speak up about it.

I took a bite of the food...

. . .

... You know that expression you make when you smell your sock under the bed for days?

Or maybe the smell in the air when a garbage truck passes by and you just want to make THAT face.

Yep, I'm trying so hard not to look rude for her as I slowly chewed on this... interesting... food.

"My dada made that, you know. He's not the best cook but he really tried his best, that's why I love whatever he makes." She said as she finished up the last bits of her food, indicating that what she said wasn't a lie.

I nodded with a small awkward smile, looking back on the rest of my musubi and closed my eyes shut as I shoved it in in my mouth whole. I almost choked and started to cough on my hand.

"Oi! What the heck?!" She quickly set down her empty lunch box and repeatedly hit my back, with her other hand set on my chest. She was so cautious as she saved me from dying. I quickly drank my drink as my eyes started to tear up.

"Geez, you aren't in a rush or anything right?"

"Y-Yeah-- *cough* sorry about that, Homusubi-nee-san..."

She laughed, "'Homusubi-nee-san'?"

"I-I um... Your dads' cooking is delicious!" I smoothly recovered with a smile.

"Really?" She returned the smile, "Good to hear! So, come on now, I want the juice." She held out her hand with a grin.

I looked down on my cup that was half empty and looked up at her, "But-But I got my saliva on it."

"Who cares? Food is food!"

She snatched the cup from my hands and drank all of it in one go. My lips parted a little bit in shock as I witnessed this scene.

'W-We had an indirect kiss...'

"Fah! It tastes good! But... I don't want my dad to feel bad, haha."

"Where's your mom?"

"Oh, she's not available--" She checks the time on her wristwatch, "10 minutes left for lunchtime. I'm going to go now, teachers love to give me tasks." She sighed as she stood up and closes her lunch box with the lid. Then her eyes met mine again, "Now that I think about it. You know my name but I don't know yours..."

"Oh... Uh... It's supposed to be a secret but..."


"I feel like I can trust you."

"Oh?" Homusubi then bends one of her knees slightly while setting a hand on her chest and bowed her head, "I'm honoured to have the trust of...?"

I smiled with a chuckle, seeing how confidently playful she is compared to others, before telling her my response.

"... Takami Keigo."

"Great!" She stands back up again with a bright smile, "I'll see you here again tomorrow! Take care, birdie!"

"Birdie?" He whispers as his eyebrows knotted. But despite the confusing expression he wore, the blush on his cheeks had a whole different story.

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

[I know Hawks is a bit OOC but come on, he's still a kid at this part! XD Give 'em a chance to have character development!]

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

[Do you have meme ideas because your author sucks?

Feel free to contact me through Instagram!: araarakeddy]

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