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"How's my favorite little Uchiha?!" Kushina squished the little girls cheeks with a bright grin as Obito pouted.

"What happened to me?"

"You were never my favorite."

"Hey!" Nakano smugly glanced at the boy while the Uzumaki fawned over her. Obito caught her eye and his immediately started twitching.

Once Kushina turned around to speak Nakano faced her cousin and pulled her eyelid while sticking out her tongue. Obito bared his teeth as an irk mark appeared on his head. He tackled her and the two immediately began to wrestle.


"I'm stupid? I graduated before you even knew how to shit properly!"


Kakashi sweatdropped in annoyance and picked Nakano up by the back of her collar, which was hard since she was taller than him.



"Sorry." They both said to their friends while glaring at each other.

"Oh~" Shivers ran down their spines. "I do hope you two are getting along~?"

"Y-Yes, Ma'am/ Nee-Chan."

"Good! Because I want to treat you all to some ramen!"

"Yes-!" Nakano was about to celebrate when a stern hand hit her head.

"Kano-Chan can't eat ramen."

"HEH!?" Absolutely horrified with his words, Nakano looked at him with wide eyes while he practically glared at her.

"It's basically all you've been eating on solo mission and when you aren't home. It's clearly unhealthy for you."

"B-But, Kakashi-Chan!"

"Shut up."

Minato sweatdropps and turns his head away, avoiding the fierce glare of warning Kakashi gave him and the pleading look Nakano sent.

"Eh? But ramen is healthy."

"No it isn't." Kushina narrowed her eyes and leaned closer, glaring at Kakashi as he glared back. Nakano was surprised by his lack of fear, as if a new side unlocked in him.

"Bakashi's acting like a mom."

"I'm sure he's just caring..." Rin muttered with a small hint of jealousy. Sure, she cared about Nakano-Chan too, but Kakashi just seemed a little close to her, and it made Rin feel bitter.

"Please Kakashi-Chan!"






"Dammit!" Kakashi slowly dragged her away as she sadly waved at her new team.

"Goodbye! Let me drown in my sadness now and dream about ramen~"

They all sweatdropped except Kushina who understood the childs pain.

"Kushina my love, save me!" Kushina replied with comical tears in her eyes.

"Forgive my love, for I am no match for mother hen-Kakashi!"Β 

Kakashi rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, wondering what he should cook for her.

Nakano had a small smile on her face and if anyone saw her expression they'd ask her if she was okay. Her smile seemed sad but happy at the same time, one of Kakashis least favorite looks on her.

"You know...You don't have to take care of me, Kashi-Chan." He promptly decided to ignore the nickname and opened his house door.

"I'll always take care of you. Even in death."

"Maa," She teasingly grinned, though it barely reached her eyes. "Who knew the famous Hatake Kakashi was a big softy?"

"Shut up, or i'll show you rough."

'You innocent idiot.' Blood dripped from her nose. 'You're not supposed to say that to a pervert.'

"Oi, what happened? Why are you bleeding?"

"No reason..." She gave him a gentle grin. "No reason at all."


"Aneki! You're picking me up?"

"Of course. I promised, didn't I?"

"Mhm!" He grinned and jumped onto her, wrapping his arms around her neck. A few kids around them gaped at the sight, making her confused.

"Tachi, what's with all the looks?"

"Hm?" He looked at them.

"Oh, them? Ignore it. They're just jealous you're so amazing."

"Awe~" He giggled when she nuzzled his cheek against her own and lifted him up.


"Yes!" He suddenly narrowed his eyes at her and pouted. "Is your boyfriend coming?"

Her head lowered as another sigh escaped her lips, too tired to even deny his words.

"If he sees us, he'll probably punish me for eating Dango."

"Punish you?" He tilted his head cutely and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I thought only Okaa-San and Otou-San could do that?"

"Yeah, well Kakashi's like Okaa-San 2.0 with how much he worries about me..." She placed him down much to his annoyance, but was a little pleased when she held his hand and smiled at him.

He blushed in embarrassment once he realized he'd openly whined about it, but Nakano assured him it was alright so he quickly forgot about it since his Aneki was always right.

Itachi happily skipped with his hand in his sisters, eagerly waiting to arrive to the dango shop.



"Where's Hiroshi-Nii?"

"..." Nakanos eyes narrowed in guilt but she quickly hid it with a smile. One Itachi couldn't see through.

"We wont see him for a very long time, Tachi. Sorry."

"Aw." He suddenly stops and processes her words. Tears prick his eyes, startling the female.

"He's dead?Β "


"Is Hiroshi-Nii dead?" His brows furrowed as he remembered the boy giving him Dango and even teaching him a water style jutsu.

Nakano opened her mouth to deny it but instead shut her mouth.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Tachi."

Itachis bottom lip stuck out as tears ran down his cheeks. He hugged his sister and cried into her shoulder while she stood up and carried him, continuing their walk.

She coldly walked while her brothers sobs finally died down. She only hoped his sharingan hadn't awoken yet.

It didn't.

Not yet.

So they ate Dango in silence until she managed to get the little boy to laugh again. After all, he didn't fully understand death. All he understood was that no more Hiroshi would buy him dango or train him and it would only be him and his Aneki- not like he was complaining.

Nakano now sat alone outside on the deck, having completely forgotten about her sleepover at Kakashi's. She slowly at her stick of dango and looked at the setting sun. Just as she was about to take another bite, her stick was snatched out of her hands and a firm punch landed on her head.


"I said no unhealthy food!"

"Whatever mom!" Kakashi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, grabbing the back of her collar and dragging her away.

"We have a mission tomorrow morning so you need to sleep."


"What's the mission?"

"I'm not sure, but you remember how we're getting promoted tomorrow?"



Well...Here comes another comforting session for her gray haired friend.



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