5.1 - Our Cabin

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The summer came to an end, seemingly out of nowhere. Though it felt sudden, the start of the school year caused little to no dismays to the new year five students. Ophelia and her friends were able to see each other again after two months of lost contact.Β 

More specifically, Ophelia and Regulus would be able to see each other again.Β The two of them shared a kiss a couple months before the end of year four, but hadn't spoken about it since. In fact, they hadn't spoken at all over the summer, besides a few letters they exchanged. They were so anxious to see each other, but we're trying not to let it show.

Accompanied by her parents, Ophelia walked up to the train platform with all of her bags and her cat, Dusty, on her trolley.

Unlike the fifth years, Sirius and James were excited about the new school year and let it show. It was their last year of school, and most students stop caring about school once they get older.

They had sped ahead of Ophelia, leaving her alone with her parents, so that they could meet their friends on the Hogwarts Express. Plus, James had finally started dating Lily at the end of the last school year, so he was eager to see her after spending the summer apart.

Ophelia said goodbye to her parents, then went off to the Hogwarts Express by herself, planning on heading to her usual seat to meet Regulus, and hoping Barty would come after them both. So, she took her trolley and hopped onto the train, walking down the aisle to their cabin.Β 

She stopped once she got to her usual seat, and found Regulus sitting there, waiting for her.Β 

Ophelia put Dusty down onto the floor, and opened the cabin door. The sound of the door opening caught Regulus' attention, and his face lit up as soon as he saw his friend.Β 

"Reggie!" Ophelia said excitedly, her arms spread out in the air.Β 

Regulus wrapped his arms around her tightly, pressing her head against his chest. Regulus had grown quite a bit taller than Ophelia over the years, but she never noticed until they reunite after a long time apart like this.Β 

"Oh my Merlin, Lia, I missed you." He said, letting go of her.Β 

"Clearly. You came earlier than me this year, you never do that."

"I was just so excited for school this year." He half-joked. "I just needed to get to our cabin as quickly as I could."

"Our cabin." Ophelia said, though she only meant to think it. "Isn't that odd to think about how this has been our seat for five years? And then in another three, someone else will have it after us?"

"We could keep it forever if we just refuse to graduate."

"You would really stay at Hogwarts longer than necessary?"

"Only if you stayed with me."

Ophelia could feel herself start to blush. She knew Regulus had charm that he could never turn off, but she hadn't ever fully gotten used to it. She quickly changed the subject, trying to avoid the embarrassment of admitting she was affected by his charm.Β 

"So, how was your summer?" Ophelia asked.Β 

"A little lonely." Regulus replied candidly.Β 

"Missing your dear brother Sirius?"

"I wish you would have taken up my offer to take his place."

"I can't. You know that." Ophelia said. "But I'm here with you for ten months of the year."

"On a good year." Regulus pointed out.Β 

"It's up to us whether it's a good year or not."

They were both right. The two of them were together all the time, but even without interruptions and quarrels, it never felt like enough time for them. Every moment in life is precious, and it's important to make the most out of every single relationship one takes part in.Β 

The two were interrupted by Pandora and Xenophilius, who invited themselves into the train cabin to meet with Regulus and Ophelia.Β 

Ophelia flashed a quick smile and invited them in.

"How were your summers?" Ophelia asked politely.Β 

"Oh, they were absolutely magical!" Pandora beamed. "We spent so much time together. What about you two?"

"Um, pretty normal for me." Ophelia said, thinking of something else to say. "But, tell us more about your summer."

"Really?" Pandora asked, clearly excited to tell her more. "Alright, well, we found this really nice trail in the forest by Xenophilius' house. We should bring you guys by sometime."

"That sounds quite nice, I would be glad to come." Ophelia said.Β 

Dusty scuttered off of Ophelia's lap, heading to sit with Pandora. Neither of the girls acknowledged it, other than Pandora softly petting Dusty while she spoke. Ophelia took her cat moving as an opportunity to move closer to Regulus.Β 

She scooted herself closer to him as he sat against the wall, and rested beside him. He didn't mind it. In fact, he liked it when he and Ophelia were like this. Neither of them said anything, but they were both extremely comfortable like this.Β 

Regulus slowly wrapped his arm around him, and Ophelia laid softly on his shoulder, both of them soaking in the moment as they listened to Pandora's story.Β 

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