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whatever happens, i'm sorry



Miya was left dumbfounded the whole day. His conversation with Langa occupying every extent of his brain. His feelings are torn between ending it all with you or taking a risk and try a relationship with you.

"Miya! Let's go home?" You said to him with a smile, contradicting your expression during the day.

"Sure," he replied, grabbing his already packed bag and skateboard.

The both of you silently walking through the school's hushed hallways. Every step the both of you take nearing you to your original path home. And maybe even a route that would ultimately break your friendship.

The tips of your fingers brushed against Miya's soft ones. Increasing the relentless tension forming between the two childhood beloveds. A frown suddenly appeared on your face before placing the same hand inside your uniform's pocket.

The whole walk home felt like an entire pride match. The both of you were walking so close, and yet y'all were distant. The secrets the both of you try so hard to scorn creates a massive barrier between the two supposedly intimate friendship you both had. Causing the two of you to neglect proper communication, leading to a lot of lies and unconfirmed feelings.

It was weird. The feelings were left lingering in the melancholy air you call a friendship. A friendship you both tried to salvage ends up getting broken in the end. It bothers you so profoundly. The both of you decided to ignore these solely for your friendship, but it ends with you and Miya more separated than ever.

Those feelings you left in the air? It was noxious, extremely lethal!

What if you hadn't replied truthfully to him that day he confessed? Would your friendship not be abolished by the virulent air you created?

"Y/n look," Miya finally sliced the overwhelming tension.

Miya pointed at a lake beneath the tall sky bridge. A lake that perfectly illuminates the golden rays of the scorching sun that appears very close whenever it's setting. The clear waters turned to a pink and orange shade, giving it a full vintage aesthetic feel. The stepping stones you and Miya used to run around during dawn were still there. The solids not yet sinking to the comfort of the cold lake it's rooted to.

A memory you and Miya shared started surging through your nostalgic mind. During elementary the both of you found fun simply by jumping on stones across the lake. The times where Miya would purposely not catch you whenever you slip. But he never forgot to offer a hand to hoist you up after.

You gaped at the raven-haired boy beside you. You cursed under your breath and dropped your skateboard to the ground. Shocked by your reckless actions, Miya remained on land. His eyes following your running figure. Finally getting back to his sense, Miya slowly dropped his bag and skateboard, following your way to the familiar path of rocks.

"This feels nostalgic," Miya said. He was still in the first rock, not moving from his place. While you continuously jumped on each stone, not entirely grasping the fact that you're clumsy even as a skater. He stared at you, his expression showing that he's thinking about something more fathomless than the body of water below you both.

Curious as to why Miya had fallen silent, your head turned to face him. Miya's eyes widened. He felt like the world had suddenly stopped moving, the continuous flowing of the water below you, the birds up in the pink sky, the sounds of cars near the road, all falling deaf on the boy's ears. The way your hair moved softly with the wind and how both your hands were simply set behind you, it was all so pleasing to him.

"Miya?" you softly asked, now fully facing your childhood friend. You were five rocks away from the catboy. Five whole jumps away from your confuzzled bestfriend.

A long chilly wind breezed towards the both of you. Making what Miya confessed hardly audible. Red tints of what you thought were blushes dominated Miya's cheeks. You heard it. And you heard it all too clearly.


๐ŸŒดwoah ~ ๐ŸŒดwoah ~ ๐ŸŒด let's ๐ŸŒด
get ๐ŸŒด the ๐ŸŒด feelings ๐ŸŒด

danganronpa fandom go check out
my byakuya book tnx <3

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