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Chapter 8:
The Other Half of Hunter

Light grey walls and glow-in-the-dark-constellations was the view for the remainder of the week. Since the Cinema date, there has been a burning sensation all around her body. It felt as if her veins were rubbing against each other like sandpaper, her skin was hot to the touch, and her gums ached terribly.

Charlie and Bella constantly stopped by her room, curious and concerned as to why she locked herself away from them. It wasn't easy to lie, especially to Bella, but her strongest excuse was that she was simply struggling with her menstrual cycle.

ย ย  "I have these extreme cramps that keep me in bed all day." She would say with her back pressed against her wall and an unhealthy amount of sweat glistening her body. She could be sick, but then again, she was part vampire. There was no way she could get sick.

Winston checked in regularly, texting to make sure she wasn't going to disappear on him. He wanted to call but she always had an excuse for that too.

Hunter kept her eyes on her ceiling, her back flushed to her bed and her legs leaned up against the wall. All of her fingernails have been bitten off to the stub and her room was cleaned to perfection, things she did to take her mind off of whatever was happening to her. However, none of them worked.

ย ย  "What's happening?" Edward asked. She hasn't found anything online that helped her with her ghost problems, she only found links to ghost hunting scammers.

Getting rid of Edward was something she had to do all on her own. "If I knew I would've fixed it by now." She mumbled with a roll of her eyes. If Edward ever really came back to Forks, she would have to leave. His constant looming figure was driving her insane.

His body stayed shimmering by the door, his eyes worrisome. "Have you fed?" She turned her head over to him in thought. The last time she remembered feeding was when she met Sam.

Her legs slid off the bed and she got up, immediately moving to her closet. "I haven't. In a long, long time." The thought about tasting the tangy blood of a deer made her happy, not because she was hungry, but because maybe that was why her body was reacting like this. The first drop of blood to touch her tounge will solve her problem.

"That's dangerous." Edward warned as she quickly threw on a shirt she didn't like and slipped into her boots. "Yeah, Edward, I know. I could die. But a lot has been occupying my mind."

"What's more important than staying alive?"

"Making sure Bella's safe. But what would you know about that?" She teased, grabbing her leather jacket. A small smile made it's way onto his ghostly face and he watched her open her bedroom window. "You're gonna jump out?"

She nodded sticking her leg out hastily, "Got any better ideas?" She banged her head on the window's lift and yelped, "Damn it." She whispered, continuing to swing her other leg out.

"Maybe you could use the front door?"

"Go away Edward."

Without another hitch, she soared from the window and landed on the ground. Her heavy boots slammed on the ground, but her incredible speed silenced them. Her legs stretched and helped her leap over small cliffs and logs, and her nose led her to the next meal she so desperately needed.

The hooves of another deer from a couple of yards ahead of her, crunched onto dead leaves. She came to a stop and crouched down beside a tree, watching her prey dance delicately around it's meal.

Sometimes Hunter couldn't stand the thought of harming an animal, it didn't feel right to her. But it was a worthy compromise. Humans were off limits despite how irresistible they could be. She didn't even want to think about killing another person.

She slowly stood up and readied herself to pounce but footsteps nearby alerted the deer and it scurried away. Hunter huffed out a breath and looked in the direction of the oncoming human that put a halt to her feeding time.

It was Bella. Grey sweater, blue jeans, and a backpack on her back. She looked determined and excited. Hunter stepped away from the tree and made her way over to her housemate, her gums still aching for blood.

"Bella!" She called out, waving her hand over to the long haired girl. The woods were a place both girls found themselves in often, like it was their second home. Both knew plenty about the woodlands and they could navigate with ease.

Bella slowed down, "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked curiously. Her task at hand was to find the field of flowers her and Edward had spent most of their time in, hoping to somehow see him.

Hunter simply shrugged her shoulders, walking in step with her friend, "I was hungry. What about you?" Bella looked away. She didn't want to say the real reason she was out here out of fear of embarrassment. She didn't want to have to explain how she was lost in her mind again.

"I just wanted to see something." She replied vaguely, leaving Hunter with more stacks of questions that she decided to ignore.

They walked further into the green landscape, haste in Bella's movements. She was desperate. The time she lived between now and the last time she saw Edward has ended, and without Jacob, that itching desire returned. Hunter could sense her urgency but she couldn't quite figure out what was wrong.

There was a small clearing in the trees and Bella mumbled a quiet yes before speeding up her steps. Hunter faulted her steps, a familiar feeling creeped onto her and she shivered.

In the midst of the forest, there was a field surrounded by the greenest trees. The once lively grass below was withered and wilted, the only dull color of brown presenting itself. Even the clearing of trees that gave a view of the sky was displeasing, the grey clouds giving the terrain a more grotesque scene.

The emotion flooded out of both girls, the revelation of the small meadow puncturing them. This was the field from Hunter's nightmares. Where she killed Bella and Charlie, where Winston and her mother tormented her.

She worriedly glanced over at Bella who fell to her knees, her hands gripping at the dead grass beneath her. Memories of a bloodied and very much dead Isabella flashed before her eyes. She stumbled back a bit but it went unnoticed.

The screams of her and the Swan's echoed in her mind and she searched for the sight of the sounds. It was deafening and it made her heart feel like flying out of her chest. Nothing made her feel worse than that nightmare.

A sickening and sinister laugh followed. It was feminine and wicked. Her eyes focused ahead where her mother emerged from the shadows. It was just like her dream, the moonlight was at it's brightest and the metallic sweetness of blood mixed with a soft vanilla scent overwhelmed her nostrils.

Her mother's jet black hair was covered by the hood of a villainous robe and her pale white skin glimmered like jewels.

Hunter felt frozen in her spot. Her hands closed tightly at her sides and her breathing was erratic. Bright red eyes danced in her own and it wasn't until a hand clasped her own and dragged her back to reality, that she relaxed. Though it didn't last long. It was still daytime and she was still in the field with Bella. Except the red eyes she was afraid of were still staring back at her. It was Laurent.

He stood across from them, a leather jacket on his body along with black pants, and an unreadable expression on his pale face. "Bella, Hunter." He spoke.

Hunter quickly changed her demeanor and lightly pulled Bella behind her. The Cullen's weren't here to help them anymore so it was up to Hunter to protect Bella. "Laurent." Bella breathed. It almost sounded as if she was happy to see him.

"You seem pleased to see me." He smirked towards Bella. He noticed Hunter's glare and his smirk only widened, "I don't think I can say the same about your friend."

Bella let go of Hunter and moved to stand by her side, believing that Laurent wouldn't hurt them, "I almost believed that none of it happened." Hunter couldn't believe how open Bella was being. Laurent was capable of harming them but, for some reason, the thought didn't seem to cross her mind.

Laurent chuckled, "What an odd thing to say." Hunter took one step forward and he zoomed closer to them, this sparked her fire. "I didn't expect to find you here."

The girls share a look, both of them knowing that he wasn't here to be friendly. "What do you want?" Hunter deadpanned, her tone threateningly low.

"I went to visit the Cullen's, but the house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you two a sort of. . . pet of theirs?" He started, beginning to circle them.

"Yeah. You could say that." Bella replied, nodding her head. She could feel how hot Hunter's body was from where she was standing, she couldn't tell if it was because of how angry she must be, or if something else was wrong. "Do the Cullen's visit often?" Laurent questioned, just feet away from the girls.

"Lie." Edward's voice spoke, his ghost appearing between them and Laurent. Bella gasped and Hunter sighed. He was revealing himself to them both now. She knew he would still linger around her.

Hunter spoke up, "Yeah absolutely all the time."

"Lie better."

Bella joined, "I'll tell them that you stopped by. But I probably shouldn't tell Edward. Cause he's pretty protective."

Laurent smirked and continued to circle them, scanning them both slowly as if they were his next meal. "He might misinterpret this little get-together." Hunter added, watching his every move.

"He'd be right, if he were here." Laurent replied, "But he's far away, isn't he?"

Hunter scoffed, "Why are you here?"

His red eyes attached to her brown ones and his white teeth revealed themselves, "I came as a favor to Victoria." The name slid out of his mouth and easily shot into Hunter.

The mention of the red headed vampire that ruined her life made her blood boil and there was no doubt she sent Laurent to try and kill Bella since Edward killed James.

"Victoria?" Bella questioned with her heart beating loudly.

"She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullen's." He responded, his expression somewhat somber. "Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. An eye for an eye."

"Threaten him." Edward egged.

Hunter clicked her tounge and snickered, "The Cullen's may not be here now but Bella isn't unprotected. So I guess Victoria will only be seeing your head instead of her's."

His smirk returned, "Victoria told me to leave you alive, she wants the satisfaction of killing you herself. Such a shame, I was starting to like you."

"Edward would know who it was and he'd come after you." Bella exclaimed, moving closer to her housemate's side. Laurent shook his head, "I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected."

He looked down in thought with a sigh, "Victoria won't be happy about me killing you, but I can't help myself. You're so mouth-watering."

Hunter's knuckles grew white from clenching her fist too hard. Her teeth gritted, an effort to remain silent and her hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent.

"Please don't." Bella cried, ignoring the burning heat of Hunter's skin and gripping her hand, "I mean, you helped us."

Before she could blink, he appeared before them and pushed Hunter across the field with his strength. She let out a yelp and fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Her reflexes kicked in and she ricocheted off the ground and back onto her feet in one swift motion.

Laurent held his hands up, shushing Bella, "Don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness." His hands caressed her cheeks, "Victoria plans to kill you slowly, painfully, whereas I'll make it quick. I promise. You will feel nothing."

He backed away from her and Bella shut her eyes, as if she was awaiting her death. Hunter rolled her eyes and ran, arriving between the vampire and human in less than a second. "You might feel something though." She smiled, lifting up her hand and using her gift to toss him across the meadow.

Bella's eyes fly open and she gasped at the sight. Laurent smacked against a tree but he quickly recovered, running back over. "Victoria said to leave you alive but that doesn't mean I can't do a little damage."

Her face was red with suppressed rage and the minute she was about to attack, a twig snapped. Everyone's eyes flew over to the sound. "I don't believe it." Laurent mumbled.

The low growls of an animal rumbled the ground along with it's heavy steps. A black wolf emerged and stopped in front of the three. More snarls joined and four other very large wolves entered the field.

Hunter's arm shot up with pain and she winced but held her ground. She eyed the red eyed vampire before sharing a look with the black wolf she's come to know as Sam. "This is it." She thought, happy to see him after all this time.

"Bella, go home. Run and don't look back." Hunter told her, getting ready to attack Laurent. Bella didn't argue, she didn't say a word. She only stared at the wolves like they were monsters.

Sam growled and Laurent flinched, turning around to run. Hunter spared one last look at Bella before chasing after him. His speed was incredible but she was just as fast.

He came to a stop and as soon as she came close enough, he turned to swing at her. Hunter sensed this and jumped back, her body flipping backwards over Sam Uley.

She landed on her feet and watched Sam fly backwards from Laurent's hit before continuing to chase after the dark skinned vampire. They race through the thick forest, dodging tree branches and rocks. The werewolves were just behind them, catching up just enough.

Hunter could feel everything around her slow down, it was like she had all the time in the world to catch up to Laurent. A throbbing sensation broke out in the tips of her fingers and she glanced down, watching what appeared to be animal-like claws protrude from her skin.

She smiled, feeling every bone and muscle in her body grow stronger. Her feet padded against the soft earth and her hands reached out for him. The chase didn't go on for long before Hunter leaped forward and crashed into Laurent, the both of them tumbling to the ground.

Before he could blink she was on her feet and she swung her hand down at him, slashing his chest with her newfound claws. His eyes widen and he fell back onto his side.

"Impossible." He muttered, no blood leaving his wound. Full fledged vampires don't bleed but he was in excruciating pain.

The werewolves slowly approached, standing threateningly behind her. Hunter pursed her lips, "I'm here aren't I?" She bent down so she was beside him, a teasing smirk trying to break onto her face, "Make sure you tell Victoria that Bella's never unprotected, tell her that I'm still around, and if she wants to kill me, she knows where to find me."

Before he could say anything else, one of the werewolves pranced onto him and began to tear him to shreds, his screams bouncing around the thick forest.

Hunter sighed, "Or not." She looked at her claws and watched them slip back into her skin, as if they never came out at all. When it happened, she didn't have time to question it. It was just a wave of power flooding over her and she liked it.

This must be her Quileute trait, the curse, her werewolf-ism. It's starting.

Once Laurent's body was torn to nothingness, the wolves shared a look with their alpha before they all fled back into the trees.ย  "Wait- Sam!" She called out, trudging after the black wolf.

He didn't stop, none of them did. "Hey! You're just gonna leave me hanging? You said you'd help me."

ย ย  "Not today." His voice spoke in her mind. He was stern and straight forward, it made her stop in her steps. "Go home."

Her frustration grew but without another word, she listened to him and made her way back home.
She was no longer just a vampire but a werewolf as well. She was both somehow. It didn't make her feel better to know that she was still halfway alive, it only made her believe what Winston told her in her nightmares.

She was a monster.

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