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emory's pov

I SIT IN THE BACK SEAT WITH CHRIS, matt in the drivers side and nick in the passenger side. nick sets the camera up and starts rolling.

"emory you do the intro." nick says.

i tuck my hair behind my ears, "umm today we're answering questions you guys asked on the boy's instagram stories." i say.

the boys start laughing and i hit chris's arm. he grabs it and pushes my face.

"okay first one, you've all definitely shit yourselves before." nick reads off his phone.

all the boy's start laughing. must be something i don't know about.

they all start dying in fits of laughter and flipping round all over the place.

"we were all under six years old." nick says.

"i shit in my backyard and chris shit on the stairs, and he shit on the highway." they lose it again with me joining them.

"you shit on the highway! in a dunkin donuts bag" nick says even louder causing us to laugh even harder.

i start snorting which makes the boys laugh even more.

"our car broke down on the middle of the highway so chris had no choice but to just do it in a dukin donuts bag." matt says. chris punches him in the arm while he almost chokes in my mcdonald's sweet tea.

"i didn't have one chicken nugget yet." matt complains.

"have one." chris says. i look at him likes he's stupid. they just look at each other and start silently laughing.

i roll my eyes and push their faces.

"chris you are like the least funniest person ever." nick says.

"oh god nick." i say and palm my face.

"i can make matt laugh right now." he says with a straight face.

"go ahead." nick says.

chris grabs his empty drink and throws it at the window. matt dies laughing and so do i.

"you got soda on his wallet!" nick says.

chris grabs the lid and points it at matt, "look laughing."

matt and nick start talking and chris looks over at me. i look over to him and smile. "you're gorgeous." he says. i blush and wink at him. "i love you." he says rubbing my hand. "i love you." i say making a peace sign for the too.

i push his hair out of his face and pull his chain out of his shirt. he grabs my hand and flips it really fast and kissing the palm.

"nick can you like hurry up." matt says taking my attention away from chris.

"why the fuck is there a line piece of lettuce in this bitch?" chris ask pulling a piece of lettuce off his burger.

"foreign lettuce." i say shaking my shoulders.

"look at that." he says showing matt who's stuffing a fry in his mouth.

"all right." nick says.

"to off topic but i went into party city today they hand among us paper plates." matt says.

chris starts laughing, "dude." nick says putting some trash in the mcdonald's bag.

"they were like, 'that was suspicious'." chris says making us laugh. his jokes are so unfunny sometimes which makes it ten times funnier.

"i didn't get it because the price was a little suspicious." matt says.

"all right anyways," nick say once again. i'm convinced we're never going to get anywhere.

"where's my phone?" chris says asking anyone willing to answer.

"i don't know, don't care." matt says.

"do you have it nick?"

"how do you not know where your phone is?" matt ask him.

"someone says, they're assuming that we would all rather live in the suburbs than the city, like new york." nick says.

chris is still looking everywhere for his phone. that's a little suspicious. he's never worried about his phone this much.

"that is cap." matt says.

i nod my head, "i don't know really. i want a family with some dogs and shit. i don't want to live in a apartment with two bedrooms and three kids." i say shrugging my shoulders.

"you don't think that's true?" matt ask chris.

"what's like suburbs?" chris ask eating one of my nuggets.

"i feel like suburbs is like a neighborhood like every house looks the same like that's what i think of when i think of suburbs." nick explains.

"like everyone's friends. yeah i actually really like-." matt starts but nick cuts him off.

"you like bike to your friends house."

"like i love the city but like nah." matt finishes.

"i don't like it." chris says. thank god were both on the same page with that one.

"i think that one's like half true and half not true." nick says.

"new york gives me ashnia." chris says.

we start laughing, "what is ashnia?" i ask.

"i don't know." he says finishing off his nugget.

"is it from icarly?" matt ask.

"victorious right?" chris ask.

i get lost in my thoughts. there's some pros and cons to me and chris. sometimes i feel like we're not compatible and other times i do. as if chris is reading my mind he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

i look up at him and smile, he leans over and kisses me.

i pull on chris's shirt and walk out the bathroom. chris is standing in the middle of the room shirtless and on his phone.

i come behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and press myself against his body with my cheek again his bare back.

i look over his shoulder and he is recording me. i smile and blush. he laughs and ends the video posting it on his story.

he throws his phone on his bed and pulls me to face him. he pushes my hair behind my ear and looks down at me.

he rubs his thumb under my eye and smiles at me. i close my eyes and wrap him in a hug. i breath his scent in and just stay in his hug for a while.

"are you ready for bed?" he say ask as he kisses my head.

"yeah." i say in a sleepy voice.

i release him from the hug and climb into bed. he gets in and we both drift to the middle to find each other. i hope that's how it always is. no matter how far apart we get will always find our way back to each other.

chris pulls me halfway on top of him and rest one of his hands on my waist pushing my shirt up a bit. he kisses my lips and pulls away.

"goodnight." he says.

"i love you." we say at the exact same time.

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