36bΒ°/ Assholes like us II

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First off, thank you for 34k reads!

Special shout-out to teemasco. Your comments really made me happy this morning β™₯️

Oh, and before I forget....


Loll, it was the anger and hate thrown on Sean for me in the last chapter πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’”πŸ’” Y'all entertain me so much, today you're like "Omg, I love this guy!" and tommorow, you're like "kwoaoalkajsjsjsksiissksb#@$&@###@$$$&@# Sean must die!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Are you confused?

Sha, all I have to say is that y'all should take it easy oo. I mean, one of the purposes of this book is finding out the mysteries behind the strangest kinds of people, so we gon' ride together, okay?πŸ˜‚β™₯️

All I have to say is the Sean's character is very complex, and until the second book, you may not fully understand him (unless you're quick and smart enough to pick up the hints in this book) You're going to love him, hate him, love him more, and hate him more, you'll probably even wish he was dead at a point (believe me), but at the end of the day, you'll feel soooooooooo bad for hating him sha, and you'll love him more than you ever did from the beginning.... Watch me do my magic 😌✨

But before I continue, y'all should understand something I want to make clear; NOTHING, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING justifies a character forΒ  being flawed. Yes, it makes them to be able to sympathize with, but NOTHING should JUSTIFY it.

I'm saying this because of some of the characters in this book. As terrible as they may seem, even JJ, Papa Acha, and even Kaniru, don't hear their stories and say, "They're justified, I can't blame them for being that way.", I won't blame you for feeling bad for them, but do not justify people's evil because of a traumatic past. I mean, no one was born evil, if we're being honest. Something caused something that caused something that caused them to be bad people. Even the rapists, bad people in politics, mysognic men and misandrists, murderers, they didn't wake up and became terrible people, things caused it. So, now, tell me, what is the difference between people who had a bad past and chose to still be good people, and people who chose to be bad? It's all mindset. You can't justify them for choosing the negative, but we're all humans at the end, and sure, you can sympathize with them.

Now, let's go.....

(Warning: Please, don't have an anxiety attack in this chapter, I know what I'm doing, trust me πŸ˜‚β™₯️)


"Do you ever talk to Sean?"

I frowned at the question that seemed quite unusual to me, as I stepped out of the terrace with Kelechi, carefully trying to move with her, at the same soft and dainty pace she was walking as we headed slowly towards the brief downward stairway in sight.

And my God, she walked so slow.

"I talk to Sean everyday, he's my gee." I answered her.

"It is indubitably clear that you know exactly what I am trying to inquire from you, Marcus Acha." Her voice was curt and warm, but firm.

Her eyes were straight ahead, staring into the space in front of us, and her head, slightly high, nose even more slightly shooting upward, as she walked with grace and regality. So much of it that it almost looked too perfect to be true.

The girl looked and sounded like there was absolutely no way she could be wrong.

And she was right.

I did know and understand exactly what she was asking me.

"Look, Kelechi, it's complicated." I told her.

We had stepped into the first step; my foot, landing just a split second before hers' as my impatience began to grow, and even more carefully, I tried to slow down my pace once more, so I could walk with Kelechi's slow, cordial pace.

I was trying my hardest not to be faster than her and she seemed too much in that regal comfort zone of hers.

"It's really complicated," I said, "You have no idea."

"Well, then, I shall wait for you to break it down for me." She easily responded, the tips of her fingers softly grazing the protector of the stairway as she walked even slower.

I couldn't believe this.

She actually slowed down, about two times less her speed. Seeming so unbothered, as she elegantly took one step, two seconds, then another step,Β  down the stairs, walking ever so elegantly like this was some coronation ceremony, and not Gomery's drab looking warehouse stairway.

With all due respect, I was contemplating walking on and leaving this girl here.

She walks too slow.

Too damn slow.

Are we ever going to reach the main Diner and Bowling Alley of Gomery at this rate?

What have I really gotten myself into?

"Do I really have to break it down?" I asked her.

She nodded, slowly. Twice.
"My answer is an unequivocal, emphatic yes."

I nearly stepped ahead of her, accidentally, but forced myself once more to ensure I stayed on her pace.

"Carry on." She urged me on.

"Sean isn't a bad guy, believe me." I started by telling her.

"I know that." She nodded.

She did?

"He just has his many flaws," I told her.

"Sounds a bit cliche to me," I heard her laugh a little. "C'mon, Acha. Humour me a little."

I chuckled, shook my head, and just carefully thought of ways to put this without spilling too much to Kelechi.

"Okay so...." I said. "You know how everyone is just wired differently and..."

Kelechi muttered something I didn't catch, and I stopped talking.

"Did you say something?" I asked her.

"Oh." She sighed. "I was just saying to myself; 'Culture and Background'. That's it."

I frowned. "I don't understand."

"Culture and Background." She repeated like it was going to make more sense if she said it twice.

"Everyone is wired a certain way because of their culture and Background, as well as their life experiences," She went on.

I completely understood what she meant, but I loved how she went on to further elaborate still.

"A person's culture and background goes a long way to mould their mindset, and shape their beliefs, method of thinking, and in your friend's case, speech." She said.

I barely said anything and this girl completely understood everything.

What is she?

"It's like this for example," She continued. "In some really remote places of Nigeria, having someone say to you 'You've added weight' is shockingly a compliment."

Wait.... Really?

"But, of course, outside those places, that's one hell of shade." She said.

"I didn't even know that could be taken as a compliment by anyone." I said.

"For some reason, they think by saying that, they're communicating to you that they think you're healthy and that should mean you or your parents have a lot of money." She told me.


How did she even know all these?

"That aside," She continued. "Your friend may not be in the category o people who fail to be able to differentiate a compliment with an insult, he seems to fall under the category that don't particularly realise the impact of the things they say."

I haven't even said anything, and she was taking all the words right out of my mouth.

"And for someone to be that way, it all still somehow falls down their background, it makes them not understand the gravity of the things they say, or even do," She said. "It's like a kid who grows up in a terrorist camp for example; as early as the age of 5, he's already learned to use a gun. At 7, he can end a whole family with a bullet to the head, without even batting an eyelid. To the child, it's no big deal.Β  He's been killing people before he even learned to spell his own name. Killing a whole family to that kind of kid is like batting a housefly........ But then, to the outside world, it's so cruel and evil, and he should be the spawn of Satan."

There was silence between us for about five seconds.

"Wow." I could only breathe.

"You seem aghast." She noted.

"I mean, a little," I laughed a little, and so did she. "I don't even need to explain more, you get the entire thing."

"You flatter me." She chuckled softly.

"I'm serious," I said. "You said it all, and you're right. It's going to do a lot more than talking to Sean to make him understand. You see, the guy grew up in an environment where a lot of things that shouldn't be okay were the order of the day. So, basically, it's really difficult for him to adjust in the real world where everyone isn't as.... extreme..."

I noticed Kelechi stopped moving.

I had to stop too, took a step back to stand on the stair she was standing on, unmoving.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, but she only stood still, like a ghost, staring into space blankly.

"Kelechi." I waved hand in her face, but she stayed still.

Like a ghost.

I started to get scared.

Was she messing with me on purpose?

"Kelechi." I waved hands in her face again.

She stood still, unmoving. Eyes straight ahead, face impassive.

Jesus Christ.

I hope this girl isn't possessed.

"Kelechi!" I shouted her name, and my voice echoed in the space of the place.

She jumped, gasped, nearly fell off the other side of the protector, startled by my voice, and I had to hold onto her to her to stop her from falling.

"Jesus Christ, are you okay?" I asked her as I held onto her, realising she was back to her self again.

She seemed too startled, and she got my hands off her, and hysterically started to dust something off her body as she looked around her, seemingly embarrassed.

She better be okay.

It was only the both of us here, so she shouldn't be pulling shit like that.

If she hadn't moved the last time I called her, I may have knocked her off the stairs myself. I have never encountered a ghost or a witch before in my life, and she won't be the first.

"I'm sorry." She said. "What you said just reminded me of something."

I didn't ask her what.

I just nodded in understanding, and gave her a little space, as it seemed she was suddenly uncomfortable for some reason.

I stepped back, about two steps behind her, and walked torturously slow as I tried to keep up, behind her.

We didn't speak to each other again as we climbed down the stairs, and with how slow this girl walks in front of me, I had to actually pause for a while, stand on a spot for about five seconds to watch her climb down two steps, before I moved one step.

She was so slow, Jesus Christ.

But mahn, her co-ordination though, was put of this world. She walked so carefully and proper, like it was a taboo to miss a step. And there was just something about the way she carried herself that was pleasing to watch.

It was clear that since we stepped out of the terrace, she wasn't Baby Kels or Mummy Kay Kay anymore. I mean, of course, those parts of her were only activated when she was around Nana and Chido. Right now, she was....

I don't know?


She was just Kelechi.

The one that didn't play as much. Didn't get super clingy. And didn't pull anyone's cheeks. She was all classic and prim, walking with her head held high, spine straight, and face, impassively still. The only sound heard in all the silence was the soft vibration of the protector handle, as the tips of her fingers slightly grazed upon them,Β ever so gently, like she could derive some sort of pleasure or satisfaction from merely feeling them.

I didn't understand why she was doing that.

Kelechi gave off this good girl vibe with a touch of class, and a sprinkle of elegance and confidence. She was the definition of 'poise and grace'.

Her regality and mind blowing organization was one of the reasons our classmates respected her so much. Naturally, she just commanded it.

Even with the Juniors.

As the Disciplinary Prefect that she was, even juniors could attest to the fact that she didn't have to shout or stress to command adherence. She said the word and it was done.

Even the school authorities had noted the girl too.

Back in the days of our junior school, she would model adverts for our school, and her picture, particularly was always put up in flyers, banners, and most of everything that the school wanted to show off in their advertisements. And back in Jss3, her voice hadΒ  gone viral all over the internet as 'the little girl with the big voice' when she and another boy from Kings Academy did the voice overs for a national programme that Nigerian Schools were holding called 'The New Generation'.

I guess the School loved showing her off. I mean, beyond all reasonable doubts, in their words, she was the best dressed female student to them. Kelechi's school uniforms were moderate and decent; her shirts were always bright white, neat, and had a nice fitting on her, and her skirts were of moderate length, and always well ironed. Most times, her hair was in a neat, perfect bun, and she never had on coloured hair. Never broke the uniform code, and that also meant, she always wore white socks.

How she managed to be so keen to rules, be herself,Β  and still get popular in our set was always a mystery to me.

She didn't even have much friends aside Chido and Nana, and since she was in my class (away from theirs'), she always sat alone, in the front row of the class where she could take notes and listen to the teacher. She didn't talk to anyone in class and no one talked to her, just minded her business by her well arranged corner.

Yet, there was still that respect everyone still had for her, and there was this dominant orderliness around her that even promoted the people who sat by her to be forced to be as organized as she was.

And may I say, she was pretty too. In a conventional type of way.

"Can I hold onto you?"

I was shocked at what I heard her say.

She noticed.

"I mean, if that's okay with you." She was quick to add, she was hesitant.

There was something about the way she even talked that would have made it hard to say no.

Her voice was soft, yet firm. Sensual was the word. She talked like her intent was to seduce you, but she didn't want to make it obvious. Her voice sounded like seduction.

"Is it.. okay with you?" She looked at me, asked once more. Sensual.

She was like Aphrodite. A beauty goddess with the sweetest tone of voice from Heaven.

"Sure." I said.

I let her.

I let her hold me.

And I helped her down the last step until we stepped in the Bowling alley of Gomery.

There was always something about stepping into this place. It always hit so different.

The bowling Alley had beautiful lights illuminating the entire room, flashing all shades of pink, blue, and purple all around the place, and having them reflect beautifully on the squeaky clean stoned floors.

It felt like I was in that Ariana Grande 7 rings video, lol. Only instead, Jhene Akko was blasting through the speakers and it wasn't a music video, but a bowling alley in here, filled with people all around entertaining themselves with a friendly bowling competition, a brief row and columns of seats at one end that looked like High School bleachers, and by it, a small counter they sold drinks.

I had let go of Kelechi, absent-mindedly, walking ahead of her, as I stepped into the alley.

And just as I took another step forward, I felt soft hands grip mine so fast that I was shocked.

I turned back quickly to her and turns out she was almost falling, and grabbed onto me for support.

"Hey, be careful!" I caught her immediately.

"Sorry." She laughed embarrassed, dusting off her skirt one more time.

I first noticed the diamond pendant she was wearing.

I hadn't noticed it before, because maybe all the while, I was walking behind her. She was wearing a white turtleneck cotton shirt, with the sleeves long enough to her wrists, a black, plaid skirt that was right on her knee, and high knee boots. Then that diamond pendant glowed in the light.

It was pretty. Seemed quite expensive too.

"Why are you looking there?" She got self conscious, and placed her hands on her chest area.

She thought I was looking at her boobs.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't-" I felt so embarrassed and traced my look up to her face immediately.

And wow.

There was something oddly pretty about the colour of her eyes under the light.

It was like her normal brown eyes combined with the lights created this cool, silver colour that was insanely abnormal. It was like shads of glass were shattered and sprinkled all over, so artistically, that it started to look like there were literal diamonds in her pupils.

I couldn't find the right words to describe it, but I was awed.

Kelechi looked away immediately, took her hands off mine, and looked...


"Can you stop it, Marcus Acha." She deadpanned.

I was so confused.

"Stop what." I asked.

"You know what you're doing, stop. I'm not one of those your girlfriends." She said.

I frowned.

The fuck is she saying.

"Aren't you with Dabeluchi anyways? So, why are you trying to hit on me?" She attacked me still.

"Woah, woah, woah!" I had to stop her there. "I'm not hitting on you, don't get ahead of yourself, b."

She looked visibly offended. "Well, ouch."

It slipped. I didn't mean to be so raw, but with all due respect, even if Kelechi was absolutely gorgeous, she wasn't even close to Dabeluchi.

"Don't just do that again." She rolled her eyes.

"It could help of you tell me what exactly not to do again, though." I said.

"Don't look me directly in the eyes like that again, it makes me feel weird," Her voice was softer, more tender. Almost sad. "Please."

I swallowed. Even if I wasn't sure how I was looking at her... I just said 'okay'.

We walked towards the Bar of the Alley, and for some reason I didn't understand, Kelechi refused to let go off my hand.

"Is that how you look at her, though?" I heard her ask in a little voice, next to me.

"What?" I wasn't sure I heard correctly.

"Dabeluchi." Kelechi said. "You look at her the same way you looked at me?"

I swallowed again... Wished she would leave my hand.

"Umm..." Gulp. "I don't know, I don't know how I look at her. Or you. Or anyone else in the World?"

She laughed softly, and didn't leave my hand still. I was uncomfortable, but the only good thing about her holding my hand was that we were walking at my own pace now.

"Dabeluchi is pretty," She said.

"Like mad." I agreed.

"Effortlessly," She went on. "She doesn't even try too hard and she still is that pretty. It's so surreal and beyond my understanding."


"And if you look at her that way, then she must be head over heels in love with you," Kelechi said.

I thought of the possibilities and couldn't help, but smile.

"It's hard to tell really," I replied.

She laughed softly, a sweet, delightful sound that was like a heavenly vibration to my ears.

"Hearing that from you is rich."

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