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I walked down the hallway, inhaling my cigarette, not caring about the damage I was doing to my body. I could already hear Christian's footsteps walking down the stairs, making me roll my eyes.ย 

I turned around and stood waiting for him. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs he smiled at me, "Aw, you waiting for me princess?"

"You have 5 seconds to stop being annoying," I told him.ย 

He put his hands up, "Nicholas wants to have dinner with us and his men tonight."


"Not sure, something about one of his casinos. Should I call and have the chefs come tonight?"

People being at my house was always an annoyance to me. And that includes Alissa. But, I have to make sure she doesn't die until her father is done paying off his debt. Then I'll never owe him anything ever again. I am a bad man, a killer, perhaps maybe not even human since I lack emotion and aspirations. But one thing that I am, is honest. If I say I will owe you a favor, then I will, even if I don't want to do it.ย 

"Fine. What has Alissa been doing this morning?" I asked him. I spent the entire morning out doing a hit that was a little far out, so I missed telling her I got her stupid fucking cereal.

I thought having it here would make her talk to me less, since she would have nothing to request. Fuck, it's like she's a goddamn princess here, with everything she wants at the tip of her fingers. Although, I'm sure that's how her life has always been with her father.ย 

Christian started to whisper, "She came to my room demanding answers this morning, but I had to make a few calls. Told her I'd show her around the backyard later and explain what's going on to her."

"Yea, she saw me covered in blood last night. I told her I'm an assassin, but I don't think she fully took it in at first," I respond, but pause to exhale the smoke. "Her father must've sheltered her from this life."

He nodded. He asks, "Any idea how long until her dad comes back from Portugal?"

"Should be 3 or 4 weeks. Hopefully, she stays out of our way until then," I replied, turning and continuing to walk to my office.

Alissa Gomez is temporary. And soon, just like the smoke that gets blown from my mouth and evaporates into the air, she will be gone.



After putting on one of the dresses that Christian kindly got from my house yesterday, I was ready to get answers.ย 

The picture of Miles covered in blood still remained in my mind. He looked so unfazed like this was normal. He didn't show an ounce of emotion and spoke about being an assassin like it was a normal job. Just from looking at him, it shouldn't have surprised me. His dark brown eyes that appear black look at everything blankly even when covered in blood. It was stuck in his black hair, the pattern matching the freckles on his face, and he wore it as if it were a designer suit. I felt cold around him, he was dark, his energy was enough to put me on edge.ย 

I could tell he had never been challenged before.ย 

When I walked down the stairs, Christian could be seen in the kitchen. I entered and he smiled at me, "Ready?"

I nodded and followed him outside into the warm air. The backyard was definitely my favorite part of this house. As we walked down the stone pathway, he started to explain, "The don runs New York. He's ruthless and merciless. Your father was in debt to him and had been for a while. So, the don sent people to go and kill him. He dropped you off here, handed himself over to the don, and is in Portugal working off his debts to him. Think of it as your father is now a slave to the Don, and will be released once he has worked back the money."

"Why's my dad in debt to a criminal?" I asked. I didn't think too highly of my dad, but this still surprised me. It made me question everything, if he had killed people, if he had ever planned on killing me.ย 

Christian shrugged, "That I don't know. But the don is a terrible man, not somebody you want to owe."

He spoke in a teasing tone, "Why? You miss him?"

I let out a laugh, "Definitely not."

I was not free here, however, I was at the same time. I didn't have the freedom to go out and do whatever I wanted, but I had the freedom to leave my room without fear. I was able to shower after the sun went down, something I wasn't allowed to do at home. I could stay up late, I could watch TV, and although it wasn't complete freedom, it was a taste of it.ย 

"No? How come?" he asks.ย 

I tensed at his questions. I don't want to make him uncomfortable with a story that he probably wouldn't care about. I bit the inside of my mouth before trying to change the subject, "Is that a basketball court?"

His face lit up at this, "Hell yea. You've gotta play with me tomorrow."

"Why not today?" I asked, wanting to do something to pass the time anyway.ย 

"I got some shit to set up today," he answered.

I nodded, continuing to walk with him. He showed me the basketball court, the pool, and a beautiful statue at the back. When we walked back inside he told me, "We're having people over for dinner tonight at 6."

I wanted to ask if I could invite Sera, but he got a phone call and left before I had the chance. A huge smile formed on my face seeing a box of Lucky Charms on the counter.

I walked down the hallway, wanting to explore more of the house. I stopped in the doorway of a gym room, seeing Miles sitting on a bench curling weights. He moved the weights with all his focus, his eyes never moved. His black curls were pushed back and the chain around his neck moved.ย 

I slowly walked into the gym, and he dropped the weights down. He didn't have a shirt on, revealing his back muscles at first. They were large, he has been doing this for years. But as I walked further in, I could see just how strong his arms were, the veins in his arms prominent. When he noticed me his dark eyes turned to meet mine, "Need something?"

His voice, just like always, was dark. I could tell he didn't want me here, his words were annoyed, not genuinely asking.ย 

"You have a lot of tattoos," I observed.

He nodded before standing up off of the bench. He said nothing in response so I spoke again, "Your friends are coming over for dinner tonight?"

He nearly laughed, but of course, he wasn't capable of a real one. He shook his head, "They aren't my friends. They're people I do business with."

"How fun. Will I get the privilege of sitting next to you at the table?" I asked sarcastically. I've always tried to be nice to people, treat people with kindness. But Miles was different. Everything he said to me was rude, and I could tell kindness was not something he welcomed.

He looked over his large shoulder and stated, "You're not invited."

My eyebrows lowered. I crossed my arms and asked, "But I'm living here?"

"Mhm. I'll have Christian bring you up a plate," he speaks dismissively while turning around.ย 

I gave him an 'are you serious?' look, but his emotionless expression told me he wasn't joking.

I spoke sweetly, "If we're going to be living together for the next few weeks, don't you think we should get to know each other?"

"No," he responds instantly while starting to walk to the exit. "I don't want to know you, and you sure as hell don't want to know me."

He speaks his words, leaning down and saying them in my ear while exiting. I suck in a breath as his lips almost hit my ears. I stand alone in the gym, still being able to smell his cologne, and wondering why the rudest man I had ever met had the best smell.ย 


It's 6 pm and I'm ready for dinner. I'm changed, ready, wanting to piss off the man that thinks he can be rude to me. I haven't met many people, however, Miles is by far the rudest. Anything he wants me to do, I'll gladly to the opposite, and find out if his ice-cold stare could freeze me to death.

It was strange. He pissed me off in a way nobody else ever has, he pushed my buttons, he got reactions out of me. But now, it was my turn to get one from him.ย 

I pulled out my phone, trying to call my dad a few times. I felt frustrated that I was stuck here because of him. But was I really stuck?

Could I leave if I really wanted to? Would Miles even really try and stop me? He seems to want me gone more than anything else.ย 

When my door swung open, I could hear men's voices and laughter coming from downstairs. But I knew none of the laughter came from Miles. Christian held a plate of food in his hands for me, making me let out a sigh. I took the plate from him and asked, "Can I ask you something hypothetical?"

"Shit, I'm not good with math but sure."

"Let's say I wanted to leave here and go stay with my friend. Could I do that?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No. Your father gave strict orders that you are to stay here, although I don't know why."

Probably so he doesn't lose his only source to let out his anger.ย 

"Right. But hypothetically, let's say at night I tried to sneak out and leave. What would happen?"

He stroked his chin, "This is just hypothetical, right?"

I nodded, "Of course."

"Well, hypothetically, I'd say it would be hard. The guards outside know you aren't supposed to leave," he says. "And no order from Miles goes ignored."

What reason could my dad have for wanting me to stay here so badly? There's no way it's just to continue to lash out at me - there has to be something bigger.

I took a deep breath and asked, "But what if I got past them?"ย 

"Miles wouldn't be holding up his favor, so he'd go and get your ass back," he responds before taking a pause. "No matter where you were."

I rolled my eyes. But Christian continued, "But if you wanted to leave the house sometime, you can with Miles or I. That's the only way."

My birthday was coming up, and I wanted to do something with Sera. Without anybody else, not Christian, and sure as hell not Miles.

I nodded, "Thank you for the help. Now, let's go downstairs and have dinner."

"But Miles-"

I looked at him over my shoulder and told him, "Miles can get over it. He has been rude to me one too many times today."

My bright and kind personality, which matched sunshine, was different with Miles.ย 

A slow smile formed on his face before he walked downstairs with me, the sound of talking getting louder and louder. A seat was empty beside Miles so I walked over, setting my plate down and taking a seat without him even realizing I was entering.ย 

Miles tensed, and I gave him a sweet smile. Overly sweet.ย 

"What the hell are you doing down here?" he leaned over and whispered harshly.

I said in a 'duh' tone, "Eating. Gosh, this stuff looks so good. What a shame it is you wanted me to dine alone."

One of the men sitting across from me gave me a smile while asking, "Who might you be?"

"Alissa," I introduced.ย 

"Nice to meet you, Alissa. I'm Silas," he held his hand out for me to shake. It was covered in tattoos.

I reached across the table and shook his hand, smiling as I did so. I looked at Miles out of the corner of my eye and saw his jaw clenching. Miles spoke to Silas, "Ignore her."

"Hard to ignore such a beauty," he flirted while pulling his hand back.ย 

Miles rubbed his jawline frustratedly and I replied, "Thank you. I'm Miles' best friend."

Silas' brown eyes widened like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked between us and said out loud, "Wow, never thought the Devil himself would have a friend."

My eyebrows lowered. That was a little mean of him. Sure, I'm not his biggest fan, but I'm not gonna call him the Devil.ย 

"Ignore her," Miles repeated, this time his tone darker. Silas seemed to respond to this, removing his eyes from me and not saying another word. It was as if he was afraid of him.

Miles, Christian, and the people they invited over for dinner all continued to talk, but I just sat there. The food was amazing and I made a mental note to go and thank the chefs, but I started to wish I was eating with Sera. Spending this time of freedom with her would be the best way to.ย 

Silas got a call and had to leave abruptly. I felt a little surprised seeing Marco replace where Silas was sitting, a wide smile on his face. He spoke to me, "It's great to see you again."

I gave him a small smile, "You too, Marco."

A man came around the table and whispered something in Miles' ear, heading towards a different room. Miles gave Marco a look and said, "I'll be right back."

But before leaving he whispered to me, "Don't do anything stupid and try to keep your head low."

"Or what? Will I be put in a time-out?" I joked, but he rolled his eyes and gave me a serious look, telling me that he didn't appreciate it.

He pushed himself up and left the table, going towards the other man.

"So, could we consider this a first date?" Marco joked, making me laugh slightly.

I nodded, "Sure. But usually, dates involve talking and spending time with each other."

"You're right. How about tomorrow?" he asked me, making me turn my head around to make sure Miles wasn't listening.

I whispered to Marco, "Okay. But it has to be a secret."

I wasn't exactly swooning over Marco, but I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to try and leave here. Christian seems nice - well, I don't know about nice, but he isn't a terrible person to be around. I just don't want to be trapped here.

"Sounds like a plan," Marco smirked, holding his hand out for me to shake on it.

I went to shake it when a body behind me slammed a knife down into Marco's hand, making him scream in pain as his hand was stuck to the table. My eyes widened and I shot up out of my seat, only able to take a few steps backward before my back ran into somebody that didn't move an inch.

Marco used his other hand to pull the knife out to free his hand, as the other men looked afraid. Miles spat from behind me, "Dinners over. Everybody leave."

The men didn't even question him. They did as he said, even Marco, who used his other hand to try and stop the bleeding. It was as if Miles scared all of them.

I turned around and asked, "What did you do that for?!"

He suddenly got very close to me, towering over me. He looked down through his dark eyes and some of his soft black hair hit my forehead. He spoke with no emotion, "You can try and leave Alissa, but I will be able to find you."

"Why do you want me to be a prisoner here?" I nearly yelled.

He replied, "I need to complete this favor. If you die under my watch, I'll be in shit. So you need to stay here, where I know you'll be protected."

"Fuck your favor, I don't care about it!" I told him, my voice stronger this time. But his facial expression never changed.

He spoke coldly, "You should be scared of me, Alissa. I'm used to people listening to me, and when they don't, bad things happen to the people they care about."

"I'm not scared of you, so your threats mean nothing to me," I stood my ground. People clearly don't do that with him, so I'm going to.ย 

He leaned in closer to me, the scent of his cologne filling my senses. His eyes darted around my face as I stood waiting for his response.ย 

He whispered, "Then I'll make you scared of me."

Word Count: 2809

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