Chapter 29

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The full moon was close, like tonight close and I could definitely feel it.

My emotions were everywhere. My anger was off the roof, no one can talk to me without me snapping. And I don't know how to control it.

I lost it on Mr Harris today which landed me in detention. I was the only one in detention of course so I was catching up on homework that I had neglected the past week.

It's not like I could use the excuse that an alpha werewolf wants to kill my friends. I hadn't talk to Allison or any of the people who got locked in the school the other night.

I've been avoiding Allison, Lydia and Jackson. I've talked to Stiles and Scott of course but not about the other night. I don't know what happened before Stiles's dad arrived or after.

I honestly don't want to know. My emotions about the other night have also been all over the place. I have no clue how I controlled my self or why the alpha was scared of me.

I haven't talked to Derek since the day after that night, I went to check on him to make sure he was healing good and he was because he was working out.

He definitely doesn't take time to come back slowly. We didn't talk about much, we talked about him healing and I tried to question about me and how I was able to control it but he wasn't really into helping me.

I plan to go back to his house but this detention is really getting in my way. And I have to go by the cheer coach's office to talk about why I've been missing so many's practices and why I skipped the last two games.

The clock strikes 4:30. I had been here for two hours and I was just waiting for Mr Harris' word for me to leave. I spent the first hour annoying him, asking over again what time it was even though the clock was right in front of me.

And thats why I had an extra hour of detention. I looked to him as he continued grading papers. He looked to his watch before glancing up to me.

He sighed, "you're free to go." I jumped up smiling excitedly, I gathered my books in my arms because I forgot my back pack at home this morning somehow. I sprinted out of the class room, I stopped by my locker putting the books away.

I sprinted out of the school I stopped as I bumped into someone. I almost fell to the ground but whoever I bumped into caught me. I looked up to see Derek, I sighed as I pushed him slightly.

"You scared me asshole." He chuckled softly, "someone's feeling the full moon." He let go of my arms as I fixed my jacket. "I was actually coming to see you about that." He nodded putting his hands in his pockets.

"Okay?" He questioned curious, "what am I gonna do?" He shrugged as he raised an eyebrow, "transition." He suggested confused, i nodded knowingly "yeah, duh dumbass, I meant where? I can't just go wolf in my bed room."

He nodded, "then go wolf in the woods?" He suggested. I sighed annoyed as I pushed past him, I was getting angry. I walked down to his car getting in the passenger seat, "what are you doing?" He shouted still standing in the spot we bumped into each other.

"You're driving me to your place so I can turn into a wolf." he nodded slowly defeated. He walked down and around to the drive side getting in.

He drove me to his house where I hung out alone while he went to, in his words, run errands. I snooped around a little bit his house was burnt and empty. I was still confused on why he was still living in his family's burnt house but it's his lungs not mine.

Night fall rolled around and I could feel the full moon effects on me, Derek still wasn't back yet but I was close to transitioning so I was gonna have to without him here.

I found a sheet to hang on a tree branch by Derek's house for when I came back after wolf mode. I stood outside as I felt the pain of every bone in my body break come on.

God I am not ready for this again.

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My errands took longer than expected and I knew Sophie was at my house for the full moon but there is no way she's not already transitioned and tearing my house apart.

I drove as fast as I could back from town and arrived back to my house, it was silent. I got out of my car slowly, not only is Sophie strength the strongest on full moons but her bloodlust is also at its peak on full moons so there's no way I could fight her off.

I walked into the house slowly but it was too silent for her to be here and transitioned already, i searched the house but she was know where to be found.

I walked outside listening to see if I could hear her. If she's already transitioned I'll be able to hear her feet or paws in the leafs, if she hasn't I'll be able to hear her heartbeat if she's not to far away.

She's must have already transitioned and is in the woods running because I heard leaves crunching not too far away, I'll let her do her thing and maybe she'll come back once she transitions back to human.

She'll need clothes because if she transitioned with her clothes on they're ripped in shreds. I walked back inside and upstairs in search for some of my clothes.

None of my clothes from now will fit her so I found some old clothes from when I was in high school and got them out for her, a pair of sweatpants and a Beacon hills high school t-shirt.

I walked back down stairs and outside, I sat down on the porch steps waiting for human Sophie. She seemed to be getting the hang of these full moons, the transition part at least.

Today made it very obviously to me that she has trouble controlling her emotions, specifically anger. I have a feeling that's why she had to stay after school for so long today.

My head jerked up when I heard a muffled scream in the distance, Sophie. I don't know how I knew it was her but I just knew. I jumped up running as fast as I could to where the scream came from.

The hunters. It has to be the hunters. There's nothing else that I can think that could be put in the woods, my woods, on a full moon that could hurt her.

The hunters are always out on full moons for this specific reason, new werewolves that don't know how to control themselves.

I slowed up listening for any other sign of her close by, I heard footsteps in the leafs and a muffled growl. Sophie, i looked up with my wolf eyes. I could see better in the dark with them than my regular eyes.

I spotted Sophie, she was leaning against a tree. It looked like there was an arrow through her arm and stuck into the tree. This was definitely the Argents doings.

I sprinted over focusing on her arm and the arrow, I pulled the arrow out as the footsteps began to get closer. "Run! I'll catch up!" I shouted to her as she nodded jumping up and running off in the opposite direction.

There was no sign of the hunters so I turned following her direction, I kept my focus behind me making sure they wasn't following us. I made it back to the house to find Sophie sitting on the front porch steps wrapped in a sheet.

"I should have warned you about the hunters on full moons." She looked up to me as I stopped in front of her, "and I should learn to stop the transition. I'm the biggest fan of breaking every bone in my body." I nodded, "I wish I could help with that."

She nodded slowly, she looked exhausted. "I can't live like this Derek, i thought I could but I can't." She spoke defeated, "I can help you." She shook her head quickly, "yeah? When?" She spoke defensively. I looked at her confused,

She must still be feeling the full moon. "I'm trying to help you. It's just, I don't know how to help you. You're not like Scott and I don't know if I can even help him." She nodded standing to her feet.

"Well why make promises you can't keep?" She questioned annoyed, "I never promised anything." I spoke defending myself, she scoffed, "well it sure did sound like it when you said you would help teach me and Scott about our abilities as long as we help find you the alpha."

"That was a deal. Not a promise." She nodded, "well what about when you said everything for me would be easier if I help you find the aloha and kill him so you can become the alpha? Huh? Was that a true or just a ploy for you to become the alpha and get all the power?"

She seemed hurt, but I had no idea where this was coming from. Scott and Stiles must've gotten in her head because everything I told her was true. Did I want her help just to become the alpha? Yeah, in the beginning before I got to know her.

But now, I want her help not only for me but for her. She needs an alpha, an alpha that won't make her kill people just for the fun of it. "Everything I told you was true, look, it takes time to adjust to this new side of you. It's natural-"

she cut me off shaking her head "nothing about what I am is natural, Derek. Stop justifying this like this is normal because this is not normal. I hate this Derek, I hate it. I don't want to be like this." She let out a sigh as a tear escaped.

"be honest with me Derek. Please. Is there a cure." What? Where is this coming from? I sighed shaking my head shrugging, "I don't know, for a bite I don't know." She nodded eagerly "so there is one?"

I nodded slowly, "that I know of? Yes. But I don't know if it'll work for you." She scoffed shaking her head confused "what does that even mean?" I sighed, "You're not a normal wolf, Sophie! You were made to protect." she groaned.

"Take me home." She demanded, I shrugged "so that's it?" She nodded defeated, "yes I want to go home." I nodded as I pushed past her walking up the stairs.

I picked the clothes up off the ground that I had picked out for her earlier. I turned to her handing them to her, I didn't make eye contact with her as she took them from me. "Change in the upstairs bedroom, second on the left." She nodded as I walked past her to my car.

I got in waiting for her. I don't know what I was supposed to do. I can't stop her from wanting to be normal, human. I went through that after I first broke the curse. I didn't want to be a wolf, but it was cursed. I was born this way so I had no choice.

Well I had a choice, if I wouldn't have broken the curse. If I wouldn't have killed Paige, I wouldn't be like this. But I have to live like this, I chose to live like this.

Do I know of a cure for the bite? Yes, but I don't think it's ever actually worked. But I feel bad for Sophie and I couldn't stand there and disappoint her again.

I've already disappointed her enough, this is my fault. She's the way she is because of me. If I would have gotten ahold of the alpha sooner she and Scott wouldn't have gotten bitten.

If I would have just helped her and then left her alone then she wouldn't be depending on me. And I wouldn't be attached to her, I wouldn't feel whatever I feel for her if I wouldn't have gotten to know her.

This is all my fault, and I'm gonna fix it.

Hello friends!!! I am back from my well needed break!! I feel so much better now and it's the new year so we're started off well with a double pov chapter!!
Happy new years everyone and I hope you all had an amazing new years!! I love you all and thank you for all the support through my break!!!๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

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