xiv. the new enemy

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chapter 14 - the new enemy

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"It's over." Pike declared, feeling like he already won. "Put down your weapons."

"Shoot him." Kota nearly growled, her patience running thin. It was very easy for Pike to get under her skin and he clearly had her right where he wanted her.

"I can't." Kane sighed, lowering his gun a few inches. "Monty's in the shot."

"Damnit." She hissed in reply, before subconsciously tightening her grip on Bellamy's collar and drawing her sword closer to his neck.

"Come on, Marcus." Pike taunted, still aiming his own gun at the helpless boy in front of him. Another gunshot pierced the air, making the group flinch. "I promised Monty's mother that I'd bring him home alive. Don't make me a liar."

"Yeah?" Kota scoffed. "You also promised that no harm would come to my people but look where my brother ended up! Look where the rest of the Grounders ended up! You're the epitome of a what a liar looks like, Pike!"

Dakota kept on shouting random insults at Pike and the other three knew exactly why she was doing it. Kota was smart enough to never waste her breath on a man so narrow-minded as Pike. However, they were in a difficult predicament, and so she was doing everything in her power to stall and think of a plan. But her attempts failed when the chancellor disregarded her voice completely, and only focused his attention on Kane, because he was the one with the gun.

The older man knew what he had to do, because it was the only way out of this and they knew it. Finally, he lowered his gun, which instantly made Octavia look back at him.

"Kane, no." She whispered, but he just ignored her and placed his weapon on the ground, before raising his hands in the air in surrender.

"Now you." Pike called out to the girls.

Octavia looked over at Kota in question, wondering what she wanted her to do, but it seemed like there was only one available option. So, she sighed and threw her weapon to the ground as well. Dakota, on the otherhand, was battling within herself. She knew that she had to surrender, but she didn't want to. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that he won. With a frown, she drew her eyes away from the chancellor and set them on Bellamy instead. Suddenly, an idea formed and she quickly put him in a slight headlock as she placed her sword against his neck.

Very subtly, she whispered something into his ear for only him to hear. "If you really want to prove which side you're on, listen closely." As she quickly informed him of the plan, Pike observed her from afar, wondering if she was really going to use the sword on Bellamy. He didn't want to underestimate her, like he had to all of the Grounders in the past, so he raised his walkie.

"One in the girl's leg." He ordered the shooter on the other end of the radio. However, before the bullet was released, Bellamy surprised them all when he maneuvered himself out of Dakota's grip and forced her to knees, making her fall to the dirt with a grunt.

She quickly went to grab her sword that fell, but he kicked it away from her and she glared at him in both anger and disappointment. At that, she was pulled to her feet by one of Pike's men, as they all came out of their hiding spots now that they had gained control over the situation.

Pike finally let Monty go, and they quickly tied him up with the others, while the chancellor himself walked over to Bellamy and picked up Kota's sword from the mud, before placing it in his belt.

"You don't look so good." Pike noted, upon closely seeing all of the blood and bruises on his face from where Kota had beat him only a few hours prior.

"I'm fine." Bellamy dismissed him, glancing over at Kota and remembering the look on her face as she delivered endless punches to his face.

"You got about five seconds to make me believe you're still with me."

Dakota and the others looked over to Bellamy, unsure of what his answer would be, but he didn't look at them again.

"All of the others are in a cave not far from here." He began, and that piece of information immediately made Kota yell out in protest.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She shouted, trying to free herself from the restraints, but the guards held her firmly and pushed a shock baton to her abdomen, affectively causing sharp electricity to shoot throughout her body. She grunted and convulsed a few times before she eventually lost consciousness, leaving Kane and Octavia both glaring at Bellamy, who kept his eyes on the man in front of him.

"I don't have the coordinates." He claimed, "But I can take you there."

Pike hesitantly gave him a nod of approval, and with that, Bellamy began to lead the group over to the cave, as the guards dragged Kane, Monty, Octavia, and Dakota along with them.


Not long after, the group found themselves wondering through the depths of the forest with Bellamy leading them. They had been walking for quite some time, having already passed the direction to their cave, so Kota and the others knew that something was up. Where was Bell leading them to?

"Are you sure about the route?" Pike was the one to question him. "We're getting close to the blockade line."

"That's why Kane set up out here. He didn't think we'd risk it." He replied, causing the man to let out a small huff in amusement.

"Well he was wrong."

As they continued on their path, Bellamy decided to change the subject. "So, uh, what's gonna happen to my sister? I know she has to answer to her crimes butβ€”"

"I'll tell you what." Pike cut him off. "I'll make you the same promise I made to Monty's mother. Immunity from all past actions, but if she screws up againβ€”"

"Oh, she won't. I'll make sure of it. My sister, my responsibility." He mumbled the last part.

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same for her little Grounder friend though." Pike added, not really seeming the least bit sympathetic. His words did catch the attention of Kota however, and she instantly rolled her eyes while his back was turned.

Soon enough, the quiet and serene forest suddenly made the group go on high alert as they heard an eerie sound in the distance. Pike and his men looked around the area in concern, before Bellamy caught their attention once more.

"The cave's just on the other side." He pointed towards an upcoming dirt mound, causing Kane and Octavia to look at each other in question. They knew their cave wasn't located there, and in fact, they had already passed it a while ago. Still they had no other choice but to oblige and follow wherever the group led them.

However, they had only walked a few more yards when all of a sudden the sound of a war horn blared throughout the perimeter.

"The blockade!" Pike shouted in realization, and instantly cocked his gun. "Anybody got eyes?" He questioned, as his men aimed their guns around left and right attempting to scan the trees for any sign of Grounders.

Meanwhile, Kota was smirking behind the gag in her mouth, and she quickly slid a small dagger out from the inside of her sleeve. Within a second, she severed the rope that was binding her wrists, before she immediately turned to Octavia to do the same. After both her and Kane were free, Dakota then grabbed Gillmer, the closest guard, and placed her blade against his throat while Bellamy suddenly pulled the handgun from his belt and aimed it at Pike.

"Drop your weapon." He demanded, and Pike's eyes instantly flashed from confusion to a look of betrayal.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Drop your weapon!"

Octaviaβ€”finally realizing what was happeningβ€”quickly began disarming the other guards near her, while Kota started yelling towards the trees.


Pike's eye grew wide at her words, not understanding the language itself, but still knowing exactly what she said. They had led him into a trap of his own and were turning him over to the Grounders. Quickly, he whipped his head around to stare at Bellamy with utter anger and, dare I say...fear?

"You've killed us all!" He growled, but Bellamy ignored his words and kept his gun aimed on the man, as he directed his next words to the Grounders that were still hidden in the trees.

"Take him. Lift this blockade!"

"Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!" Kota translated, and as soon as those words left her lips, arrows instantly striked every last one of Pike's men.

All at once, several Grounders leaped down from the trees left and right, and a large group gathered at the bottom of the hill as they all aimed their bows and weapons at them from below. All the while, Kota's face was as stoic as ever as she slowly approached Pike's anxious figure.

"Don't worry, we'll meet again." She assured him, while feigning sympathy. "You and I still have unfinished businessβ€”"

Pike was already charging at her in anger before she could even finish her sentence. His eyes were filled with nothing but rage and hatred as he approached her swiftly. However, Dakota remained still without flinching, as an arrow quickly shot through the air and pierced him right in his left shoulder, sending him backwards. At that, a brawny male Grounder jumped down from the nearest tree and delivered a harsh punch to Pike's jaw, before kicking him to the ground. Kota then walked up to the Chancellor's limp body and bent down to retrieve her sword that he had confiscated from her.

"If there's one thing you should know about me," She whispered close to his ear, in a threatening matter. "It's that I don't give up without a fight, and one way or another, I will always take back what's mine."

Her words were not to be taken lightly, and Pike himself knew that she wasn't just talking about her sword. Kota was letting him know that she willing to rage war in order to get her people back. Starting with the ones he still had locked up back at Arkadia. She then stood back up and watched as the Grounders dragged him away.

"Where are they taking him?" Kane asked her, and she turned to him with a distant frown.

"To Polis. By now Ontari has probably claimed the throne though she does not carry the flame. Still, they don't know that, and as far as they know, she's their new Commander."

It was no surprise to Kota when Kane had ultimately asked to join the Grounders on their travels to Polis. He wanted to know more about Ontari and also keep an eye out for Clarke, so she didn't mind as long as he didn't mention anything to Ontari about her whereabouts. Her duty to protect the flame still stood strong until she was able to deliver it to Luna safely.

Octavia approached her with concern after the group of Grounders, plus Kane, left with Pike. "Why did you allow them to take him? Don't you want justice for Lincoln?"

"Of course I do." Kota was quick to respond. "But my main priority is to protect the flame. Now that Ontari will be distracted with what to do with Pike, her focus won't be on finding me. That gives me some time to get the flame to Luna before its too late. Don't worry, my time to get justice for my brother will come." She assured the brunette. "I just have to be patient and wait for the right moment to strike." Kota squeezed her hand with a small smirk but at that exact moment, Bellamy walked up to them, causing the calm and loving exterior Octavia brought out in her to instantly vanish.

"I followed the plan. Just like you said." He stated, and Kota knew exactly what he was referring to.

You see, when she had whispered something in his ear back at the dropship, she was actually relaying the plan to lead Pike to the wrong cave and instead hand him over to the Grounders. At the time, she wasn't sure if Bellamy would actually go through it, but apparently he did, because everything went according to plan.

"I appreciate you doing that, but don't think for a second that makes everything okay between us." She replied, before walking away and bumping his shoulder in the process.

➳ ➳ ➳

By nightfall, they were back at the cave surrounding a campfire as they waited for Jasper and Clarke to meet them with the rover. Apparently, Arkadia had fallen at the hands of Jaha and all those who swallowed the chips he was giving out. Jasper had managed to escape with Raven and they ran into Clarke on the way, so they would arrive any minute.

However, Dakota felt as if that problem wasn't hers to solve. She had no reason to be with the group and in Bellamy's presence any longer. Instead, she knew that she still had responsibilities to take care of, including her quest to look for Luna. So, without further adieu, she stood up and began packing her things, making sure that the necklace containing the flame was tucked safely under her shirt.

"Kota?" Octavia was the first one to question her. "What are you doing?"

"I need to look for Luna, but before I do, I need to return to Arkadia. I have to free the others and retrieve Lincoln's body." She replied shortly. "Grounder's burn their dead."

"You can't just leave." Bellamy cut in, but she just scoffed and continued gathering her belongings.

"Watch me."

"You heard what Jasper said on the radio." He began. "Arkadia is not safe."

At his words, Kota immediately dropped her things and faced him with a scowl. "Oh and now all of a sudden you care about my safety? Because the last time I checked, I'm still a Grounder, and you're still the asshole who murdered hundreds of my people."

She could tell that hit a nerve in him because he stood silent in both guilt and frustration as he looked at her, before he finally let out a sigh.

"What do I have to do to prove I'm on your side?"

"Bring my brother back." She spat, sending him one last glare before grabbing her things and walking out of the cave to wait for the brunette who she knew would follow.

"She's right, Bell." Octavia spoke up, as she gathered her stuff too, just like Kota assumed. "We all know you still feel the same about Grounders as you did before. Nothing's changed. Turning Pike in does not automatically make you one of the good guys. You only did that to save me. Not because what you thought what Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong."

"The Grounders were starving us out." He argued.

"Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us."

"That army could have attacked us at any time and you know it."

"But they didn't attack. You did that." She reminded him. "You were hurting and you lashed out, because that's what you do. There are consequences, Bell. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe's dead. Lincoln is dead." She stated, truthfully.

The whole cave was silent after that, and so Octavia finally took that as her leave. She sheathed her sword and exited the cave, to find Dakota waiting there for her. The Grounder girl sent her a small smile as she wrapped her arm around her, and together they started walking passed Harper and Bryan, who were keeping watch. Bellamy followed them out wanting to say more, however, his attempts were delayed by Miller announcing that the rover had arrived.

They all stopped in their tracks to see Clarke exit the vehicle, with Jasper rushing out on the other side and over to the back end.

"Need your help!" He shouted, as he carried an unconscious Raven towards them. "We have to get her inside before she wakes up."

They all rushed to get her inside the cave, as questions and orders were thrown about all at once.

"Kota, Octavia, come on." Clarke pleaded. "We need your help."

Both brunettes looked at each other in unison, before sighing in resignation. They knew they had no other choice but to oblige because they could tell the situation was more serious than they originally thought. Besides, Kota also realized that Clark would want to join her on her voyage to find Luna, and that the blonde most likely also had more information on what was happening back at Polis. So, both girls ultimately decided to walk back into the very same cave that they had just left, choosing to put their current plans on hold for the time being.


"Clear some space." Clarke ordered, as they all rushed into the cave.

Sinclair stood up in alarm upon seeing Raven in Jasper's arms. "What the hell happened to her?"

"I told you on the radio. Raven is not Raven anymore." Jasper explained in frustration. "None of them are. Jaha's been chipping everyone."

"He's right." Clarke said. "I've seen it with my own eyes."

"I don't need your help, alright!" He pointed at her, clearly still harboring negative feelings ever since the Mount Weather incident and the death of Maya.

Bellamy stepped in and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Just take it easy and explain."

With a deep breath, Jasper calmed himself and did just that. He explained to them how Jaha had been using the chips to control everyone. "You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, ALIE. Only she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists." That piece of information immediately made Sinclair look over at him in shock, wondering why she would do something like that, and Jasper was quick to explain that it was because Raven was trying to get ALIE out of her head.

"Okay so let's help her now. Did she say how?" Sinclair asked, but Jasper shook his head.

"She was working on building something though. She needed one of our old wristbands but Jaha destroyed all of them."

"Wait a second." Clarke spoke up, as she turned towards Dakota. "Kota, you still have the flame, right?"

The Grounder girl nodded, yet she frowned in confusion wondering why the blonde was asking for it. Still, she carefully pulled out her locket and opened it up, before gently lifting the flame out for her to see.

And at that same moment, no one noticed when the once unconscious girl' eyes shot open and eyes the flame.

"Jasper, did the chip look like that?" Clarke pointed to the flame in Kota's hand.

"Not exactly."

Just as Kota began placing it safely back into the locket, Raven suddenly bolted up from the ground and ran out of the cave, causing all of the others to rush out to stop her.

"Don't let her get away!" Clarke exclaimed, and Kota made sure the necklace was tucked back in her shirt before following them out.

When she caught up with them on the outside, her eyes immediately landed on Jasper and Bellamy attempting to restrain Raven as she fought against them. Clearly, she was trying to give ALIE her location but unfortunately for her, all Raven had to go by was trees and more trees. Nothing specific stood out and there was no visible landmarks nearby which prevented her from giving a valid location. Still, Jasper didn't want to take any chances.

"If Raven finds out where we are, so will ALIE. She'll come for her." He

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