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MajestyyRoyale retweeted.↨

Jack walked into the studio with his hands in his pockets and hoodie on, it had been a week since the restaurant fight, he was going to call Carson to check up on her but he remembered he was blocked so he saved his time and didn't even try.

He walked past Majesty and Urban on his way in, Majesty was in his lap scrolling through her phone as Urban rubbed her lower back with his free hand. His occupied hand was holding a freshly rolled joint, of course.

Jack stopped walking and looked at them, "Ew." He mumbled, Majesty flipped him off in response without even looking up from her phone.

He kept walking, sitting down in front of the soundboard with Jetson. "What's up, man?" Jetson greeted, Jack just nodded in response. It was clear his mind was somewhere else.

Jetson looked over when he didn't get a verbal response, "What's wrong with you?"

Jack shook his head, "Nothin'."

His friend leaned back in his seat, "Alright then. Listen to what I'm working on."

Jack looked at him, "Really man?"

"What? You said nothin' was wrong. You want me to ask again?"

He looked at him and nodded, "Yeah."

"You've been hanging around Carson too much, that's something she does."

"What? I don't even hang out with her anymore," Jack said, leaning back in his seat.

"Is that why you're walking around like someone kicked your puppy? Carson?" Jetson went back to messing with buttons on the soundboard.

"No, of course not." He shook his head, it sounded like he was trying to convince himself of that, not Jetson.

"Yes it is," Urban said from his seat leading Majesty to nod in agreement. "He's like in love with her." She told Jetson.

"Damn, for real?" Jetson looked at Jack who quickly shook his head.

"No. Majesty, shut the fuck up." He looked at her.

"You shut the fuck up," Urban shot back. Majesty swiped her hand across her neck in a period motion before going back to scrolling through her phone. Jack rolled his eyes and turned back in his seat.

"I'm not in love with her." He mumbled.

Jetson laughed, "Alright man, whatever you say. Just check out this beat." He reached over and pressed play on his laptop to show Jack what he had been working on all day.

Behind them Majesty was showing Urban the tweet that Jayda made, "What a bitch." He laughed.

Majesty nodded in agreement, "A dumb bitch at that." She laughed, taking the blunt from his fingers. He moved her hair back from her shoulders as she brought the blunt to her lips.

Majesty spoke, "Why she even subbin' us? She wasn't there to even see what went down." Urban just shrugged, "The tag button works, she should've just tagged y'all."

"Exactly, if I see that hoe again, we fightin'." She mumbled, blowing smoke up into the air.

"You too pretty to be fighting, M." Urban said as he looked up from his phone.

"You right but bitches be annoying and when I see her imma throw her in a mothafuckin' ditch." She passed the joint back to him.


She cut him off, "When I see her...imma throw her ass in a mothafuckin' ditch." She repeated even slower.

"Who are we throwing in a ditch?" Jack cut in.

"Jayda and her little minion." Majesty told him with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm down." He said almost immediately. Urban sighed heavily, "You two are sick as hell." He mumbled.

Jack stood up, "Call me when we're dumping the trash in the ditch. I've got somewhere to be."

"Where you going?" Urban asked, confused since he had just gotten there.

"Somewhere." He grabbed his jacket and left the studio.



πšŒπš‘πš™ 𝟷𝟷.

carson taylor brown.
Β·Β·Β· β–¬β–¬β–¬γŠ‘γŠ’ β–¬β–¬β–¬ Β·Β·Β·

Carson was sitting on the carpet in her apartment watching music videos when she heard a knock on her door. She grabbed Tink and stood up, walking over to the door. When she opened it and saw Jack, she fought the urge to smile.

She looked up at him, "Do you need something?"

"You." He said simply, his hands were in his pockets and he was looking down at her with a smile.

As she stood there with a shocked expression Jack moved past her and walked into the apartment. "It smells good in here. What candle you burning?" He asked while taking off his shoes and setting them aside neatly.

Carson shut the door and followed after him, "Why are you here?" She asked, jogging in front of him to close her laptop. Before she could, he grabbed it and held it up.

He looked at the screen and then at Carson, cracking a small smile, "You watchin' my videos?" He asked. "Thanks for views, I need the money." He joked while closing the laptop and sitting it aside.

She sat down on the arm of the couch, "That video has 30 million views and it's just you doing dumb shit in a diner. I wish I could get views that easily."

"You sound like a hater, B." He tutted while continuing to look around for the candle. "Brown sugar vanilla." He bent down to smell it.

Carson tossed a pillow at him, she watched it hit him on the butt. He stood up straight and looked at her, "What?" He laughed, picking up the pillow and going to sit down on the couch.

She looked at him as she held Tink close, "Why. Are. You. Here?" She asked slowly.

"I missed you." He shrugged and looked at her. Their eyes met and they both went quiet.

"Really?" She muttered.

"When have I ever lied to you?" He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and leaned back, resting his arm on the back of the couch. "I actually wish I was lying. I hate missin' you." He looked away for a moment.

Carson ran her hand over Tink's fur slowly, "I...missed you too." She admitted. "I was so dumb for letting them get between us."

"Yeah, you were." When he said that they both looked at each other before laughing together. Carson moved closer and sighed, "We have so much to catch up on." She told him.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He asked completely interested in whatever she had to say. Carson dove into everything that had happened in the last 4 months, talking a mile a minute, mostly about Amari and Jayda and how they were treating her. They were treating her like shit to say the least, she spent most of her days alone with Tink.

"I knew the dog would keep you from getting lonely," He mumbled playfully while looking at her. Carson chuckled and nodded, "Yeah...thanks for that."

He reached over and grabbed her by the side of her neck gently, and she let him. And then she did the simplest thing in the world. She leaned over and kissed him. And the world cracked open. She thought after pushing him away, this would never happen and now that it was, Carson felt like the happiest girl in the world.

She moved over so she straddling him, her hands going to the back of his neck as their lips moved together slowly. Carson pulled away abruptly, "You're with Majesty." She whispered. Jack opened his eyes and looked at her.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked, his hand still resting on her neck.

"You and Maj. You guys were close at BJs. Like super close." She swallowed.

He smiled softly before laughing, "What?" He laughed harder. "Carson, you're crazy."

"No, I'm not. I know what I saw." She crossed her arms.

"No you don't. Majesty is with Urban. I've never touched her." He kept laughing. "Oh my god, B. You have the best jokes."

"Stop laughin' at me." She pushed his head aside before going to move off his lap. He grabbed her waist to keep here there, "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away from you," She was clearly embarrassed for jumping to conclusions like that. He ran his hands up her body, from her waist to holding her face with both hands.

"You ain't going nowhere."

not even gon front, the end was kinda cringey to write 😩 but i hoped y'all still like it lmfaoo.

Jack and Carson kissing?

Urban and Majesty??

Ideas for the next chapter??

Jayda and Amari subbin but not taggin??

Overall thoughts??

We're just beginning.

Also, thank y'all for all the love and support your showing me , it's really appreciated. πŸ™‚

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