Chapter 17

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The other night was kinda scary, Chris Argent, the werewolf hunter Derek warned me about corned us at the gas station.

He ruined the mood of the night, it was supposed to be a fun night to let loose and not have to worry about all the werewolf stuff going on. But instead Argent had to ruin it.

I am still not sure if he knows I'm a werewolf but he has to suspect something since I was hanging out with Derek. He obviously knows Derek is a wolf because Derek said he tried to kill him a long time ago.

I still haven't questioned him about any of that, I feel like we're not at a place where I can ask personal questions like that just yet. Not to mention I'm pretty sure I upset him the other night, I was so angry that Argent was harassing us I decided to be a smart ass and get Derek's window smashed out.

Did I think my smart comment would lead to Derek's window getting smashed? No, of course not. I wouldn't have done it if I knew that would have happened.

Derek said he wasn't mad but I would be pissed if a girl I barely know caused a hunter that's kinda out to kill me smashed my window.

I insisted I would pay to have it fixed, which would probably take all of my savings but It's not like i can ask my mom for money for it. He declined that offer to, his exact words actually were "yeah not gonna happen."

I hadn't spoken to him since then, I spent all weekend home watching trash reality tv shows. I was planning to go see him after to school but it's Tuesday, which means I have to cheer at the basketball game tonight.

I'm over cheer, I used to love it before, before I became whatever I am. Werewolf? Zeta wolf? Dog? I don't know. I can't quit cheer though, my mom pays too much for me to just quit in the middle of the season.

I watched as the teacher passed out our quiz's from last Friday, I didn't study at all for it so I definitely failed. Stiles tapped Scott on the shoulder, "if Derek isn't the alpha and isn't the one who bit you then who did?" I turned listening in on their conversation, Scott shrugged "I don't know."

Why would they think Derek is the alpha? "Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" Scott shrugged again, "I don't know." Stiles sat back as he sighed, he tapped his pencil to the desk a couple times before sitting back up "does Allison dad know-" Scott turned around facing him "I don't know!" He shouted as I looked at him confused, everyone in the class looked toward him confused also.

God he's a mess. Why was Stiles so worried about this bus driver incident still? It's done and over with, I heard this morning that he died at the hospital.

The teacher came to there row next to me dropping their papers in front of them, I looked at Scott's grade as he picked his paper up. D- with some notes to the side written by the teacher, looks like he didn't study either.

The teacher finally made it to me and to my surprise a B- was written at the top of my paper. I thought for sure I was gonna get at least an F.

I heard Scott say something about studying with Allison after school, he needs to get away from her. Her dad is dangerous, he's not a big fan of animals obviously. If he finds out what Scott is and hanging out with his daughter then it's lights out for Scott and possibly me.

After physics I had a free period so I took this time to find Allison and convince her to cancel her plans with Scott. I found her with Lydia of course.

I walked over, "hey Allison, can we talk?" I looked to Lydia, "privately?" Lydia glared at me as Allison nodded, "sure, I'll catch up." Lydia smiled innocently toward her but continued to glare at me as she walked away.

"what's up?" I sighed, "I need you to cancel your plans with Scott after school." She shook her head confused, "why would I do that?" I looked around, "just because, he needs to go home after school for a family emergency." She nodded concerned,

I tried to come up with something good but obviously that was the best I could do. "Okay why don't you just tell him yourself?" I chuckled nodding, "because he's kinda mad at me and we're not really speaking. you know, sibling things."

She shook her head, "only child." She stated as I nodded surprised, "oh well. Still I won't be the first to break the silence so please just cancel the plans." She nodded slowly, "I'm sure if it was that big of an emergency you could just tell him yourself right?"

God she is a bitch. I give up, she obviously isn't budging so they can have their study date. It's Scott ass getting shot not mine. "You know what? Never mind." I turned around walking away annoyed. She called after me but I ignored her.

After school, I was standing talking to Sarah and some of the other cheerleaders before practice by the front entrance of the school.

I heard tires screech before car horns began blowing. I followed the sound trying to pin point why all the commotion. My eyes widened as I seen Derek in the middle of the parking lot blocking Stiles from leaving the parking lot.

I left Sarah and the other girls standing as I ran over to him, I made it to him just as he fell to the ground, I dropped to my knees beside him "Derek, what are you doing?" He was more pale than usual, He looked like he was dying

Everyone in the parking lot was staring, Scott ran over "what the hell?" Stiles got out of his Jeep coming over as I shrugged trying to get Derek to his feet.

"What are you doing here?" Scott questioned as Derek breathed heavy gripping my arm, "I was shot." I looked up to Scott with wide eyes worried, "he's not looking so good dude." Stiles stated, "why aren't you healing?" Scott spoke concerned, Derek breathed heavily trying to catch his breath, "I can't. It was a different kind of bullet."

"A silver bullet?" Stiles spit out curiously, i sent him a glare "no, you idiot." Derek also glared at him as he held his side. Stiles shrugged, "wait wait. That's what she meant when she said you only had forty eight hours." I looked at Scott confused and concerned, he was there?

"what? who said forty eight hours?" I questioned quickly scared for Derek now, "the woman who shot you." I looked to Scott worried, "you were there? When did this happen?" I questioned but before Scott could answer Derek groaned as he gripped his side, he closed his eyes but when he opened them back they were blue.

"Derek, your eyes. Stop that." I whispered concerned as he shook his head, Scott looked around concerned "that's what I'm trying to tell you, i can't!" I sighed thinking of what to do next, "get him in Stiles's jeep." Stiles looked at me confused shaking his head "what? no way."

"Help me get him up." I stood up and moved to the back of him, I put my arms under his shoulder lifting. He was literally dead weight, Scott grabbed his hands helping pull him to his feet.

He stood between us, each arm wrapped around me and Scott. We helped him to Stiles passenger side, I climbed in first to the back seat "What about cheer?" Stiles questioned, i shook my head "I'm not leaving you alone with a dying wolf who can't control himself." He nodded shrugging, "good point."

Scott help Derek settle into the passenger seat as Stiles got into the driver seat, Scott closed the passenger door, "i need you to find out what kind of bullet they used." Scott shrugged as he sighed, "how the hell am I supposed to do that?" Derek groaned "she's an Argent. She's with them."

"Why should I help you?" Scott questioned confused and annoyed, "because you need me." Derek stated, Scott looked back to the line of cars. I glanced back to see Allison standing outside of one looking confused this way. Scott sighed shrugging defeated, "fine. I'll try."

"Okay guys, let's get him out of here." I reminded them we were still holding up the line of cars which the werewolf hunters daughter is in. Stiles shook his head annoyed, "I hate you guys so much for this." He sped away leaving Scott standing.

I don't know exactly what to do in this situation. I also don't know how to help Derek. Hell I don't even know what I am or anything about wolfs and I signed up to help Derek live?

I am not only scared for him now but also me and Stiles. Derek doesn't lose control, even on full moons as far as I know. He said it was a different bullet, what other bullets are there for wolfs?

I underestimated Derek on why he was so worried about the hunters but now I understand, he's bleeding purple blood. How's that even possible?

I signed up to help him so I need to come up with an idea on how to help him and keep him alive.

Stiles drove aimlessly, "so what are we exactly so supposed to do with him?" Stiles questioned looking at me through the rear view mirror. I shrugged, "I don't know." He sighed, "where am I taking him?" I groaned "I don't know Stiles, if I did I would be telling you now please shut up and just drive."

He nodded, we can't take him to his house because they're probably expecting him to come home. We can't take to my house because my mom is at home and we definitely can't take him to Stiles's house for obvious reasons. God why did I sign up for this, i pulled my phone out texting Scott,

"Find it yet?"

He replied "need more time."

I groaned looking up to Derek, he doesn't have time. "Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats okay? We're almost there." I looked up to him confused, "almost where?" Derek mumbled, Stiles sighed, "your house."

"Woah woah, no! We can't take him to his house!" Stiles shrugged confused "i can't take him to his own house?" Derek shook his head "not when I can't protect myself." Stiles groaned as he pulled the Jeep over to the side of the road.

"What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magical bullet? Huh? Are you dying?" Derek sighed shaking his head "not yet. I have a last resort." Stiles threw his hands up as he chucked annoyed "what do you mean? What last resort?" Derek pulled his arm sleeve up revealing the nasty bloody bullet hole on his arm.

Stiles turned away disgusted "oh my god what is that?" I leaned up examining it, "yeah, that's nasty. Can you not get the bullet out?" He shook his head, "uh, is that contagious? You know what you should probably just get out!" Stiles pointed to the passenger side door as I smacked his shoulder.

"Start the car, now!" Stiles shook his head as he scoffed "i- i don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look okay? In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out in the middle of the road and leave you for dead!" What was his problem?

"Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out, with my teeth." Stiles paused as I leaned back, Stiles nodded facing forward starting the car.

Yeah, this is gonna be a long day with these two.

Hello friends!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out!!
Thank you all for the support the past few days and chapters!! I love you guys and appreciate it all!!!

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