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"So this is an exam for the magic knights huh?" Flicking imaginary dust from her sleeve she walked forward weaving through the people elegantly as she found her place in line. Once it was her turn she handed her grimoire over and showed his the blood red book with a pyro symbol in the middle, the confused man looked at her and scanned her head to toe, she had a black fatui mast and cape over her head (like when she attacked Furina :( ) and she only stared blankly back crossing her arms "o-okay your number 166" 

the tall woman took her grimoire back and headed inside the arena 'all I have to do is get information-but honestly why didn't tartaglia get sent on this mission, he'd do better anyway with how energetic he is' sighing she leaned on a podium wall watching the other contestants with a straight face.

Pierro looked at the woman infront of him with her arms folded behind her, he leaned forward on his desk "find a way to kill the king of clover kingdom , soon we will rid of all rulers and be free" she nodded her head "what ever your and the tsaristas orders are I will always go through" nodding she bowed and left before running into Columbina "oh y/n! It's so nice to see you" y/n blushed a little before cleaning her throat "the same goes for you lady Columbina, please do excuse me I must get ready for this mission and visit the children" 

Dark eyes scanned the vicinity top to bottom in search for the king 'what am I doing, that Buffon of a man would never leave his castle' she pushed herself off the pole as she passed a boy with black hair, the two made eye contact (best they could with her mask) sensing the strong and stronger mana coming off one another.

Simply nodding politely in recognition she tugged on her hood down before burrowing in the crowd scaring off the anti-magic birds before the strongest captain appeared. 'Pierro never mentioned what squad to join, the golden dawn would be good, a close connection to the king, but the black bulls leader goes and sees the king more.'  Humming in contemplation she looked up the see a giant tree grown dispersing brooms.

Grabbing the one that went towards her she swiftly sat on it with crossed legs and arm as it floated. 'I need to get the captains attention but I really don't want to show off, it feels embarrassing' on that note she just flew higher than everyone, she briefly looked below her to see a ash blonde boy yelling at his broom 

She smiled slightly at the sight 'he may look stupid but he's full of determination..' the other exams leading up to the fight were simple enough thought with pyro-flame magic is was hard to create life she was better at destroying life. Swiftly she found someone's mana quite strong before declaring they were to battle. 

The person just stuck her nose up  to seem bigger  " you could never beat me!"  Y/n just placed a hand under her chin "in such a situation like this it is the cocky one who must be aware, for have you heard the story of Achilles?" She furrowed her eyebrows at y/ns statement before biting her lip "whats your name?" "Diana.." she turned away to watch the other people battle. Y/b admired her beautiful blonde locks that came into a coil at the end, and blue  does eyes that she found cute and full of determination.

 First she watched the mana less guy beat his opponent easily while the one she made eye contact with defeat his effortlessly. After tornado guy went y/ns opponent pushed her forward-well tried to 'T-this woman is like a stone wall..' ignoring the nervous sweat that ran down her face she tried to urge them forward, y/n found this very cute.

Y/n stood tall and at ease as her opponent opened her grimoire 'lighting magic:shifting arrows!' Lifting her arm up she snapped as the arrows were a mere inch from her face. Seemingly unfazed  she flicked her already hand up and burned the arrows to the ground "you're more capable than that.."  Diana huffed before holding her hand up and her grimoire filling to a different page 

'Lighting  magic: piercing veil'

Coming straight at her seeming a glowing rip-like a portal appeared at shot a giant light laser. The captains (most) leaned forward in their seats. to their surprise there you stood untouched as the scythe in your hand rotated only to disappear in a puff of gold particles. Astonished Diana faltered a bit before trying to conjure up another spell. Yami grinned before leaning back in his seat, huffing his cigarette. 

"Diana, dear if you want to win you mustn't use such plain spells" flicking imaginary dust from her shoulder she resumed her scythe, the crimson colored decorated the handle and tip in a delicate way. 


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